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4.5 Saving Time & Effort with Private Label Rights

Many people mix up the terms “private label” and “ghostwritten.” What is the difference? Essentially, private label content is less expensive, but it is also not exclusive only to you; however, saving time & effort with private label rights is definitely possible – and, in fact, many people choose to do it over hiring ghostwriters, which can often be a drawn out and expensive process.

So how can you begin saving time & effort with private label rights? You can start by searching out sites that sell private label rights articles for your given niche. Currently, there are dozens of private label content businesses on the Internet, many of which sell bulk content at a fraction of the price.

Saving time & effort with private label rights, however, comes with two qualifications: in order to get the most out of your articles, you must be willing to re-write them or hire someone else to write them for you. While an article from a ghostwriter might cost you around $9 to purchase, you could probably get around 50 articles from a private label rights seller at twice that price, but so will anywhere between 25 and 300 other people (of course, many will not use it properly).

If you simply compile the information into a mini E-Book and then attempt to sell it, you may find that you aren't saving time & effort with private label rights at all; instead, you are creating a headache, as someone else may put out the same exact book in the same exact niche. The same is true if you use them for search engine optimization: if someone else gets spidered first, then your content will be considered duplicate.

Additionally, there is one more qualifier you will want to consider before you begin saving time & effort with private label rights articles: not all membership sites allow you to rebundle private label articles, which means you not be able to use them with your mini E-Book. Instead, you might only be able to use them for personal applications, which will be ineffective unless you rewrite them.

Even with all of these qualifiers, it is still easy to begin saving time & effort with private label rights articles, provided that you use them according to the terms and have them rewritten.