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6.9 Paid Newsletter Advertising

Paid newsletter advertising comes in several different forms: online, offline, solo ad, and classified ad. Let's look at some of the important pros of using paid newsletter advertising and also some of the cons.

Let's start with offline paid newsletter advertising. You could do this through a number of different venues: you could contact companies and organizations that put out a newsletter and offer to pay a certain amount if your advertisement can be inserted in exchange. Or you could pick up some free newsletters from a local paper store rack and look for information about advertising. The key to successful paid newsletter advertising offline is simple: concentrate on demographics, circulation, and alleged responsiveness of buyers.

Next, let's consider online paid newsletter advertising, which is usually more popular among site owners, anyway. To find newsletters that allow you to pay, you will want to start browsing directories on the Internet. You can find these through a simple Google search of “e-zine directories” or “e-zine directory list.” Next, narrow down potential newsletters by niche. For instance, if you're making a mini E-Book about pie, look for those pie e-zines to advertise in; additionally, you will want to look at larger e-zines with larger circulations that cover your general topic. These may actually be better to publish advertisements in, as they will have less directly competing products.
Once you have selected your medium of paid newsletter advertising, you will then want to select an advertisement type. For instance, should you submit a classified at or a solo ad? A classified ad will be smaller and will receive less exposure. A solo ad might take up an entire page in the newsletter – or, in the case of an online newsletter – it might make up the entire issue for that given day.

Depending on the quality of the newsletter you select, the medium you use, and the circulation, demographics, and quality of your solo or classified ad, you can either win big or lose big with paid newsletter advertisement – all of which will depend on your careful research and decisions.