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4.2 Writing Your Own Content Writing your own content is definitely easier said than done. Initially, we all assume that we can simply sit down at a computer, open up Microsoft Word, pound out that 20-page report – and then simply export it into a PDF File.
Right? Wrong... You will probably find that writing your own content becomes incredibly harder as

soon as you sit down at the computer and begin typing. You'll get caught up on every sentence. You'll lose track of where your project is going. You might even get so nervous about what you are writing that you will cease to do it altogether.

Here are some easy tips for writing your own content that will help you get on track:

1. Compile a list of resources. If your project is going to be at least partiallyresearched, spend some time to compile important books, site bookmarks, and letters, so you can easily access them while you are writing.

2. Compile a list of illustrations and anecdotes. Illustrations and anecdotes can often be very useful when explaining a hard to understand concept. So spend some time writing down illustrations you have used in the past that are useful for the concepts you will present.

3. Organize your information in notes and outlines. Outline your book and your chapters within your books. This will give you a good direction – and it will also ensure that you convey everything as intended and with the correct impact.

4. Actually write the mini E-Book. Forget about failure or who told you what about something. Get to work and forget all else. Set hours each day to work and do not break with that schedule.

If you follow the schedule above carefully, you will find that writing your own content isn't as hard as it initially seems. You just have to break it down into simple steps and then take action.