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6.6 Use as a Bonus to Another Product You Are Selling

Among other things, Internet marketers are known for piling giant heaps of crap bonuses onto offers to make it look more desirable. Interestingly, enough, there has been a sort of counter-movement to this, especially since many people feel that being loaded down with questionable bonuses indicates that the real product is seriously lacking.

How can you avoid this problem and still generate a high conversion rate with your sales page? You can do it by using your E-Book as a bonus to another product you are selling, rather than using 17 different E-Books that you downloaded from some site you Googled as you were writing the sales page. Even though these freebies might actually contain some useful information, the perception is that you are using worthless bonuses.
Another problem with giving away billions of worthless bonuses is that you weigh down your potential market with too much information. You might be ready for product launch number two, but all of your customers might still be reading “Secrets to Finding Crap Bonuses to Put on Your Sales Page, Volume 12” that you slapped on there as bonus material.

So avoid piling on the crap, no matter what market you are in. Instead use your mini E-Book as a bonus to another product you are selling, rather than using someone else's product.

Additionally, if you plan to use this strategy, also make sure that you stress the exclusivity of it. People are going to assume it is a crap bonus unless you explicitly state that it is not.

The last thing you need to keep in mind when you use your mini E-Book as a bonus to another product you are selling is that you absolutely must make an attempt to interface the two products. The last thing you want to do is send your buyers in two completely different directions, even if both of the products are useful.