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7.2 How to Make the Most Out of Giving Away Mini E-Books

At this point, you might be wondering how to make the most out of giving away mini E-Books. You now understand that some of the best Internet marketers do this on a monthly basis simply to generate subscribers and sales, but you're not exactly you can do it yourself.

Here are some important tips for how to make the most out of giving away mini E-Books:

Tip #1: Make it easy for partners to participate. If Joe the giant site owner gets 20 joint ventures each week, which is he going to choose? The one that requires 10 hours of participation or the one he can can put to use immediately with no additional work? All things being equal, Joe is going to take the one that doesn't require as much effort. So make it easy for Joe. Give him solo ads, descriptions, graphics, and even a sales page.

Tip #2: Make a huge list of possible participants and contact them in a personal way. Sure, you're sending out your joint venture offer to fifteen dozen people, but that doesn't mean they have to know that. Take the time to get acquainted with their products and services; maybe even sign up for their newsletter – and then contact them in a non-aggressive manner. Don't email them a sales page on your first contact. They receive those every week – and they hit 'delete' immediately. Instead, let them know you have a question – and then state it in a polite, reasonable manner. You may even want to fax it or make a phone call.

Tip #3: Build a backend system into your E-Book. Again, I can't say this enough. When determining how to make the most of giving away your mini E-Book, you absolutely must take lead generation into consideration. Don't simply send out a poorly constructed mini E-Book that contains no real incentives for your readers to become subscribers and then expect to see the subscribers pour in. It simply wont happen. Make sure you link to your site and make your purpose clear.

If you carefully apply all of these three tips, you learn how to make the most out of giving away mini E-Books.