Secrets of Successful Writers by Darrell Pitt - HTML preview

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Welcome to Secrets of Successful Writers!

It’s an exciting time to be a writer.

We now live in an era where writers can both create and publish their own work and make a living out of doing what they love.

Contained within Secrets of Successful Writers are interviews I conducted with fifty authors. They talk about their writing, how they became published authors and how they market themselves in this brave new era of ebooks. These interviews came about as a result of a series of interviews I conducted on my website

Some of the writers contained within are traditional writers, having built their careers by seeking an agent and a publisher before finally seeing their books in print in the bookshops. Others are building successful careers as self-published ebook authors. One of the most famous of these is John Locke, the first self published ebook author to sell a million copies of his novels.

And he did it in only five months.

They are all writers. None of them will tell you it’s an easy path (what worthwhile things in life are easy), but within this book they offer tips and techniques on what has worked for them – and what has not.

I believe this book will save you both time and money. I’m sure it will most certainly give you a clearer indication of how to set your sail and adjust your rudder to achieve your writing goals.

It has been said that there are as many different types of writers as there are writers. That is certainly true of the writers contained within this book. There is Micaela Wendell who was thirteen when she wrote the first draft of her book The Branding. There is Dolores Durando who wrote and published her first book when she turned ninety.

That’s right. Ninety.

You will find authors who write detective stories, westerns, romance, thrillers and children’s books. Some of them are writing genre fiction in areas you would not have thought possible.

There are writers who have written one novel. There is the amazing Robert J Randisi who has written over five hundred of them (amazing, but true).

As a writer myself, I have certainly experienced the pain of trying to build a writing career. I have written stories that I have had repeatedly rejected. I have had crushing, soul destroying critiques that have emotionally flattened me.

Still, I have picked myself up, dusted myself off and continued forward, reminding myself that this is what writers face all the time. It can be a tough business, but all businesses are tough in their own ways.

There is a lot of information contained within Secrets of Successful Writers. I urge you to read it, re-read it and talk to your writer friends about it.

Sometimes a piece of advice you skimmed over will suddenly jump out at you when you look at it again six months later. I am serious about this. Suddenly the importance of a single line will make a synapse fire in your brain and you will shake your head and wonder why you didn’t realise its importance in the first place.

Most of all, it’s important to realise you are not alone in your writing endeavours. Other writers have faced the same difficulties you are facing. Others have walked the same path. If you follow their trail you may find it takes you to your destination.

In the meantime, keep writing.

Darrell Pitt.