The Author's Coupon Book 2016 by Ashton Cartwright - HTML preview

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Welcome to’s Author Coupon Book for 2016!

In recent years, self-published and indie authors have stormed into the publishing industry, creating an almost unheard of number of stories, both in digital formats, as well as paperback.

Most authors write for the love of writing, or the joy of being able to tell their story. Every author wants their writing to be the best that it can be; free of typos or the occasional punctuation error. Sometimes that involves hiring an editor or a proofreader.

Likewise, not every author happens to be a graphic designer as well as a writer, so sourcing a professionally created cover can help to show the quality of the book, even before a reader has opened it.

Once your book is finished, and you want to get it in front of as many potential fans as possible, then you’ll usually need to organize some promotion.

All these things cost money, but that doesn’t mean it has to break the budget.

We’ve compiled a list of the editors, designers, formatters and promotional groups that were happy to offer discounts to our readers. Most of them are authors too, so they understand how daunting it can be starting out.