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(t) What Are The Words That You Should Never Make Use

Of In A Sales Letter?


There can be times, when no matter how many sales proposals you mail, the effect is nil. Do you know precisely why people don’t seem eager to buy your product? Have you ever marveled why your opponents make more sales even though they have an awful product to offer?

You may feel that people are just plain uninterested in buying your product or service. You may also feel that your price is on the higher side. Or worse still, you may feel that you have a useless product or service and decide to quit altogether or maybe change your line of business.

Here you must stop and think for a while. Is it maybe not your product that is responsible? At times its your own sales letter that turns out to be the main culprit. Maybe unwittingly you have used certain words which have had the opposite effect on your prospect.

So, what are precisely those bad or evil words you should in no way utter in your sales letter?

1) Buy.   Never solicit people to take out their purse and pay out their hard earned dollars. Keep in mind, most people get wary the moment they see this word. Whatever business you’re doing, using this word can obliterate your business in no time. Instead of using the word “buy,” modify it to “receive” or “invest.

2) Learn. This term is sure to remind people of the old days, when they had to study and learn in school. Believe me nobody is interested in wracking their brains as they did when they were students. These days, people want quick information and have no time to learn. It is better to use the word “find out” Instead of “learn”.

3) Tell. People will not pay attention to you if they don’t identify you. Examine these two sentences carefully: “Let me just tell you how you can lose weight in one week” and “Let me disclose to you how you can lose weight in one week.” Which statement do you think that will make an impact?

4) Things. Using this word will make your sales letter very dull and boring to read. As a substitute of using the word “things,” consider changing it to “tips,” “tricks” or “techniques.” Trust me, this will guarantee a better and more open frame of mind.

5) Stuff.   This is the word that most marketers use to explain how great the product is. Compare these two sentences: “Call us to receive fabulous stuffs” and “Call us to receive fabulous gifts.” Which one do you think would generate more response?

Every  sales letter has a set of vocabulary that is  destined  to activate the emotional buying spark within you. This language has to be cautiously assessed.

Appraise carefully; in the sales letter selling you some get-rich-quick ventures, you will encounter the use of certain words such as turn-key.” This entails that the business that they are asking you to join is all set to run, and that no or negligible work is necessary on your part to make a profit. But more often than not, this word in the sales letter is used to explain software that you still need to install, learn and work with to appreciate the service or product you are being provided. This is not right.

Be very aware of the word could” and immediately get rich.” You could earn up to $100 to $1000 monthly. Assess what is the normal earning for someone who joins your affiliate program. Do not try to mislead or bluff. Though these words generate immediate response, you must use it only if you mean it. Remember there is absolutely no shortcut to success. So do not try it.

The success of any sales letter depends mostly on the words you use and how you craft them to serve your purpose. Once again, you do not have to be an English scholar to dole out an effective sales letter; you just need to write simple English in a friendly and conversational tone.

(u) Ways To Create Rapport

Here are a few methods for creating rapport:

*  In sales letters, we can frequently include a few statements that are clear yes questions.

For example:

You realize how significant this is for you, dont you?

Dont you deserve the best?

Isn’t this the best time to start it?

Adding a question mark as contrasting to a full stop is still open for discussion, so use what you feel will be finest for your circumstances. Your objective is to make your prospect agree with you and do what you say. Play on their emotions.

*  Another method is analogous to the above-mentioned technique. You can include testimonials from satisfied customers. They are very useful in enhancing the perceived value. But use genuine testimonials. Do not try to bluff.

Mirroring  is another method where you  become like your prospects in appearance, tone, and jargon that they're well known with. For example, you will not talk to a doctor, as you will to an accountant or event manager.

Rapport is very alike to building credibility.   The major dissimilarity between projecting an image of credibility and building a bond is that your prospect may trust you and yet she is not open enough to spend her hard-earned cash on your product or service. The basic fact is people have faith in those who are more like them.