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The basic aim of every business is to enhance stakeholder value. Whether you are keen on generating a huge response from a newspaper or magazine ad, a direct sales letter, or an Internet site, the basic fact you need to realize is "What is it that makes your business tick?"

A chief and extensively used form of marketing communication tool is the sales letter. It can construct your client base and increase your sales.

What is so special about sales letters that are always read? What is it about the sales letters that sell products? What is the secret to sales letters that keep readers reading until the final line? Why do we buy on the basis of some sales letters and not others, even though they offer the same benefits and features?

Sales letters can portray numerous kinds of information. For example:

a) It makes you aware of the product and services that you are offering.

The primary and major reason for using sales letters as a marketing tool is to make the customer conscious of your product or service by providing adequate facts to appeal to the reader.

b) Make an excuse for futures appointment

Sales letter may be used to organize the consumer for contacting in future appointment—for example, visiting him personally or calling him up for appointments.

c) Replying to enquiries.

If at a previous date, the customer asked for additional information about a specific  product or service, a sales letter can  be  sent  to  responto  their queries. This, in itself, can create ground to sell the product and service.

d) General Information

A sales letter can notify the consumer of the latest offers, products, services, sales, and so on. It can be any other information that you feel will interest the reader. The consumer may have specially asked you to inform him about such information and/or you may target consumer groups exclusively.

To help in establishing how you should write your sales letter, it is important to map out your objectives. Once you are clear about your objective, it will be easy for you to adopt the required technique. Here can be a few of them:

a) For selling any Product or Service

If your sole aim is to sell your products or service, you need to convince people. You need to use words that will convince the prospect of your product  or service. Remember, do not be pushy. Talk in a conversational tone.

b) To Notify the Customer

If your sole objective is to provide the consumer with all essential information about your business or product or service? Such sales letters are, as a result, usually escorted with leaflets and other inserts to give such information.

c) To Get a Response

The prospects may contact you for many reasons other than wanting to buy the product or service. It can be for further information, a free sample/trial, a personal visit, etc. Habitually, consumers do not like buying without physically seeing or trying out the product/service. So you must keep an option to demonstrate open. This also helps build credibility. The prospect will feel that you are genuinely interested in them and not just there to sell your products.

Everyone can write a wonderful sales letter. Sure, you may have to study some new skills. Always know, the famous copywriters of today weren’t born knowing how to write great sales letters. All of them started from scratch. They also had their initial trouble and failures. But they persisted. In fact, once you know how to play the game, you will yourself realize that writing an effective sales letter is like child’s play.

This ebook will take you step by step through the process of writing an effectual sales letter. Starting from what your objective is, to the basic elements of a sales letter, to valuable tips on how to enhance your sales letter to increase sales…you will find everything in this ebook.

Happy Reading,

Christian Erwanda

Homerun Copywriter Formula