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(i) What To Do When You Just Cannot Write A Sales



You require to carve out a sales letter, but you just can't find the words. You think and think and think but to no avail. So what do you do now?

It's a really exasperating situation and can happen to us all anytime. But there’s a great way to make your creative juices flow out.

Ask questions

Are you really aware of your product?

Suppose you are selling a treadmill. You really need to know how it feels to use it. When can you use it? What are the limitations and side effects?

Knowing and caring about your product gives you the passion to tell the whole wide world about it. To praise it. To love it. To flaunt it.

So now the first block is overcome. Now that you know the product and fallen in love with it, you can blabber on to describe it.

Next, record the reasons why and how it'll help you, if at all. Will it make my life easier? Will it add value? Will it solve a problem? Also, is it too expensive? Is it too ugly, and so on.

List everything: the good, the bad, and even the ugly.

You need to find out the reason why people will buy from you at all.

What is so unique about your product or service? The best way to do this is to brainstorm.

Shortly, you'll have so many opinions hitting you that you will not be able to keep pace. Just continue the process till you have exhausted all ideas.

Once you are done, all you require to do is take a look at what you have penned down and make a list of all the spectacular ideas you have. List them in order of priority.

Now you have the rough draft for your letter.

Utilize the most significant basis on the list, the main motive why someone should buy your product, and turn this into a marvelous headline.

Permit the ideas on the list to pour into your sales letter using sub-headlines or highlights when you need to stress a point. Soon, your letter will have almost written itself.

In conclusion, when you write your letter, keep in mind to write it to only one individual at a time. Make it special!

(j) The Disparity Between A Sales Letter And An



People often get the conditions ad and sales letter confused. Both are intended to get new targets or sell a product or service. But there are significant differences in how they act.

A sales letter is a more individual form of advertising than any advertisement. Thousands or perhaps millions of readers will witness an ad in a magazine or newspaper. A sales letter is for the intended reader's eyes only. Even though sales letters are often printed in bulk, the reader still considers the mail as more personal than an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine.

Unlike an advertisement, a sales letter is more personal, informal, and warm. This conveys a more informal and natural tone. In this manner, the reader gets a better feel of the writer's character, interest, and seriousness.

(k) Attention Is Critical

For any marketer, attention is a prized product. With consumers bombarded with thousands of advertising letters each day, the challenge is how to make your message stand out of the crowd becomes even more serious.

Any winning sales letter must achieve two things:

1. It must make the prospect read through the whole letter.

2. It must prompt the prospect to carry out the desired action. If the marketer failed to achieve Step 1, Step 2 is impossible.

Many marketers try to make the envelope very attractive. They know that their battle is half won if they can make the prospect open the letter.

For online marketers, there is no prospect of an envelope. Certain webmasters create flash images to attract readers.

Tips to grab attention:

1. Quite a few tests have shown that a RED headline gets noticed over any other font color choice. The color red is often related with danger, but  it also signifies, This is significant. Read me!”

2. Get rid of anything from the page that doesn’t hold up the sales message or distracts from it. This comprises most animated graphics and intense colors for the page backdrop that contends with the foreground text. Nothing strikes just simple black font alongside a white background. If you can restrain the number of colors used to three or maybe less, this will also help in making the document reader friendly.

3. Do not make the text too wide, as it becomes monotonous to read from a single line to the next because too much head and eye movement is required.

4. The headline must be catchy and interesting and should jump out at you.

5. The format and design of the sales letter should be appealing to read. Suitable highlighting, bolding, bulleting and subheads all make the letter simple to read.

6. Make the letter very inviting and appealing.

7. The letter should prompt the user to keep reading. You need to go on nudging the prospect to read further.

8. Be EXCLUSIVE. If all of the sales letters in your sector look and read identical, then why should a prospect read yours? You can use mascots, humor, cartoons, and so on.

9. Focus your message on the reader, not on your organization or product. This is a chief collapse of big businesses who think that everyone should just be familiar with how great their corporations are. But your prospect is essentially inspired by selfish desires. He needs to know what is in it for him.

(l) A Rapid Lesson In Writing Sales Letters In A Lucid



What kind of sales letter gets read? What kind of sales letter enhances selling?

What kind of sales letter keeps the reader’s interest intact till the last word?

I would say that it has to do with the “conversational tone” of the sales letter. You feel that you are at home with a good friend who is giving you some advice over a refreshing drink and snacks. You are relaxed and comfortable.

So how do you generate a conversational tone?

1) Use succinct sentences. When you talk to a friend, you talk in phrases. You do not use long, winding, and difficult jargon-filled sentences.

2) Use descriptive word pictures. Use words that