The Fine Print of Self-Publishing by Mark Levine - HTML preview

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Appendix I: Book Marketing Checklist

Before You Spend a Dime on Marketing

  • Define Your Marketing Goals
  • Figure Out Your Audience
  • Develop Your Elevator Pitch
  • Draft a Marketing Plan

Pre-Publication Book Marketing

  • Build Your Platform
  • Develop a Search Engine Optimized Website or Blog
  • Build Your Email List
  • Hire a Publicist
  • Order Galley Copies (Physical or Digital)

Post-Publication Book Marketing: Traditional

  • Distribute a Press Release
  • Schedule Book Signings
  • Schedule Radio Interviews
  • Ask for Reviews

Post-Publication Book Marketing: Online

  • Go on a Blog Tour
  • Engage in Social Media Marketing
  • Produce a Book Trailer
  • Create Online Advertising