The Five-Minute Freelance by Rob Palmer - HTML preview

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Job Sleuth

To be successful as a freelance, you need to seek new opportunities constantly. Ideally, you should put some time aside every day to scour the Internet for freelance projects. But of course, this can be very time consuming. If you’re already busy on a major project, it’s easy to postpone job hunting. It’s only when the work suddenly dries up that you wish you had worked harder at marketing.

Fortunately, however, there is an easy solution to this problem. Get Job Sleuth to do all the hard work for you. This automated system is like a search robot for work opportunities. Just tell it what you are looking for, and Job Sleuth goes out hunting for suitable positions across the world wide web.

00013.jpgThe results are compiled into daily lists, sent to you by email. So you can get on with earning money, while Job Sleuth takes over your job seeking requirements.

To register free of charge, just click ‘Sign up now!’ on the Job Sleuth home page. In Step 2, you may choose to leave Location, General Industry and Job Type set to ‘All..’ in order to get the widest range of telecommuting positions.

In the keyword box, type in a phrase that describes the kind of job you are seeking, such as ‘freelance designer’. Then just complete the usual details and click ‘Register.’