The Ultimate Writer's Guide - Write Your Own E-Book In Less Than A Week! by Hakimi Abdul Jabar - HTML preview

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Day 1


Okay, up and at ‘em! Time to get started. Make sure you have 4 hours today to work on this chapter and nothing else. It’s important to focus on this one task till the end of this chapter. Go ahead and answer your emails and do your daily routinesthen come back here and be ready to get going.

Alright, you're back! You've got 2 lists lying there someplace … the first was your list of ideas you had been consciously kicking around in your head the second was the list of words, phrases, paragraphs that came out of your timed writing exercise go get them and let's take a look at what we have.

When you look at your first list, and then compare it to your second list, do you see any words or phrases in common? You probably won't right off! But, look at each idea on your first list and THEN, try to apply the words from your second list to that particular idea. You’ll be surprised at what pops out at you!

Somewhere in there, you'll run up on an idea that has a lot of interchange between the 2 lists…that’s the one your subconscious was working on hardest!

Pluck that idea out of your first list, take all of the applicable words/phrases out of your second list and set them aside. That's probably a keeper!

You'll find that you probably know a lot about this subject already. It may be one of your hobbies or interests or something you’ve read or heard a lot about. The fact that your subconscious has called it up says that you need to take a greater interest in it and DO something with it!

So, you've spent 30 minutes and come up with an idea that means something to you, personally. Whether you know it or not, you belong to a niche. That niche covers the subject of your idea. That's pretty straightforward. But, now we need to find out if there's any money to be made in that niche.

You need to come up with one phrase…2-4 words…that sums up your idea. It may be something like, indoor water gardens , for example. You have to make it as clear and concise as you can. A good trick is to think of what you’d type in to the Google search bar if YOU were looking for information on the subject. That's your keyword phrase for the next part of today’s task.

Before you spend a bunch of time writing, you need to see if anyone is even interested in your subject. The whole idea here is to make yourself some money…not just write a book!

So, your next step today is to become a private investigatora P.I. …just like Magnum or Sam Spade! You’re going to be doing some researching online…sorry, no guns or car chases today!…in the niche which covers your subject.

I have just written, what I consider, THE resource book on ways to investigate a niche in order to determine if it may be profitable or not, by ascertaining that one of the ways to make your first online sale is by leveraging the power of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Youtube, blogging etc.. These social media powerhouses have separate mechanisms for you to launch your brand/books. I publish my ebook on the Amazon Kindle Direct

Publishing platform and Amazon deals with the promotions. I have pulled out all of the stops and given my readers very specific, very useful sites where you can do your research easily and quickly. The book retails for less than $20 and is worth, at least, 20 times that in the time and effort it will save you! You really NEED to grab a copy right now since, for my readers, he’s added 2 great bonuses that build nicely upon his book to thoroughly educate you in niche research. Click Here To Check It Out.

This is the link to that ebook of mine : Click Here To Check It Out.

That’s something we need to talk about right now. You ARE going to need to spend some money! Not much…but some! There are specific tools and resources you HAVE to have in order to have an ongoing e-book business. And, that's the whole idea here, isn't it? Having many e-books out there all selling 3-4 copies a day? THAT’S a TRUE business you can count on since all of your eggs aren't in one basket. The tools and resources I'll be recommending are the ones I use myself everyday. They save me time, effort and a TON of money! I've been able to arrange special pricing for my readers on most of them.

I’ll always try to offer you free alternatives whenever I can, but sometimes, that just isn’t possible, and others, the freebies just aren’t worth a darn. I just want to be straight with you here. My goal is for YOU to have a growing and profitable online business, NOT to sell you stuff. I make my money from e-books and I want you to be able to say the same thing one day soon! Here are some great, free places to get started on your keyword phrase research. The easiest to use is WordTracker. It has a web-based free trial that use can use over and over. The free trial doesn't offer you the full statistics that the paid version does, but it’ll allow you to get started with your research.

Go to and click on TRIAL on the top Navigation Bar. You'll need to give them a name and email address. Don’t worry, they don’t