A Rainbow Tangled Up by Marina Kavallieraki - HTML preview

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  • Come and see how the rainbow is created


First of all we need sun and rain at the same time!  Imagine a cloudy sky. Suddenly it starts raining. After a  while the clouds start diluting and Mr. Sun appears slowly.  His rays pass through the raindrops and then the physical  phenomenon of refraction happens. The white sun light  refracts into different colors and creates the rainbow. It  hides many colors but only seven of them prevail which are  known as “the seven colors of Iris”!




  • The rainbow in the Greek Mythology


According to our tradition, Iris is one of the smallest goddesses of Mount Olympus and the messenger of the Olympian Gods.




She is like our mailmen but with some differences. Instead  of a bag she has a herald’s staff (kerykeion), and instead of  shoes she has gold feathered sandals. This footwear is the  reason why she is called “swift-footed”. Iris is also dressed  in a short tunic (chiton). To  deliver the messages, she  uses the bright and colorful  road of the rainbow, which  connects the sky with the  earth. Iris also helps the  Olympian Gods to solve  their disagreements. Iris is  responsible  for  the  administration of justice,  every time a fight and  disagreement takes place.


  • Where else do we use the word “Iris”?


Today the name Iris can be used with different meanings. “Iris” is called the colored part of our eyes.




There is also a beautiful scented flower which is called “Iris” and it flourishes in winter.




  • The leprechaun and the pot with the gold coins, a myth from Ireland


According to this myth, there is a pot full of gold at the end of every rainbow which is guarded by a Leprechaun.


But the leprechaun is very devious and when he finds out that the treasure is in danger by a human, he tries to confuse him so that he can never find it!




  • I learn how to make color combinations




  • A rainbow for the door!






- White paper plates

- Markers or crayons

- Craft glue

- Some Cotton

- A ribbon or a string

- A hole punch



- We cut carefully a paper plate in half.

- We remove the inside part and keep only the hoop.

- We paint the hoop.

- We attach cotton balls at the bottom to look as if the rainbow reaches the clouds.

- We punch a hole in the center and attach the ribbon or the string in order to hang it.

 Congratulations! The rainbow is ready!


  • Rain… Collage


with waste material from different types of paper






- Paper cuttings - type of paper: Canson (we could have kept them as supplies from previous handicrafts)

- A pair of scissors

- Craft glue

- A plain cardboard as a background for the collage or even a white paper (size A4)


We cut the different types of paper into many paper bits and then we create our rainbow!


  • Urania creates music!





- One empty plastic bottle of 500 ml (0, 5 l)

- Beads, seashells, and paper supplies

- Some rice

- Ribbons of different colors

- A pair of scissors


- We empty the bottle, wash it and dry it well.

- We fill the bottle with beads, seashells, rice and paper supplies that have been left from previous handicrafts. When we were making the handicraft that you can see in the picture, we added some glitter and some pom-poms.

- We close the bottle tightly. Then, we cut our ribbons into big pieces and tie them around the mouth of the bottle. You can tie all of them at once and then with each other in order to make the tie stronger.


 You are ready to dance the … Rainbow dance!

  • Paint your own rainbow




  • Urania suggests that you could sing the song with her…


 «Rainbow”, Children choir Sp. Lambrou

Every time the rain comes

On my window’s glass,

I think that in a while the rainbow will show up

And the whole creation will cheer up.


When something bad happens in our life

A strong heavy sea like

Or an unhappy time

The rainbow will then arise

And it will be a new sunrise

So have hope in your life

After the storm something will appear

The rainbow shall send away the fear

So have hope in your life


I beg every time for more

The rainbow to stay more, one second more

To enjoy such beauty

And such sweet colorful unity


When something bad happens in our life

A strong heavy sea like

Or an unhappy time

The rainbow will then arise

And it will be a new sunrise

So have hope in your life

After the storm something will appear

The rainbow shall send away the fear

So have hope in your life






Useful links


By using the Scoop.it platform I created a blog where useful links for both teachers and parents are posted every day.


The “Creative Library” includes useful English, Greek and French links



  • New technologies and their application in education
  • Educational sites
  • School blogs mainly those of primary education with a great variety of ideas for handicrafts and activities
  • Recommended fairytales and children’s books
  • Events and activities for children
  • Information about children’s protection and school bullying


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