Amazing Stories for James and Sam by Matthew Bennion - HTML preview

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Glossary of words that James and Sam did not know


Taken from “Chambers Children's Colour Dictionary”, which we found at James and Sam's grandma's house.  Their mum used this dictionary when she was little.


Apprentice:              one who is learning a trade (a craft or job).

Career:                      move or run rapidly and wildly.

Cobbled:                   repaired, patched roughly or hurriedly.

Contentment:         happiness, satisfaction.

Curator:                    a person who is in charge of a museum.

Destined:                  bound (for a place); intended (as if by fate).  Fate: what the                                          future holds.

Dismay:                    surprise and upset.

Fertilizer:                  a substance (e.g. manure, chemicals) for making fields more                          fruitful, producing much.

Hypermarket:          a very large supermarket.

Mannequin:                         a life-size dummy of the human body, used in the making or                          displaying of clothes (the meaning in the printed dictionary was                               out-of-date, so I had to look on-line for this one).

Melody:                    a tune, sweet music.

Mournful:                 sad.

Reassuringly:          taking away a person's doubts or fears.

Rockery:                   a collection of stones amongst which small plants are grown.

Rogue:                      a dishonest person; a mischievous person, a rascal.

Ruffian:                     a rough, brutal person.

Sapling:                    a young tree.

Scuffling:                 a confused fight

Shimmering:           shining with a quivering or unsteady light.

Snarl:                                     to growl, showing the teeth.

Springboard:           a springy board from which swimmers may dive.

Tender:                      soft, not hard or tough.

Turbulence:             in the atmosphere, movement of air currents, especially when                                   affecting the flight of aircraft.


Other people worked hard to make those dictionaries, so I need to mention them here to say thank you:

“Chambers Children's Colour Dictionary”, © W & R Chambers Ltd, 1981.

“Chambers 21st Century Dictionary” (on-line), © Chambers Publishers Ltd 2010.





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