An Audience for Einstein by Mark Wakely - HTML preview

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An Audience for Einstein Editorial Reviews

Strange cutting-edge experiments involving the transferring of memories, as well as a touching story of human relationships, make An Audience for Einstein a lasting science fiction novel that explores the limits of humanity.

The Huffington Post

This is a slick little science fiction story with good old hard science (astrophysics and neurology) compared to soft science (human development and family relations). I can appreciate stories based on either hard or soft science. Most others, I'm afraid, prefer hard science and the harder the better. This story should please both.

—Dan Shade, Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show

This is a wonderful short novel that shows what good science fiction can be. The author takes pseudoscience with a ring of authenticity and mixes the plot with some believable characters that the reader can identify with. This is a very good example of near-future sf.

—R-Laurraine Tutihasi, Simegen Reviews

The story is well crafted and fast paced. Wakely's characters are rich with human desires, fears, problems, foibles, and reality, and he teases and tempts them and the reader with possibilities, then taunts with doubts and questions. I was tugged into the in-depth self-examination and insight, and moral and ethical issues that haunt scientific endeavors—or should—while Wakely's story crafting skills kept me engrossed in the tale. Well written, well told, and well worth the read. An Audience for Einstein is a bookshelf keeper.

—Charlene Austin, author of Dream Pictures

A strongly recommended read for all fans of science fiction, as well as the general non-interest reader who enjoys a brilliant piece of fiction, An Audience for Einstein would make a popular addition to any community library's science fiction collection.

Midwest Book Review

An Audience for Einstein is an enjoyable and thought provoking read, which never veers into the realms of "too heavy" yet still has something to say.

—Theresa Derwin,

Do not begin this book believing that you can guess the outcome. This is a very good sci-fi that will leave you in deep thoughts long after you finish reading.

—Detra Fitch, Huntress Reviews

An Audience for Einstein is an intelligent, moving novel. Philosophical, yet cleverly written and thought provoking. As a first book, it jumps from the pages, forcing you to ponder the consequences of our actions. That’s what good literature is supposed to do. What’s next? Movie? Bravo Mr. Wakely.

—Tim Lasiuta, Penguin Comics

Mark Wakely’s An Audience for Einstein is a well-written, at times riveting story of the search for the afterlife. ...Wakely is clearly an excellent and concise writer... All in all, An Audience for Einstein is an interesting and good read that would make for great bedtime reading material for those who have an interest in science.

—Ellen Feig, Skuawk Literature Reviews

Although it is promoted as a sci-fi book, this was definitely so much more than I anticipated. Full of emotions and twists, you will not want this book to end.

In this science fiction thriller and winner of a national writing contest, Wakely presents rich character analysis in a theory of our not-so-distant future.

—Will Petty, West Suburban Living Magazine

The relationship that develops between Marlowe and Miguel is surprising and fascinating…it’s wonderful to find secondary characters so full and rich and well-developed. Science is a major component in this original novel which is ultimately about people, choices and identifying right and wrong. A lot of An Audience for Einstein recalls the older, classic stories of science-fiction.

Aurora Reviews of Books

A great read. I recommend it to people who like speculative fiction not set in far-flung galaxies.

—Glenda Woodrum, author of Lady’s Daughter

This novel is well-designed, fast paced, and does a great job keeping readers interested but not overwhelmed by the movement throughout the story line. Even more, the plot is layered with twists and riddles that will keep the readers guessing all the way through the end. Wakely does a good job using the characters and situations to study the human condition. As they work their way through the story, readers must face their own self-examinations and internal doubts, staring down the darker parts of human nature. It also provides a great fictional exploration of the moral dilemmas of science and knowledge...One of An Audience for Einstein's strong points is the well-developed and dynamic characters. It is easy to get attached to the professor and the young boy, dragging readers' emotions along with theirs. While this may be a book geared more towards boys with its predominate male characters, it is one that both genders should give a chance.

Rooted in a strong morality tale, Mark Wakely's An Audience for Einstein represents a great introduction into science fiction, especially for teens...a solid choice for any middle school classroom library.

—Brian Kelley, Walk the Walk blog

An Audience for Einstein delivers on all counts...Well written and well told, An Audience for Einstein is an important book you'll think about long after you've read it.

—Fran Rubin,

Thought provoking and entertaining.

—Diana Tixier Herald,

Mark Wakely's first novel tackles some big issues, forcing the reader to weigh the value of the life of a genius of science against that of an illiterate street urchin. Is the potential value of continuing a life already proven invaluable to mankind worth the sacrifice of one homeless boy who doesn't even know his own age? Or is the unique spirit Miguel brings to humanity more important than all of the equations and theories a second life for Professor Marlowe could offer?

—Michele R. Dillard,

Science is a major component in this original novel which is ultimately about people, choices and identifying right and wrong. Very satisfying and engaging.