Animal Stories by June Stepansky - HTML preview

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Ron and Jeff were two small boys

who loved to ride and play.


We’ll ride to Calabasas Creek,

and then we’ll ride some more.

We’ll go into the general store,

and maybe go and see

the place they used to hang the crooks,

the scary hanging tree.




They took their bikes

and rode into old Calabasas town.

They saw the store, the hanging tree

and then they sat right down

upon some logs, because you see,

they felt quite tuckered out.

They ate the tasty lunch they brought,

then Jeff began to shout,

Oh, look ,Ron, look, see what I've found.”

and from beneath the logs

some greenish creatures jumped right out,

 “I think I’ve found some frogs.”

The frogs hopped by.

They followed them to Calabasas creek,

The frogs jumped in the water

They were playing hide and seek.




Then Ron smiled at his brother,

“I know just what we’ll do.


We’ll take some tadpoles home with us,

and then before we’re through,

we’ll have some frogs all of our own

much more than just a few.”

They filled the cup they had from lunch

with water to the brim.

They scooped up tadpoles from the creek,

and then they dropped them in.

They took them home,

and placed them in their yard upon a table.

They watched them grow,

and cared for them as much as they were able.




But one day something happened.

The tadpoles all were gone.

The cup had dropped, and everything

spilled out upon the lawn.

The boys felt sad, but feeling bad

would not bring back their friends.

The real surprise in all of this

is how this story ends.

It happened that next summer,

about the month of June.


The boys were sitting in their yard

just looking at the moon

They heard a sound just like “burump”

and then a hundred more,






It seems the tadpoles grew up

and were hiding under logs

It took about three months or so

to turn them into frogs.




Now in their yard on moonlit nights

the boys sit waiting there

to watch and listen to the sounds

that drift upon the air.


They hear the crick, burump, crick, crick

of crickets and of frogs,

and think of their adventures

with the frogs under the logs.

