Ariel's Grove by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 63

That springtime brought a special feeling for me. I took long walks on the beach, letting the wind blow my hair and the sun warm my face. I was almost finished with the 10th grade, one more way that the bad years in my life were behind me. I had been voted a permanent member of Search and Rescue again. But most special to me was Issa. I loved him. I was sure now. He wasn’t my first love, but that didn’t matter anymore. I had been in high school now long enough to know that very, very few people got their first loves.

Rachel was walking with me one day.

“What do you think of imitative magic, like Voodoo?” she asked me.

“What is its goal?” I asked.

“Sometimes to heal, sometimes to harm.”

“What domain does it operate in?”

“Um . . . natural. No — psychological.”

“That’s right. There’s no natural mechanism. Those qualities make it . . .”

“In my opinion?”

“In your opinion.”

“Gray, at best. But even at its best, it seems like a trick, and I don’t like tricks.”




I first got wind that something was up when I wandered out to the Grove one day to get a book out of my tent. As I crawled through the Guardian Hedge, I thought sure I heard voices, but when I got to the Grove, no one was

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there. I smiled to myself. Someone had been there. The fire pit had been cleaned out, more wood stacked under the tarp, and the cedar needles swept off all the tents. I realized that only Sprites could disappear that quickly and soundlessly. I felt a little annoyed, but decided that if they wanted to clean up the Grove without me, it must be for a good reason.

Several times during April I caught hints that secret meetings were taking place. I didn’t say anything. It all felt good, like a surprise birthday party or something. Anyway, between school and planting my garden, I had plenty to keep me busy.


Beltane was fair and green. I didn’t have to prepare a lesson, so I just gathered my late-season seeds, my cloak and Athame, our Grimoires, and a couple of other books. As I walked to Penny’s house, I remembered long ago gathering rocks for the Magic Circle, carrying them one by one to the Grove.

The memory made me smile.

From all directions, Sprites gathered at the park. Once in the trees, we slipped into our cloaks and Michael struck up a tune. Their smiles spoke of more than the fair weather. There were secrets afoot, I was sure. Michael played and we followed, prancing through the woods but hardly disturbing a leaf. Around to the eastern fenceline he led us, then west to the High Hill.

Finally, as the sun sank low, we made our way through the Guardian Hedge and up to the Grove.

I couldn’t help but grin. It was immaculate, with all the needles raked smooth, and wood already laid for a fire. The tarps were stretched tight, and a crumbling sitting log had been replaced with a new one. We gathered silently around the fire pit and waited for sunset.

I looked at each of my friends. They all looked ready to burst with secrets.

Sandy smiled at me, but quickly looked away. The sunlight faded into the blue of evening, and Dulcy kindled the new fire as Rachel assisted her.

Penny and Michael brought out many candles and holders, and soon the Grove was ablaze with lights. I was sure that many of the candle holders were new. We each lit our own candle at the fire and stood around the Circle.

“Sacred Grove of white magic, we are grateful to be able to gather under your protecting boughs on Beltane to celebrate the spring and all growing

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things,” I said in dedication.

Rachel stepped into the Circle, saying, “I am Rachel, and I am not yet worthy of a medallion.”

Sandy stepped in, saying, “I am Cassandra, and . . . and I wear the medallion of Understanding.”

“I am Dulcy, and I wear the medallion of Wisdom.”

This was completely new to me. But I liked it. They were my friends, and they were proud to be Wood Sprites. Issa and Michael entered the Circle, Endurance and Love.

“I am Penelope, and I wear the medallion of Beauty.”

I was the only one outside the Circle now. I realized they had entered in reverse order from when they joined the Grove. There were six candles burning on the altar, and the only holder left was in the middle. I stepped in.

“I am Ariel, and I am the priestess,” I said, kneeling at the altar and putting my candle in its place. I noticed that there were already coals in the thurible beside the altar. I looked at Dulcy and she handed me a small bag of herbs. I knew what I wanted them to be, and pouring them into my hand, I smiled. Frankincense, sandalwood, and rosemary. I opened the thurible and sprinkled them in, saying, “Spirits, please protect us from all evils . . . from any source . . . including our own stupid mistakes.”

Several Sprites chuckled.

I took my place in the Circle and Michael gave the lesson. It was about evolution and renewal. He talked about the seasons and how new plants grew on the humus left by those dead and gone. He talked about the growth of civilization, and how all our inventors and geniuses stand on the shoulders of those who came before. I pondered the many, many people who had spoken to me in books, and how I couldn’t have possibly started the Grove without their help. I thought of everything my parents had given me, and I remembered Howard Burns, the man who knew about our cloaks.

“Let’s all pray silently now,” Michael said.

God, I am so thankful for having eyes to see all the beautiful things in your universe, and to be the priestess of your Grove of Wood Sprites, but I’m still not sure I deserve to know your magical secrets.

Just then something tickled my hand. I didn’t open my eyes. I knew what

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it was. Tears were close. Thank you for your signs, God. Thank you for all my wonderful friends. The tickling stopped and I knew the butterfly had left.

“God and Spirits, please hear our prayers,” Michael said.

Penny went to the altar and lit a green candle. Into the thurible she sprinkled poppy seeds and nutmeg, and the aroma was wonderful. “Spirits who guard fields and woods and gardens, please be with us, and know that we Sprites will do everything we can to help living things grow.” She collected seed packets from several of us. “Please watch over these seeds, and the gardens they will grow in, and all other gardens. And please help everyone who eats your fruit to feel your magic and know your wisdom.”

Michael started to play, and Penny hopped up and began a dance. We joined her, one by one, and she led us all around the Grove, dancing and clapping. Finally, she ran toward the fire, and in an ancient Beltane custom I had read about but never done, leapt over the flames. Each of us followed, whooping as we flew through the air.

Laughing and hugging each other, we returned to the Circle. Penny finished the ceremony by blessing little brass charms Issa had made, each one a different flower on a green cord. She gave one to each of us. They were not to keep, she explained, but to give to people we knew who worked with plants or animals.

I looked at my little charm. It looked like . . . an iris or a foxglove.

“I have been asked to do a special ceremony today,” Rachel said, bringing me out of my thoughts. She was kneeling by the altar, and on it was something flat, covered by a purple cloth. “I entered the Circle with no medallion because I am new. But there is someone here who doesn’t have a medallion, and yet deserves it more than any of us. Ariel, please join me at the altar.”

I was embarrassed. I was thinking that maybe the priestess shouldn’t wear one or something. I went up and knelt in front of Rachel, and even though I was taller than her, I felt small and weak. I think I was looking at the ground.

“You probably deserve it more than me,” I said.

“I’ll earn mine, just like you did,” she said.

I looked up. Her black hair shined in the candlelight. She was strong. I felt so honored to be her Teacher.

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“Ariel, you started the Grove. You were its leader and now you are its Priestess.” She reached into her cloak and pulled out a medallion. It was much brighter than those made of brass. I could only think of one metal that shined like that. “Even though I have no medallion, I have been chosen to present the greatest medallion.”

Gold? I could hardly believe it because the medallions weighed at least an ounce, maybe two. I looked at Issa.

He slowly nodded, pride written all over his face.

It was so beautiful, but my mind was reeling trying to imagine how much it cost.

“I can’t get my tongue around the little Hebrew word on it, but it means Majesty,” Rachel said, “and even though we’re going to swap around the other medallions every year, this one is just for our very wonderful Priestess.” She slipped it over my head. I couldn’t keep tears from rolling down my cheeks.

Rachel smiled at me.

“Issa paid for most of it, but we all pitched in,” Penny said.

Rachel leaned forward and whisper in my ear. “All but one.”

I wiped at my tears and thanked each of my friends. Somehow, it didn’t seem like I had thanked the right number of people.

“There’s more,” Rachel said. “It’s time to celebrate an ancient link, so we don’t forget who came before us.”

Penny, Michael, Issa, and Dulcy stood up and began to walk around the Circle, chanting something in a language I couldn’t understand or even recognize. It sounded kind of like Old English, but Germanic too. They had their hoods on. I noticed Rachel pick up the covered thing from the altar and stand in the center of the Circle. I continued to kneel by the altar, not knowing what else to do.

The chanting got faster, and it seemed like the candles burned brighter. I felt strange, like this was all familiar somehow. I felt happy but vulnerable, as if my life was in the hands of these friends, and I was a willing sacrifice.

Rachel let the purple cloth fall from the thing she held. It was a circlet of herbs and flowers. She held it up high with both hands, and as she did so, her cloak slid completely off. Her naked young body stood tall as the chanting continued, and she spoke three words loudly and clearly.

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“Ariel . . . Drycraeft . . . Holtpreost!”

Then she lowered the circlet onto my head.

Just as the circlet touched my head, I felt a rush of warmth all through my body that I had never felt before, and couldn’t explain. I stood up and reached forward. Rachel’s hands met mine and we looked into each other’s eyes.

“Someday I shall place such a crown on your head,” I said.

“We have been betrayed,” she said.

“Yes. Let us share the wine and cakes while we can,” I said.

Rachel slipped her cloak back on and everyone sat down. I knew danger was approaching. I filled the chalice and Michael brought out a little cake.

“Spirits, please bless this cup and this cake. Help me to always remain worthy of the great gifts I have been given today. And help me to know the right time to pass them on to others who are worthy.” I could hear noise, down at the Guardian Hedge, cutting and breaking. “As we drink and eat, let us remember that our feet are swift and silent, and our eyes are keen.” I handed the cup to Dulcy and the cake to Issa. I could hear more cutting and some talking.

As the Sprites passed the chalice and cake, I spoke softly. “In a moment, we will all be tested. You are Wood Sprites. I am your Priestess.” The cup continued around. “When I sip the wine, you shall fly. Do not be seen by anyone. Do not come back here. Gather at Dulsy’s apartment tomorrow afternoon.”

The cake was handed to me. I ate a bite and set the rest on the altar. I could hear gruff voices.

“We’re almost through. Damn it, cut those thorns. There! There’s the hill!”

I was handed the chalice. “Take nothing that will slow you.” The Sprites were all silent, alert as cats. They had all heard the sounds. Belts were tightened and hoods came up.

“Run up there. Catch the witches!” a voice said.

I put the chalice to my lips. In a moment, the others were all gone.

I knelt at the little wooden altar, lowered my head, and prayed harder than I had ever prayed before.


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