Beyond The Hero's Chamber by Ian Newton - HTML preview

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This is NOT a stand-alone story. Beyond The Hero’s Chamber is the continuation of The Hero’s Chamber. If you didn’t read The Hero’s Chamber, just go online and do a quick search. It’s free and it’s a wonderful story that thousands of people have enjoyed for years. You’ll find the eBook available in every downloadable format on

If you’ve already read the The Hero’s Chamber, welcome back! You’re in for a real treat. However, before you read Beyond The Hero’s Chamber, I have a couple of suggestions you may want to consider.

First, if it’s been a while since you read The Hero’s Chamber please consider going back and reading Chapter 18, Promises Fulfilled and Chapter 22, Wisdom.  These chapters should quickly bring you back up to speed.

For those of you looking for a more extensive refresher, please read the synopsis on the following pages. This should help jog your memory and allow you to fully enjoy Beyond The Hero’s Chamber.