Elias in the Village of Uncle Euro by Anna Kondis - HTML preview

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Little Elias lives in a very beautiful house  near the sea. Every morning he bikes to  school and when he comes back, he spends  his entire evening playing with his toys. He  is the only kid in school who has two entire  rooms full of toys.




However, they are not enough for him. He  constantly asks his parents anything new  he sees at the malls or on TV.


A Sunday evening, after finishing his  homework, he started calling his mother:  -Muuuuuuuuuuuuum, I saw an amazing  game on TV and I want you and dad to buy  it for me! I will dig and discover dinosaur  skeletons! I will be a paleontologist! When  are we going to get it?


Little Elias’ mother hesitated and said:  -We will see, darling, when we find the time  with dad, we will go and see it.


-But I want it now. I was a very  conscientious student and my grades were  excellent. Why don’t you buy it for me?


Don’t I deserve it?


-You deserve it, my love, but you already  have so many toys left in your room that  other kids would be jealous of.


-Yeah, yeah… right… you and dad don’t love me. You prefer to keep money for


-My dear Elias, money doesn’t grow on the trees to find them continuously and to be able to buy anything you want.




The little boy imagined a tree full of paper  money and it really seemed odd.  So his mother tried to explain to him that  people earn their money with their work.  This is how it is: he goes to school, they go  to work. But unfortunately, at this time,  their family faces some financial  difficulties and they can’t fulfill all his  desires anymore. Elias was sad; he laid in  bed and tried to sleep. He quickly fell into a  deep dream that was about to change the  behavior he had so far.




-Meow… meow…


Little Elias was in a green field. He looked around but there was nobody.


-Meow… meow… sounded again.


An orange cat was hiding in a paper box under a tree.


-I am trapped in this box. Help me… I am hungry… purr. . I need some fish.


-But where can I find fish in this field? asked Elias.


-All the fish are hidden in the box but in order for them to come to my little mouth you have to put some coins into this little hole.


-But I don’t have any money with me, said Elias disappointed.


-Do not worry… there are so many ways to find money. But are you ready to get tired in order to help me full my grumbling little belly?


-What do you mean by getting tired?


-If you want to make money, you and all people, have to struggle…


to work, to get tired and then you will get rewarded with the coins or paper money of euro as you know them.


-Really? asked Little Elias puzzled.


-Well … let’s think… do you know how to take care of trees or flowers?


-Yeeeees! said Elias enthusiastically. My grandpa takes me with him at his garden in the summer and shows me how to take care of vegetables, trees and some flowers that may have decayed.


-Well… The head of this field is uncle €uro.


We call him like that because he is old and he is the only one who has euros in his house. If you take care of these tired plants by cutting off the dry leaves and if you water the flowers, he will definitely reward you with coins. This way I will fill my little belly for today.


-It sounds easy!


Little Elias happily, started taking care of the field as well as possible.




A lot of hours of work and fatigue later, he  found the house of uncle €uro. He  explained to him what he had done and he  got his first euros. He ran and put the  coins into the little box and the little cat  finally smiled!




-Thank you so much… Finally my little  stomach is full. But I worry about  tomorrow. How am I going to eat fish again?


-Mmmm… let me think, said Elias, who - for  the first time in his life - was acting in a  mature and rational way. You know little  cat, there is something else my mum  taught me and I can do very well…


-Tell me, tell me, said the little orange cat in anticipation.


-In the past, close to our house, there was  a small grocery store. You could find the  sweetest blackberries there. So, mum  showed me how to make the most delicious  tart with those. Unfortunately the little  store has closed and we haven’t made that  desert for years. But while I was taking  care of the field I think I saw some  blackberries. What if I pick them and make  a giant tart and share it?


-Great idea Elias! I am curious to see how you are going to make it.


Elias, for the first time in his life, was  feeling capable and that, no matter his  tiredness, was worth it as long as he was  taking care of someone in need. In two  hours the tart had disappeared and Elias  had collected enough euros to feed the cat  for a long time.




-My dear little cat I can’t help you  anymore… I am very tired… I will lay down  under that tree, said the exhausted kid.


-As you wish Elias… take a rest and when  you wake up we will see what else you can  do to help me have my fish.


The dream of little Elias suddenly stopped.  The sun was already up.


He put on his school uniform and he got  down to the kitchen to have breakfast.


-Good morning mommy! I have to tell you something that I have been thinking.


-What is it honey?


-Do you remember that game with the  dinosaurs that I was telling you about? 


-Elias we have talked about this… When we have the time we will go with your dad to see it.


-This is what I wanted to tell you. You and dad don’t need to buy it for me. What I

want is that we go together and buy a money box.


-A money box? How did you come up with this idea darling?


-Well… Last night I had a dream and I  realized something very important; money  doesn’t come easy and in order to get what  you need, you have to give effort and time.  So, I want a money box to put my pocket  money there. When it is full I will buy the  game that I want so much and with the  rest of the money I will either keep it for  the future or I will offer it to a fund that  needs it. I will stop asking you for things  that do not make me truly happy but they  fill up my room.


-My dear Elias… You make us proud. First thing tomorrow we will go to get you the money box you want. In fact I have seen one that you would like because it is divided into three parts;