Emma Brown's Big Move to a Little Town by Nicole La Capria, Jenna Farmer, Ana Ferrer - HTML preview

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Emma’s family Roadtrip

As Ben and Donny drove off in their white moving truck, Emma's family began loading their bags into their car to begin their trip to Mapleton.

Since the movers wouldn't be delivering her family's things that same day, they had to make sure they packed enough to keep them comfortable their first few nights in their new home.

Emma climbed into the back seat with her overnight bag and buckled her seatbelt. Sammy sat in his crate on the seat beside her, looking glum.

Daddy started the engine and began to back out of the driveway.

Emma snuck one last glance at her little yellow house through her window as the family drove away.

"What did you bring to keep busy on the ride?" Daddy asked Emma, his eyes meeting hers in the rearview mirror.

Emma reached into her bag. "Lots of stuff!" she said. "Story books, coloring books, cross- word puzzles-I won't be bored!"

Several hours later, the family was gliding along the highway. Emma had finished an entire coloring book, and was halfway through her crossword puzzles.

She tossed the book aside. "Mommy and Daddy-I'm bored," she announced.

"Would you like a snack?" Mommy offered Emma a granola bar.

Emma accepted the treat, and began to unwrap the foil. "Can we play a game?" she asked.

"Sure, Emma," Daddy replied. "What would you like to play?”
