Emma Brown's Big Move to a Little Town by Nicole La Capria, Jenna Farmer, Ana Ferrer - HTML preview

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Emma’s Brand New House

It  was dark outside when Emma's family's car rolled up into the winding paved driveway of their new home. Emma had fallen asleep in the backseat, dreaming of baseball gloves and Teddy bears.

"Emma," Mommy said softly from the front seat. "We're home."

Emma rubbed her eyes sleepily and looked around. Her new house loomed in front of her in the dark. It was white, with black shutters and a bright red door.

Emma's parents climbed out of the car and began removing luggage from the trunk. Emma pushed her door open, grabbed her overnight bag, and slid out. Sammy woke up from his nap and began to whimper.

"It's okay, boy," said Daddy, removing Sammy's cage from the car. He set it down on the driveway and unlatched it. Sammy ventured out and Daddy immediately hooked his long blue leash onto his collar.

The family began to walk up the path to their new home. Sammy excitedly sniffed every flower and rock as they approached the bright red door.

Emma felt uneasy. The house looked scary and unfamiliar.

Mommy sensed Emma's nervousness, and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Daddy pulled a key ring that held one single shiny key out of his pocket and unlocked the red door. The inside of the house was pitch black. Emma clung to Mommy as Daddy stepped inside with Sammy.

Sammy began to bark. "Ssh, it's okay, boy," Daddy said soothingly, as he flipped a light switch.

The house was flooded with warm, soft light. Emma followed Mommy into the empty living room, which seemed vast without any furniture. Mommy set down the suitcase she had been carrying and took Emma's bag from her hands. Daddy headed towards the kitchen with Sammy to turn on more lights.

"Want to see your room?" Mommy asked. Emma nodded.
