Evil Empire: Eden by D W Firenze - HTML preview

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It had been over three weeks since the meeting between Frank, Isaac, and Jake at the abandoned barracks of Hullavington. The rebels had taken the time to ready themselves for the fight that was on the horizon and word of the incursion and forthcoming rebellion had spread across the globe to the clans of freedom fighters who shared their aims.

The raid on the London compound was a critical part of the plan. Not only would they need to break their way in, take over the mainframe and broadcast the rebel message across the internal networks to the big screens that littered these compounds, they would have to take on the firepower of the Empire's security and more importantly hope that the brainwashed citizens inside joined them in the uprising. There were a lot of ways in which the mission could fail.

Jake looked forward to seeing the monotonous messages of propaganda that were broadcast on state television being replaced with the harsh truths that Phoenix had managed to collate showing corruption, betrayal, and cold-blooded murder. It was a leap of faith to expect this to act as a catalyst to an uprising, but if they did not act now or at least try, then the chances were that dreamland was going to become the world of the future. Whilst many would have been content to continue the mindless conformity just for an easier life with an 'I'm alright Jack' attitude, without collective action, it would not be long before the Empire stepped up its efforts and those same people found themselves victim to a change of plan and surplus to requirements. The dream walkers needed to know that they outnumbered the Empire, and together they had the power to determine the course of the future, they just needed the opportunity.

Once they had been given the green light from Frank, Isaac had set the wheels in motion. The rebel clans awaited his signal, ready to launch at a moment's notice and by this time tomorrow they hoped to be celebrating a victory.

Jake, Mike, Sam and Phoenix had been sent ahead to the docks in Southampton where they would board a shipment for the compound in London. Frank had ensured that two of his very best and trusted men would be driving the transporters that Jake and the others could stow themselves in to get to the compound and once they gained entry it would be up to them to get to the mainframe at the UCCA headquarters where he would be waiting for them. He had also ensured that President Van Duyn would be in the compound having scheduled a very important meeting with him in the morning. Frank was putting everything on the line and if this plan did not play out as it was meant to then he and anyone following his orders were in grave danger. The stakes were very high, as were the risks.

The instructions that Jake's quartet had been given was to arrive late in the evening at the docks and to hide out until the ship docked and began to unload the large containers. Once the two trucks had been loaded up they would pull from the docks to the charging station before making the early morning journey to London. The group was to look out for a truck that as it left the docking and loading area dipped its headlights three times. This was the one that they should board.

The quartet had watched from a distance as the ship had docked and began to unload its shipment onto the array of trucks that had gathered. Security was heavy down by the docking area but was non-existent outside of the gates once all the necessary security checks had been completed.

'What's it I'm looking for?' Mike said now fixing his binoculars at the activity down by the ship.

'Two trucks. One will dip its lights three times' said Phoenix having agreed on the finer points of the plan with Frank herself.

They were all down on the ground a few hundred metres from the electric charging point that the trucks would pull in to allow them to board. Phoenix was unused to being out of the comfort of the hub and was chewing on her hair as her anxiety levels began to elevate. Mike watched as trucks emerged from the docks and went on their way into the night.

'None yet' he whispered.

'You okay there Phoe' asked Sam having detected the fear growing from behind him.

Three men now looked back briefly at her shining a glow stick in her face. Phoenix's  usually calm exterior and pristine brunette locks had given way to two curly bangs draped around her now pale, bloodless face. She spat the hair out of her mouth having been caught.

'This is normally Lexi territory' she moaned. 'I'm the computer nerd and we generally belong away from the action, away from the sun and anything that can harm us'.

Sam sniggered. 'Well, if Lexi was half as capable with computers as you, then she'd be here'.

Lexi had been a regular topic of conversation over the past month, especially after the events at Porton Down. Everyone had noticed that she was not quite herself, but she had been slowly getting back to normal. Jake was just grateful that Isaac had insisted that she led the cavalry once the incursion got underway and had not selected her to be part of this group. It had meant that the awkwardness that still existed between them could be avoided and Jake had found that spending time away from each other had allowed him to regain his focus and more importantly his abilities. He felt sharper than he ever had done.

'Heads up everyone' said Mike waving their attention to the entrance to the docks. 'We've got flashing lights up ahead, let's go'.

Two trucks had emerged, the second dipping its beams just as Frank had planned. The quartet was now up and running towards the charging station up ahead through the fading darkness of the early morning skies, the light blue hues slicing through the thick darkness with the onset of the day just hours away. A new dawn was rising.

The trucks positioned themselves side by side within the docking station blocking the view of any prying eyes. The drivers went about their business so as to not draw any attention, engaging in a little small talk as the trucks began to charge in readiness for the journey ahead. There were a few other drivers doing exactly the same thing, minding their own business and waiting for the trucks to be refuelled. The process was a noisy one with the electronic charging stations generating and pumping so much energy that the men needed to almost shout at one another just to hear what they were saying and this provided an ample distraction for the rebel stowaways to board the second truck without anyone batting an eyelid. The driver had left the rear latch undone, ensuring easy and quick access, Mike and the others clambered up into the rear container and slammed the door shut, the sound barely audible. They were now secured in the second truck and ready to get on their way.

After a few more minutes of listening to the two drivers talking about shift changes and driver logs, the charging stations whirred to a stop. The rear door was tightened and secured and soon the two men were bidding the other drivers farewell. Then the driver of the truck that Jake was in, could be heard clambering into the front cabin and the engine roared into action. They were on their way.

'Well, that was a lot easier than I expected' confessed Phoenix a few minutes after their journey had begun.

Mike cracked a glow stick, illuminating the inside of the iron prison they now found themselves encased within. It was dark and dingy and difficult to see very far ahead.

'What exactly is in this shipment anyway?' Sam enquired trying to get a look at the merchandise within. 'I hope it's food because I'm starving' he moaned.

Mike began to venture into the expanse of the cargo container. It was like a labyrinth that had been compacted into this small space. He could barely make out a few large caskets, stacked on top of one another with tight passageways towards the other end of the container.

'I don't think it's food' he said, slipping sideways alongside the high stacks. He shone the glow stick on some of the thick wooden boxes, but all the writing was in another language, He had been around long enough to know that the symbols were Chinese but not long enough to know what they meant.

Sam and the others were following behind him, passing by several stacks of these wooden boxes that had been shipped from overseas.

'Oh my god, you guys have got to see this' announced Mike from the front of the container. He had passed through the maze of stacks into the wider expanse at the other end.

Soon, the others joined him. Sam cracked a glow stick to aid his cousin's and their joint illumination now cast a light on an unanticipated cargo.

'Frank said there would be a surprise' admitted Phoenix, her eyes bulging with unease. 'He also said we shouldn't worry'.

The mini bubble of light that had formed between them outlined the shape of a foot soldier, powered down and inactive. The figure was at least eight feet high, cast of solid metal and gazing lifelessly at them. The giant foot soldier's black and green exterior could just be made out under the light. It was clearly one of the Empire's and it was here in the back with them.

'Great' said Sam finally, 'here we are about to bring the revolution and uncle Frank has packed us in a sardine can with a goddamn guard!'

His apparent anxiety was about to be heightened further as Mike waved his luminescent wand further into the container's hidden corners. Jake now cracked a third glow stick and joined him.

'Holy crap' Phoenix sighed slowly. 'There are loads of them'.

A wall of stagnant foot soldiers was soon revealed by the emergent light. They were hanging from the rafters of the container's insides and arranged in rows of four that swept back beyond the light.

'There must be like twenty or more in here' said Jake trying to take it all in, his light revealing more and more of the henchmen, the machines of their enemy.

Mike had broken open one of the wooden boxes and was now holding a large nuclear pulse rifle that was standard issue to the machines they were now sharing the journey with.

'Well if you need a bit of reassurance, maybe you should have one of these' he said tossing the rifle to Sam before reaching in and grabbing another for himself.

'Now that's what I'm talking about' said Sam, a devilish look taking possession of his face. 'Let's see what else they got in this little treasure trove shall we'.

He and Mike ventured further into the container to explore the cargo. Jake and Phoenix were now alone surrounded by large weapons of mass destruction and a swarm of sleeping foot soldiers.

'So how are you feeling now?' Jake asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

'Me, I'm fine' she protested as if this was just a walk in the park. 'Definitely starting to get used to all of this action and adventure spy stuff' she lied. 

Given half the chance she would have taken to chewing on her hair, but whilst she was not that accustomed to human company, something told her that this was probably was not the done thing. She also felt a lot more self-conscious around Jake given their similar age and she imagined he probably thought she was a bit of a loser and did not want to do too much else to confirm such impressions.

 Just at that moment, the truck jolted awkwardly, the driver clearly hitting a slight bump in the road. The impact caused one of the foot soldiers heads to jerk up and then crash down on the on the breastplate. Phoenix screamed, her hands and arms flailing in the air, thinking that it had come to life.

Jake tried to suppress an urge to laugh and Sam and Mike now came storming down the container to deal with the emergency, guns ready to fire.

'What happened?' Mike enquired searching for threats but coming up empty.

'False alarm. Just a bump in the road' Jake said with a smile.

By this point, Phoenix was doubled over, sucking in deep breaths to calm herself and to hide her embarrassment. 'This is most definitely Lexi territory' she groaned.

She was thankful that for the next few miles the truck continued along its path without further incident whilst the guys took the opportunity to try to spook her again and poke fun at her. She was not afraid to admit feeling entirely out of her depth and the sanctity of the bubble she had created at the hub and home was very appealing right now.

Otto was at the head of a group of four black SUVs with blacked out windows. They were hovering with intent just a few hundred yards back from the two trucks having followed them from the docks. It was like watching an eagle sizing up its prey and preparing a launch.

The pasty-faced assassin knew that he was lucky to be alive and that he owed a debt of gratitude to his boss for having gotten him out of the sticky situation at the UCCA building just a few weeks before. Whilst the explanation provided had done little to smooth over long-term disputes between agents loyal to the UCCA and Frank, and Chimera, it had freed him from custody. Otto had since been reassigned to monitoring activity at a secluded old mansion deep in the Wiltshire countryside. Numen had been given cause to think that there was something of worth there and whilst Otto had feared it was going to be another boring stakeout detail, he was in no position to complain.

It had become clear over the weeks that he had been spying on the place that this was a rebel hideout. On the general's orders, he had followed the quartet to Southampton and kept out of sight before calling in the support he would need to take them alive. Otto had no idea what the rebels had planned, but when he watched them clamber in the back of the truck that was headed to London he knew this was something that may regain his General's trust.

He now pressed a button on the dashboard, which opened a compartment revealing a miniature monitor. It was time to update Numen on events.

'General Numen' he enunciated clearly with the blank screen now sparking into action.

Within moments, the piercing blue eyes and sparkling grey goatee of General Numen were live on the screen. The whites of his eyes and teeth just making him visible under the shallow light of the early sunrise.

'Have you got them yet?' Numen said direct and to the point.

'Closing in on them now sir' replied Otto increasing his speed. 'How do you want me to proceed?'

Numen's face was stern and surly. 'Kill the drivers. Take the others alive if you can and then bring them to me' he said.

'And if we meet resistance?'

Numen's face came right up close to the screen his eyes maniacal and unrelenting. 'Then you kill every single one of them and you bring me whatever is left'.

'The boy you mentioned is with the rebels' Otto said, 'what about him?'

Numen's eyes shifted for a moment, he was thinking. It had not occurred to him that the boy would have been part of whatever this clandestine operation was. He then turned back to the screen. 'I am holding you entirely responsible for taking the boy alive and delivering him to me' said the general finally. 'Consider this your chance to prove your worthiness old friend'.

'Consider it done' Otto replied stroking his slick ginger hair whilst checking his rear view mirror. The three other cars were right behind him and the second truck which housed Jake and the others was in touching distance.

'We're about to set off here. Call me when it's done' Numen said before the screen faded to black.

Otto now signalled to his entourage that the time to strike was now. His car began to pick up speed, passing the rear truck and eating up ground towards the one at the front. As he passed it, Otto could see one of the UCCA agents from the incident back at headquarters was driving. His lip curled and contorted into a sinister little smirk, he was rather going to enjoy getting revenge. He dropped a gear and pressed hard again on the accelerator to get up to the front of the lead truck catching a momentary glance at its driver. His smirk now blossomed into the biggest beaming smile as he caught the fearful stare of the lead agent who had arrested him just a few weeks ago, an agent known as Paulsen, Otto had not caught his first name. The look in the driver's eyes told him he that the game was up and now Otto swerved and pulled in front to try and slow him down.

The second SUV pulled in behind the first truck and began to slow its speed causing the driver of the rear truck to brake. The other two SUVs now came down the side and armed Chimera agents decked out in all black commando fatigues and masks, now aimed their powerful assault weapons at the driver's cabin and signalled for him to slow down and pull over.

The gap between the two trucks increased until it became apparent that the one in the rear with Jake and the others stowed inside had been brought to a halt. Otto had now pulled into the opposite lane and with a screech of the rubber on the road, had swung the car back around towards the one that had been flagged down and pulled over.

Agent Paulsen could see his colleague had been captured and had he been carrying the cargo that the director had insisted was delivered, he would have kept going, but right now, it was looking as though both his friend and the stowaways were about to come to a grisly end. He slammed his brakes on and the truck slowed to a halt. It transporter was too large to turn in the road and go back and was now slowly reversing back towards the gathering at the side of the road, the reverse alarm in full voice. Having seen Otto in the front vehicle, Paulsen knew they were in trouble, but he was not about to let his partner go down on his own, that was not the honourable thing to do.

Paulsen's truck came to a halt just a few yards away from the surrounded truck of his partner and he jumped down out of his cabin and began to walk quite leisurely towards the cluster of black SUVs. He pulled his badge, identifying himself as an agent with the United Crime Control Authority. Otto simply stepped down from his vehicle, removed his gun and shot Agent Paulsen square between his eyes a tennis ball shaped vacuum, like a black hole, opened up through the surprised agent’s face and swallowed his entire head like water draining down a sink hole. His headless torso now dropped heavily to the floor with a thud, his badge rolling from his lifeless palm into the road.

The agent in the cabin of the second truck watched on utterly powerless to do anything. His partner's decapitated corpse twitching momentarily on the ground. The fear etched on his face quickly shifted to anger as he reached for something, perhaps his gun, but it was too late. Four Chimera agents, on waved instruction from Otto, now swarmed around the cabin of the truck and let rip with their assault weapons. The bright beams of each shot cannoned through the windscreen, shattering it into pieces, before scorching and tearing the flesh from his skin. Within just a few moments the makeshift firing squad had reduced him from a middle-aged grey-haired man to a charred skeleton that erupted into a cloud of dust.

'That'll teach you both for messing in my affairs' said Otto, the job satisfaction evident on his now grinning, psychotic little face.

He waved his men to the rear of the truck with a swipe of his gun, before bringing his trigger finger to his lips to urge them to be quiet. All of the men had now disembarked from the SUVs and surrounded the large rear container with Jake and the others inside.

'First, we secure the boy, Numen wants him alive' said Otto, now at the rear door. 'Once you have him do whatever you wish with the others'.

He nodded to the agent nearest the door to open it and soon both rear doors were swung wide open, a burst of bright light blinding them for the briefest moment. Within a moment of the light blast, the agents were now all in a line, guns pointing into the depths of the container. The bright light had sparked quickly and faded almost as quickly as it had emerged, and now all that could be seen were a few figures moving behind the stacks of wooden boxes.

'We have you surrounded, come out and you won't be harmed' lied Otto motioning for two of his agents to get up to the back of the truck.

The figures continued to muddle around in the back of the truck, with absolutely no intention of being subtle with their movements.

'We can hear you moving around in there. Time to come out' said Otto again his voice growing less confident with every utterance.

The movement inside was now starting to getting very vibrant and the container began to shake under the feet of the agents who had climbed inside. They looked back to Otto for guidance, their masks concealing the obvious fright and uncertainty as to what was happening. All the while the noises in the back grew louder and the container shook more violently. Then without any further word uttered, the container fell silent and still.

Otto and his men held their positions and fixed their sights on the back of the dark container waiting for the stowaways to emerge, arms raised in surrender. They waited a few moments, nothing, and then another few moments, nothing. Otto was growing impatient and the lack of confidence of his men was beginning to show as they all cast glances away from the container to one another, the uncertain stalemate growing more and more mysterious.

Otto now clambered up into the container, the stacks of wooden boxes obscuring his view. He waved his henchmen to follow him in, signalling for them to slip down the sides of the stacks and to flank the rebels who were clearly taking refuge inside.

The container had become eerily quiet and the light had been swallowed into darkness. Every footstep Otto or his men took echoed through the solid metal structure. He now slid down past the last of the stacks of boxes, a few fallen glow sticks faded on the floor and some of the boxes opened and the contents removed. The four stowaways were nowhere to be seen. It was a baffling situation.

'What's down there?' Otto motioned to the rows of static foot soldiers hidden by the darkness of the top of the container.

'Looks like a shipment of guards, sir' said one of the agents, shining a light across the large robotic figures. 'There's no sign of them anywhere'.

'Well they must be in here somewhere and the only way out is behind us' growled Otto before changing his voice to a higher pitched one. 'Come out, come out where ever you are' he chirped in a fake childlike imitation, the smile forming on his thin lips again.

Just as they took a step towards the back of the dark cavernous container a sound clattered behind them. The front agents now turned, aiming their guns towards the back where the sound had emerged, causing their colleagues behind them to raise their hands in submission.

'What was that?' Otto thundered, turning and pointing his gun at one of his agents.

'It came from that direction' said the agent, now pointing aimlessly to the open doors and dawn skies outside.

'They couldn't have gotten out' he snarled. 'Everybody be quiet'.

The agents listened intently and a rumbling noise from outside could clearly be heard growing in intensity. It was like a giant purring cat that had them all in a trance.

'What the hell is that?' Otto said finally.

No sooner had the question left his lips than he realised himself what it was. It was an engine roaring into life, and not just any engine, it was coming from the newly-expired agent Paulsen's truck. Before his brain could even fathom how they had managed to get out of the truck, past him and his men and into the lead vehicle, his attention was diverted. His agents were now pointing behind him and the floor beneath them began to judder like an earthquake had taken hold.

Otto now spun on his heel and found himself peering into the illuminated eye visor of one of the foot soldiers who had come to life. Its face came right up to his, so close that his breath formed a small condensation patch on its helmet. It had not been what he had expected, and within just a few moments all of the foot soldiers had sparked into life, queuing up behind the lead robot who continued to maintain close quarters with Otto.

 The Chimera leader was now in a state of panic, sweat dripping from his pale skin. Not only had he realised that he was now faced with a small army of enormous robotic foot soldiers, but it was clear that they were all armed with the high powered nuclear pulse rifles. Somehow, Otto had led his men into an ambush.