Evil Empire: Eden by D W Firenze - HTML preview

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Numen was in the shower, desperate to scrub and rinse away the terrible couple of days that had befallen him. He had the boy in his sights on two separate occasions and somehow he had managed to slip through his fingers, albeit with outside help. To make matters worse he would now be attending the meeting of the Council of the New World Order later this evening and would have to announce these very embarrassing facts to the four most powerful men on the planet.

Numen had prided himself on his ingenuity and ability to complete tasks competently and professionally. He had been instrumental in leading his elite squad known as Chimaera on many covert operations that had led to the emergence of the four territories and the control and order that had been in place for over a decade since the Empire had been fully established as the authority on all things.

He gazed at himself in the mirror, recounting the incidents with the boy's irritating and resourceful mutt, and the girl who had left a visible mark on his face. His once ebony, youthful appearance now tainted by the fresh wound on his cheek. Over seventy years on the planet and never before had he looked a day over forty the entire time, until today. He splashed water on his face and stroked the grey half goatee beard on his chin for comfort before focussing on his eyes. They looked tired and strained, a little bloodshot as a result of a very uncomfortable night of sleep. He had not experienced nightmares on the scale or frequency as he had the previous night, in fact, he was not the type prone to them at all. So much blood on his hands and yet he had always slept with an entirely clear conscience, but last night he had relived some of his worst acts in such detail, it was as though he had carried them all out again.

He had just a few hours to fully galvanise himself before the meeting and decided another rinse under the shower would suffice.

The Council of the New World Order would meet once every six months to update each other on progress towards their goal of world domination. Each territory had its own area of responsibility in maintaining the current status quo: Europa was the centre for resources and overall security management, through the United Crime Control Authority. All compounds across the global were managed and monitored with the core central system for this being located here in London. Food compounds harvested and generated the vast majority of the food supply which would be transported to the other territories to support their own more modest supply arrangements. Europa was also the mouthpiece of the Empire, communicating the endless propaganda of the regime far and wide.

Oceana led on the development of the robot foot soldiers and production of the weapons that the troops of the Empire were equipped with. They were also responsible for the manufacturing of vehicles, drones and of course, the very popular sex surrogates that made life bearable in an otherwise desolate and controlled world.

The Outlands was the centre for scientific research and the secondary purpose of holding captives who had been deemed opponents or threats to the Empire. Over many years, elicit spying operations over the entire population had been routinely conducted by the security services of the time and this had made it possible for the Empire to categorise everyone. Compliant and obedient citizens had been the first entrants into the compounds, identified as 'Lemmings'. 'Questioners', 'Challengers' and 'Resisters' had all been weeded out during the immunisation campaign and the war, such individuals had raised at least one red flag in terms of their pliability to the will of the Empire. The group labelled as 'Threats' had been taken prisoner in the Outlands and were used for human experimentation, as the Empire sought to understand these individuals’ natural predispositions so that they might be able to utilise the findings to eliminate any future threats. Those people in this category tended to be of a very high technical and intellectual capacity, simply eliminating them would have been wasteful, they could serve the interests of the Empire if their inherent desire to resist could somehow be contained. This had formed much of the research carried out there over the decade since absolute power had been claimed.

In the final territory of the Americas, they had taken the lead in developing programmes concerned with monitoring outer space, satellite maintenance and covert research of an extra-terrestrial nature. They were also responsible for energy production and supply to ensure a sustainable future for the Empire's operations.

Having such specific tasks and responsibilities had been agreed as the best way to ensure that the Empire was an all-consuming entity, not blighted by the power struggles of the world of the past. They had sought to build consensus rather than conflict over the territories and fragmenting the key operating structures in this way meant that they would have to rely upon one another whether they liked it or not. The four territories collectively formed the pyramid of the world, the elite at the top looking down upon the enslaved masses and playing the role of god here on Earth.

Numen had been waiting for the commencement of the meeting in a secure room within the headquarters of the United Crime Control Authority, his official role in these meetings was to provide intelligence that would assist the key decisions that were taken. Unofficially, though, he was there to maintain order and play a buffering role between the egos of the world leaders who had taken to referring to themselves as the 'four horsemen'. It was far from original, but Numen was not about to point this out. If it meant moving things forward and getting things done, he really did not give a damn what they wanted to call themselves.

Van Duyn arrived in the room and took his place at the head of the conference table, his security detail taking up their place outside of the room. There were seats laid out for the other participants, not that they would be here in person, as this would be far too dangerous. Holographic effigies of the remaining three horsemen would be beamed into place soon enough, creating the illusion of a boardroom meeting of the key decision makers of the world.

'Quite a disturbance last night' hissed Van Duyn his maniacal stare now fixed on Numen. 'Care to explain exactly how the rebels got in and more importantly how close they came to taking me out?’

Van Duyn was well known for his lack of diplomacy and even more so for his self-obsession and arrogance.

'I think it's clear sir that we have a leak within our system. For many years now I have urged you to let me assume command of the UCCA operations and disband the current officers and chain of command' began Numen testily. 'This is why we use the foot soldiers for security, putting the instruments of the past in place means they are going to play the same old tune'.

'Let me guess if I was to give you control with your band of mercenaries, that none of this would have happened?' Van Duyn snorted contemptuously. 'It brings me some comfort knowing that my kind still plays a vital role in how things run on this planet, thank you very much General. Besides, Li's beloved robots have been thwarted twice in as many days and you dear General proved your incompetence as that mark on your face would suggest' he said indicating the marking on Numen's cheek.

The general's eyes cooled and paused a moment before responding. Now would have been a perfect time to remind the president of how he had come to power given Numen and Chimera's role in Berlin which had seen him as the only living statesman to assume control temporarily 'in the national interest'. Once in power, he promised fresh elections once order was restored, but they never materialised. Numen had been entirely responsible for Van Duyn's rise to power and had ensured that he had stayed there, drunk with power for over a decade, and allowed to carry out his paedophilic proclivities without having to do any real work. Sadly, though, whilst he was just a pawn, his paranoia had meant that he ensured that he had kept to human allegiances. Frank's ascension to the role of Director had been entirely on Van Duyn's say so and the days of getting away with executing presidents were long past, not that Numen did not imagine it on many a quiet night.

'I have seen to it personally that the fortifications of the compound are reinforced, additional guards put in place and all shipments into and out of our sites are rigorously checked' asserted Numen. 'It seems the boy got in with some help and we had managed to get a strange reading from his little pet'.

'Frank has informed me already of the details' replied Van Duyn dismissively. 'He also tells me that you have been meddling in his affairs since you arrived'.

'I don't trust him and neither should you' snapped Numen angrily. 'There were no drone patrols and the guards had not been informed of an imminent security threat despite my expressed orders'.

Van Duyn slammed his hand on the desk, his temper flaring. 'Remember just who is in charge here' he snapped. 'Were it not for your meddling the previous night, the drones would have been fully charged and out patrolling the streets, but instead, they had been conducting surveillance all day because you managed to get the other two destroyed. You also assumed responsibility even though you shouldn't have and it was, therefore, your responsibility to raise the alert, but instead you catch the boy and somehow allow him to escape'.

Numen's eyes lowered to the table, he was not used to being talked down to by anyone, especially some feeble human with a fancy title. Oh if only he could shut down Van Duyn's respiratory system or make his brain explode just to shut the fat imbecile up. That was not his call to make, though.

Van Duyn had calmed down now choosing to pour himself a glass of whisky. Such contraband luxuries were in short supply, but he needed to regain his edge before the commencement of the meeting. He enjoyed the luxuries of his position but was not the fondest of some of the alliances he needed to maintain, particularly Numen, whom he held in contempt and distrust.

'So before the others are linked up, tell me exactly where things are?' Van Duyn demanded, taking a sip from his glass.

'We aren't sure, the microchip from the dog was found a few miles outside the compound so we are not sure which of the rebel bases they have taken refuge in or whether they have settled in one location. We could send out troops and hunt them down' replied the general maintaining the façade of presidential power.

Van Duyn shook his head. 'That's out of the question. They could be anywhere, and if we start battling with the rebels, it will just lead to further attacks and we have to be focused on the bigger picture, the rebellion will be a thing of the past soon enough'.

Numen nodded in agreement, for on this matter he and Van Duyn were on the same page. The rebels had gotten comfortable with the current arrangements but in time they would reap the whirlwind. The idea of letting Jake escape him again was not one that sat easily, though.

Before he could put forward a suggestion of how they might proceed in luring the boy to them, the room was aglow with activity and flashing lights. Holographic images of the other horsemen were now flickering into view in the vacant seats around the table. With the exception of the red glow about their person, it was as if the three men, and the female figure behind the Oceana leader, were actually in the room in person.

The president of the Americas, President Rockefeller, had come into power following the assassination of the previous man who held the office during the war that broke out in late 2018. He looked like the typical puppet who had performed this role in the past, an old, white, middle-class, middle-aged man. Like Van Duyn he had risen to power amid controversy and during a time of heightened terrorism and he too had been meant to hold office temporarily. Initially, he had become President of the United States, but within his first term had sought to unify North and South America despite very little support from the people. Corruption in the very highest echelons of society had been well-established and had laid a firm foundation for a relatively easy takeover. The masses had become weak and disillusioned, airing their gripes on social media rather than taking any tangible action.

The next person around the table was a very odd and unusual man. His large nose and large droopy eyes made him appear like a caricature of himself. His high balding forehead pulled in one direction whilst his sharp and pointed chin pulled in the other. It was as if both features were trying to escape the other. The man was President Dupont and he was in-charge of the Outlands, formerly the continent of Africa, and he was a scientist first, politician second. The red glow from the holographic image accentuated his big bulging eyes and the heavy bags that had collected below them. Despite his bizarre and ungainly appearance, he was perhaps the smartest man in the room.

The final two figures at the table were both considerably younger than their compatriots. Grand Emperor Li Xiang sat brooding almost sulking, the young man, the most recent addition to the Council following the mysterious death of his father, was not one for discussions and given his aversion to learning English or skills of diplomacy had his elder sister with him at all times to speak for him. The Empress, Li Ying, was stunning, cutting a figure that was serenity personified and glowing with a power and grace that made them quite an odd couple; beauty and the beast. Whilst she brought a welcome elegance to the proceedings, the other horsemen were fully aware that she was an astute and capable contributor, someone not to be crossed.

'Welcome gentlemen and our esteemed Empress' said Van Duyn acknowledging the formed guests. 'Let us get down to business. The first item, round table discussion and updates on our respective projects towards phase two, code name: False Dawns' he said turning to a classified dossier in front of him. 'The dawn of the Empire was a great achievement, but the rebellion has continued to grow, posing a threat to all we have established to date, and with new threats emerging we need to initiate our plans swiftly, eliminating the rebellion entirely'.

All around the table, the heads of the four leaders nodded in collective agreement.

'General Numen, if you would be so kind as to step out of the room' said Van Duyn to Numen's apparent surprise. 'Perhaps you can come up with a plan as to how we might ensure our little problem doesn't become any bigger'.

'What problem?' Dupont said abruptly as Numen was about to leave without incident.

All the holographic images were now looking in Van Duyn's direction waiting for answers.

'We had a small incident' explained Van Duyn reluctantly. 'General Numen here managed to let some of the rebels get away with something, or should I say, someone, who may provide a thorn in our side'.

The collective were now totally fixated on Van Duyn, eager for him to explain in more detail exactly what threat he was referring to.

'Let us stop speaking in riddles now dear Raymond' said Dupont. 'Are you trying to tell us that you have found a survivor from Project Eden?'

Project Eden was the code name for a government-led research project of nearly four decades ago. It had been funded by the US and UK governments of the time. It had been set up to conduct an experimental analysis of extra-terrestrial life forms that had been stranded and captured on this planet. Dupont had been the lead scientist on the highly classified project that had been officially disbanded in the 1990s, but he had expanded his research without their knowledge and this had developed into the work he was presiding over presently. Project Eden had been subsumed into False Dawns after the Empire had taken over.

'We have found Marie's boy, Jake' interrupted Numen. 'He is here in London'.

Van Duyn flashed him a look of sheer, unrepentant hatred. 'This is an unwelcome distraction whilst we are so close to launching the next phase' he growled, trying to silence Numen who as far as he was concerned should have left some time ago.

'Then that is most excellent news' said Dupont licking his lips with unbridled excitement. 'This can only help us achieve our goals. He will be nearing the peak of his capabilities now and such power can only accelerate our ambitions'.

Grand Emperor Li raised his head briefly to allow his sister to translate, before dropping his gaze back to the table seemingly uninterested in the revelation.

'Whilst that may indeed be the case, President Dupont, what if the boy knows about Project Eden?' said Numen now giving a brief, wry smile to Van Duyn.

Van Duyn scoffed at the very suggestion. 'None of us bar Dupont really know anything about it. It would be entirely inconceivable that the boy has any idea' he said incredulously. 'Perhaps General, rather than wasting all of our time you should do as you are told and seek to ensure that the boy and the rebels stay well clear of what we are doing here' he snapped angrily, unhappy to have been undermined in front of his fellow leaders.

Numen stared at Dupont inviting a challenge to Van Duyn's orders. It was clear from the scientist's expression that Numen's reference to his classified pet project had filled him with a degree of unease. The others present in the room, albeit by satellite link, flashed uncertain glances between the two men, waiting for the silence to be broken.

'The research facility where the original project was conducted is no longer operational' said Dupont finally, still maintaining eye contact with Numen. 'No one will have ever known of its existence. However, I cannot be certain that there is no evidence there that may scupper our plans. If they come into possession of what Project Eden is, or indeed what it was, then it may leave us vulnerable' he continued. 'They will have a powerful weapon that they can use against us'.

'Now hold on a minute' snapped Van Duyn. 'What facility?'

'It's an abandoned military science facility in a place called Porton Down, Salisbury. It's not far from your location' explained Dupont. 'It had never crossed my mind that anyone would have ever come looking there, the project was classified and no one had any idea of the full extent of my research. Any who did have been accounted for'.

'What makes you think the rebels or the boy would have any idea about it' interjected Van Duyn alarmed by these sudden and unexpected revelations.

'Maybe that is why the boy is here' reasoned Numen maintaining his focus on Dupont. 'Perhaps he knows more than we think and has come looking for answers'.

The look on Van Duyn's face became ever more disgruntled at the discussions taking place. 'General Numen is my subordinate to command' he began very aggressively, 'I do not buy the nonsense that they might suddenly know something about some secret military experiment. Particularly as I know nothing about it. No, the general will do as I said and make sure that our original plans are conducted without interference' said Van Duyn with an air of finality.

Grand Emperor Li beckoned his sister to his seated position and whispered something into her ear, before returning to the uninterested posture he had held for the majority of proceeding so far. She whispered something back to him before returning her attention to the assembled world leaders within the room.

'My brother and I believe that simply assuming that there is a little risk here would be foolish. If what the stories we have heard about President Dupont's Project Eden are to be believed, then there is a real chance that the implementation of False Dawns could be in jeopardy' announced the Empress, looking for support from around the room.

'I agree' confirmed President Rockefeller. 'Raymond, we really cannot afford to give up the position we have here. We are on the verge of being able to crush the rebellion and we cannot let them get hold of anything that may help their cause. All of what we have been doing for the past twenty years will be at risk' he urged, his thick Texan accent enveloping the room.

'I think it is clear that I, and so it seems, all of us, think we should intervene here' said Dupont finally, leaving Van Duyn as the lonely voice of dissension. 'Send Numen and his men to the site, just to make sure'.

Van Duyn was furious. It was apparent that whilst democracy was dead in the real world, in this room he was outvoted three to one. He fired a menacing look in Numen's direction, was foul play at hand with his henchman's deceptive mind games? Numen returned a warm smile back at him.

'So what's it going to be Raymond?' Dupont pressed him for a decision.

'Well, whilst I see it highly unlikely that either the boy or the rebels have any idea about Eden, it is clear to me that on this matter I am in the minority' he sighed with frustration, taking refuge in his emptying glass of whisky.

 He now turned his gaze on Numen. 'I suggest General, you take your men, and gather whatever evidence is left at Porton Down and ensure that if the rebels do discover its whereabouts that when they do, there is absolutely nothing there for them to find'.

'Yes sir, Mister President' replied Numen barely able to contain his delight at besting his rival in front of all of these powerful figures.

'I suggest you leave immediately and when you have recovered whatever is there, I expect a full report' Van Duyn said through gritted teeth, dismissing him with a nonchalant wave.

'Just one final thing' interrupted Dupont much to Van Duyn's visible irritation. 'If General Numen could ensure that the secrets of Project Eden are personally brought to me here, that would be greatly appreciated' he said with a curt smile.

Van Duyn was getting very irked at the hijacking of this meeting. He had been looking forward to the next steps in world domination and the destruction of the troublesome rebels. However, the thought of getting Numen out of his hair for a while seemed like a perfect solution given the royal pain in the arse that he had become. He took a long swig from his glass imagining himself back at Desire after the conclusion of the meeting. Tonight he was going to treat himself to an extra special night of debauchery and sin.

'Fine. He can report to me when he returns' he said curtly. 'Now if we could get back to business' he continued, dismissing Numen with a sharp threatening stare.

Numen was already half the way out of the door. Even though he knew Van Duyn was probably right about what Jake knew about the secret research project and site at Porton Down, a little voice in Numen's head told him that somehow he and Jake would meet again very soon. This time, though, Numen would be the one calling the shots.


Jake was wandering around the grounds of the rebel hideout in the countryside, he had been walking for some time now. For the better part of the afternoon and early evening, he had been digesting the revelations from the memory mapping exercise. Jake still had not fully recovered from the journey to the deep recesses of his mind and had yet to hear whether any information of use had come to light.

At brief intervals snatches of what he had seen through Numen's captured memories flashed subliminally into his consciousness, stabbing his aching head with snapshots of what would no doubt become a recurring nightmare of his father's gruesomely cruel demise. His thirst for vengeance was now more pronounced than it had ever been.

All this walking in circles was starting to take its toll and he was getting dizzy. Jake found a quiet spot in the corner, a small mound beneath a tree, which he chose to take refuge from his agonising recollections.

As he sat and clasped his aching skull, his dizziness began to be replaced by a feeling of nausea. He wondered just how long this terrible hangover would last as Phoenix had assured him that the symptoms he was feeling would wear off within a few hours, but still, they had not abated.

Jake continued to massage his temples and took deep breaths, taking in the cool air from the fading sky which was beginning to succumb to darkness. With each breath, a new image shot through his mind like a train until slowly and surely the images began to ease and the pain began to subside. The tension in his neck gave way to the coolness of the sky around him and Jake now lay on his back looking to the darkening skies. He wondered if his parents were up there looking down on him and if they were, whether he had turned out quite as they had hoped. All he knew was that he was down here unsure of what the future held and what his role in defining it would be. He spent the next few minutes scouring the sky for a sign, anything that might give him an indication of what to do next, but only darkness came.

The next thing Jake knew, his foot was moving quite independently of his thoughts and he seemed to be drowning in what felt like a lukewarm and fizzy downpour. He opened his eyes in startled disorientation to see Lexi stood over him pouring a bottle of beer on his face and kicking his foot. It took him a moment to realise that the sky had darkened into night and that he had clearly drifted off, but before he could say anything, Max's big fat face was drooling all over him. He tried to fight him off, but Max seemed intent on licking every drop of the beer off of him, which seemed to amuse Lexi no end. She fell to the ground laughing spilling even more of the bottled beer over him and now her. It was not long before the two of them were on their backs being totally harassed by Max and now Rosie, who had joined in the shenanigans.

Jake managed to tussle and wrestle Max onto his back, but the American Staffordshire Terrier fought back and they began rolling around like a couple of kids who had yet to learn how to fight properly.

Lexi took hold of one of the beer bottles and tossed it as far as she could, soaking herself in the process. First Rosie and the Max scarpered off to hunt down the discarded bottle. Jake's face was not quite as jovial as Lexi's, now adding assault to his list of ailments.

'Can I interest you in a beer' said Lexi giggling and not entirely in control of her faculties before following up her offer with a very loud belch.

'How much of that stuff have you had?' Jake said, taking the beer from her as much for her own safety as for his desire to be even half as drunk as she was.

Lexi tried to count out the number of beers on her fingers but became quickly confused when she ran out of fingers on her hands. She burst into laughter and began rolling around in hysterics beside him. Jake had no idea why, but just looking at her made him laugh too and soon they were both laughing like a pair of prize idiots without the slightest idea as to why. It was a welcome distraction to the heaviness of the afternoon.

After they had calmed down a bit, Jake sat up and began to sip the warm beer which, to be honest, tasted like dirty, dank water, not that it stopped him drinking the remainder before letting out a hearty guttural belch of his own. This seemed to set them off again.

They eventually became silent, both looking up into the twilight sky. Neither one of them wanted to bring up the images they had seen earlier in the afternoon, but neither knew how to get the conversation going. The silence was starting to get uncomfortable.

Lexi turned to him, she was going to ask how he was feeling, but the words did not come out at first, she was clearly a little more inebriated than she realised as she tried to focus her mind on getting the words out.

It was all taking a lot longer to process than she had anticipated, and Jake had now turned to look at her having sensed that something was amiss.

'How are you going to feel me?' Blurted Lexi finally.

The words hung there briefly as they both tried to digest exactly what she had said. She flushed with embarrassment as she realised what had inadvertently stated, but Jake did not say anything, he just looked deep into her eyes and went in for the kill.

Their lips locked together with a powerful magnetism that sent a pulse of electricity through each of them. She grabbed at the back of his hair gently holding him in place to make the kiss last longer. His kiss was firm and passionate and she gently bit his bottom lip, teasing his teeth with her warm tongue. If she could have she would have frozen time just to stay in that very moment. Both their hearts raced and pounded in a way that felt both natural and unnatural at once.

Jake's mind was flooded with bright energy and lights, erasing any horrific thoughts that had once taken refuge there. His hands without any conscious direction from his brain now clasped the sides of her pale face as he pulled her even tighter towards him. Her lips were soft and wet, and he sank into her soft embrace not wanting this feeling to end.

Life had been very unkind to them both and they had been forced to grow up so quickly and into a world so bleak and dark. The brief respite from responsibility, tragic history and the precipice of war was a welcome release. Neither of them really knew what they were doing, but to be able to switch off entirely from reality allowed them to be young and uninhibited for a while.

They continued to kiss and frolic on the ground a while longer, blissfully unaware that they were no longer alone. Tank was stood over them uneasily trying to gain their attention with the subtle sound of a fake clearing of his throat. After several failed attempts he gave out a heavy and laboured cough.

Almost instantly the two teenagers exploded away from one another, peeling off in opposite directions in startled fright. The sight of Tank looking uncomfortable and embarrassed of the scene he had interrupted cascaded down on to both Jake and Lexi who were now looking as far away from him and each other as they tried to regain their breath and senses.

'Sorry to um, interrupt' said the gargantuan figure, camouflaged under the dark canopy above. He tried to look anywhere other than directly at the two of them below. 'My dad sent me. You two need come back to the house, it's important' he said before awkwardly turning away and heading back.

Jake and Lexi could barely look at one another and the interruption by Tank coupled with the effects of the beer, especially in Lexi's case, made the whole situation very strange and discombobulating. They both got to their feet, rearranging themselves to ensu