I Told You So! The Journey Continues by Mark Gunning - HTML preview

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Gotta Plan?


Mark Gunning


Last time you said you were more like Thomas than William. Do you still stand by this?

I’d have to disappoint my fans and still say yes, I’m more like Thomas. However, there were times growing up that I definitely acted like William. Just don’t tell my mom.


Does writing energize or exhaust you?

I’d say writing does both. There are some days that I love writing and don’t want to stop. Then there are times that I find it very draining and I need to take some time away from it. I encourage anyone that is writing to take a break when you find you’re exhausted. Remember that the story will be there when you come back.


Do you write full-time?

Currently, I have a full-time job that doesn’t allow me to focus strictly on writing. I do have a master plan that will start in about five years. Stay tuned!


What is your Kryptonite?

That’s a cool question. Since I’m not Superman I’ll have to think about it for a minute. Okay, I think my Kryptonite is the Internet. I find I get easily sidetracked when I’m on the computer. For example, I start working on a story and then… wait what was the question?


What is the dumbest thing you did as a kid?

Hmmm. I did so many things that I could write a book about them. Oh wait, I did!


Do you think William and Thomas could be turned into a movie or an animated TV series?

Yes, I definitely think they would make for some crazy adventures. Do you know anyone that I could talk to?


What other authors are you friends with?

I’m friends with a number of authors, but I’d like to give shout-outs to the following three: Brent Jones, an amazing author from Fort Erie, Tracey Fudge Schedler who writes about A Dog Named Dragon, and finally Shawn P. B. Robinson, the author of adventure and humorous books. Look them up, they’re all great!


Do you get help from any of these authors?

Shawn is a fabulous guy and is always willing to help me out when I’m having issues. I’m very grateful to have crossed paths with him. If you like my books, you’ll love his Jerry the Squirrel books as well.


So, are you working on any other books or new ideas right now?

I’m glad you asked that as I am working on book three in the I Told You So! series. It’s due out in the fall of 2019. I also have plans to venture out of my comfort zone and write a mystery series as well. Only problem is I need more time in the day to reach my goals.


If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

I’d say “Hey Mark, you need to start writing down all the crazy things you did when you were a kid and start writing about them sooner. Kids are going to love your stories!” Or something like that. I might even have to explain to myself that I’ve come from the future to share my wisdom with him, I mean me. You know what I’m talking about? Right?


As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

I’d go with spirit animal and choose a Canadian Lynx. They’re such a beautiful creature. Look at them!


When is your favourite time to write?

I love to write in the morning. By the end of the day, my mind is like mush and I need to shut down and relax. However, anytime is better than never.


You said you love music. If you could be in a band right now, what band would it be?

That’s such a tough question. There are so many great bands out there. I’d have to go with the Foo Fighters. I think hanging out with Dave Grohl and the guys would be fun. Maybe I could get some more stories to write.


Do you have a favourite baseball team?

If you read my first book and pay attention to my first few stories, you’ll see I mention some things that point to the Toronto Blue Jays. I also secretly give a number of one of my all-time favourite Jays. Can you figure it out?


So, if you could play on the Jays and go back in time, what position would you want to play?

Can I narrow it down to two spots? I played a lot of third base growing up and centerfield. “Put me in coach, I’m ready to play today.” What a great song! Now you’ve got me off task. Time to refocus. Maybe that’s why I never made the Big Leagues.


Did you ever Google yourself?

Yes, of course I have. I found some cool articles that I forgot about. Also pulled up some nice reviews.


Have you had any reviews that you didn’t like?

Luckily, I haven’t seen any that I found discouraging. I guess people love my books. Or that’s what I keep telling myself.


Have you thought about turning your books into movies?

Certainly I have. I’m just not sure how to write a movie script. However, I may figure it out one day just for fun. I’ve always wanted to write a screenplay. I have a wonderful idea. I just don’t have the experience in that style of writing.


What are some of the things that might be in your next book?

Well, I think there may be a brief appearance by a new character. Since I loved baseball growing up, there is a story about baseball. William gets his hands on a pitching machine. Something bad will happen. You’ll have to read it to find out.


Anything else happening in the book?

I don’t want to give away too much, but William will have some plans and then things will go wrong. That’s the best thing about William, he never gives up.


What is your favourite story that you have written so far?

In book one I enjoyed writing The Basement Monster. It’s based on real facts.


Do you have a title for the new book?

Yes, it’s going to be called Strike Three, You’re Out! (See I do like my baseball.)


Who does the cover art for your books?

I have an illustrator from Europe that designs the characters for me.


Is there going to be another book after the third one?

Definitely. I’m already planning out some of the stories even before I finish the third one. I’m kicking around the idea of calling it May the Fourth be with You.


Will there be any more Secret Agent Purrkins comics in the future?

My son designed the first one and I’ve asked him to make a new one. If that doesn’t work out, I may have a contest asking my fans to create the second episode to be in my fourth book.


I know you like sports. Where were you when the Raptors won the NBA championship?

I was with my family watching the magical moment. That’s something my family and I will remember forever (and the rest of Canada too!).


Will you be doing any author visits in the near future?

Sure, I love visiting libraries to meet and talk with the kids. It’s so much fun when they ask me questions. Until next time I bid adieu!