It's Not a Love Story by Apurba Roy - HTML preview

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Next Day :

Ryan and Vicky wake up early in the morning, They goes for jogging. Kush joins them after few minutes.

Vicky asked “where's Sahil?”.

“He is in deep sleep right now” Kush answered.

Ryan: “ he is too lazy.”

In this jogging period they found a lake near 10 minutes distance of their hostel area. Ryan was feeling very refreshed “woow ..

What a place man.”

Kush: ”yeahh. Clear water and clean air.”

They all are standing at lake banks, while Vicky starts smocking in river side.

Kush: “hey don't pollute this clean place by your dirty cigarette.”

Vicky: “Dirty cigarette. Is it a new film after Dirty picture ?? “

Ryan: “ who's the actress ? Vidya balan RETURNS ?? “

They Laughed …

College Campus:

Ishita was standing with some boys and girls in front of electronics lab. She was looking very cute in pink dress. Ryan was standing in some distance from Ishita and watching her. Ishita was also looking at Ryan. They smile and she goes into the lab.

Vicky and Sweta sit together in the classroom, they chatted in the whole class. Vicky tells about his home, family and their business in Agra.

Vicky: “you must come to Agra, it's a very nice place that you may fell in love.”

Sweta: “yea. But love can happen anywhere.”

Vicky: “that's also correct .but when you stand in front of Taj mahal you will surely in love with it.”

Sweta: “let's see. But now we should concentrate on signal & system's class otherwise professor will through us out of the class.”

they smiled together.

Boy's Hostel's room:

In the evening all four boys were gossiping in Kush's Room.

Sahil acts as the professor Dudo's(Dindayal das) lectural style. Dudo gives lecture in Amitabh Bachchan's speaking style. So all the students makes fun of him, Vicky and Kush enjoying the act by Sahil ( copycat of Dudo). Ryan sat on the bed with Kush's laptop searching Ishita in He sends friend request to 20 girls named Ishita. While original Ishita was online on that moment she accepts the friend request.

Then they starts chatting

Ryan: “Hey pretty lady..”

Ishita: “hiii..”

Ryan: “do you recognize me ?”

Ishita: “yes. Student leader.”

Ryan: “Student leader !!!!!!!!!

I have a name . u know ?”

Ishita: “hmmm. Why are you looking at me in front of electronics lab ?”

Ryan: “just adoring you.”

Ishita: “oww .. really ??”

Ryan: “yesss… you are looking sooo cute in pink dress.”

Ishita: “Thankii.”

Ryan: “it seems you are single .. r u ?”

Ishita: “and why u ask this ques ??? huh ??”

Ryan: “just concerning about u ..”

Ishita: “mmm. What your gf's name ?”

Ryan: “I don't have any.”

Ishita: “why ? u r studious type boy ?”

Ryan: “no nooo.. just can't find anyone who can share my feelings, my life.”

Ishita: “mmm. interesting..

Ok .. good night. See u tomorrow.”

Ryan: “Okk dear. have a dreamful night.”

Tech Fest :

The next big event in college campus is this year's Technical festival.

Vicky, Sahil are selected for event organizer in their separate events like Quiz marathon, Roboton vs human brains. Ryan was not in the Tech fest meeting so he is not selected in any category. Ryan was upset as his friends are in organizing team and he is not selected in it.

Ryan: “it's not fair.”

Sahil: “ you are in the meeting so they don't select your name, that's so simple.”

Vicky: “hey don't be sad, you can help us in our events.”

Sahil: “Kush is also out of organizing team, but he is participating around every possible event.”

Ryan: “okay.. let's see.”

Sahil: “Vicky is in Quiz marathon, you can also join it as a student.”

Kush: “ what's the Roboton vs human brains ?”

Ryan: “yes, what is this event ? is it a Robotics events ?”

Sahil: “well it's a brain storming event, means a project will be given to a student and a robot in same starting time of the event. Than the fastest one will win the event and grab the prize money of 10th thousand.”

Kush: “wow. That sounds interesting.”

Ryan: “Vicky. When this Quiz event will start ?”

Vicky: “its in 1st day of Tech fest, but we have additional works for the event on Monday.”

Ryan: “okk.”

Monday morning all the students of organizing committee along with Ryan meet at college campus. They were discussing about the decoration of the events, food arrangements for the participants, Labs available for Online gaming events( Fifa 12, counter strike), invitation of the guests etc. Vicky and Sahil are involved in arranging and maintaining the Labs which are allocated for the gaming event „ GameFraction '. So Vicky gets busy in operating all the pc's like checking machine configuration, installing games and all. Sahil was also busy in works. In this moments Ryan gets bored as his friends are busy in works.

Few moments later Vicky told Ryan to go to the seminar hall, Sweta was there in „T-shirt painting' event, he can help her. Ryan goes to seminar hall and tries to help members about designing in T-shirt painting event.

After few hours senior members of the organizing committee Rishav, Sonali, Bhumika, Faizal, Suraj all are come together and asked for volunteers for the guest invitation purpose. Ryan was free in that time, so he nominated himself for the work.

Rishav: “yes Ryan you and some IT students will do this work. and if you got any kind of problem then you can contact with me or Sonali. Okk ? “

Ryan: “ okay. Where's the other students ?”

Faizal: “ maximum members are busy in their works and rest of them are in Food segment”

Rishav: “Ryan, you catch up with other IT students in front of main entrance. And send someone to carry the invitation cards.”

Ryan: “okay.”

Ryan goes outside in front of main entrance. He saw Sahil, Ishita and two other students are waiting there.

Sahil : “you are coming with us ?”

Ryan: “yes brother.

Rishav da told to send someone to carry the invitation cards.”

Sahil : “ ok, I am bringing the invitation cards.”

Sahil goes Fest's office room.

Ryan: “ you are in fest committee ?”

Ishita: “yes, I am in „ultimate coding' event. And you ?”

Ryan: “ I am not in organizing committee. As I was not present in the meeting.”

Ishita: “why ? where are you when meeting occurs.”

Ryan: “well, it's a long story.”

Meanwhile Sahil came up with invitation cards.

Sahil: “guys, here is your invitation cards, go and distribute them.”

Ryan: “your invitation card means ? you are not going with us ?”

Sahil: “no, actually i have some work in Prize section, so you four guys go and do this work”

Then the Four students Ryan, Ishita, Titoo and Shruti left the college campus and gets up on a bus for their first destination. The first destination was the university's controller and vice controller's office. It takes more than half hour in bus.

All four students were sitting at the backside of the bus. Shruti was in window sit followed by Ishita then Titoo then Ryan.

Titoo has a route map. He showed it in the bus, while Ryan and Ishita viewed the map and has some conversations about college days, personal life, recent movies and all. Titoo is a very funny guy where Shruti is totally silence type. Ishita and Ryan has some good times in their journey.

They reached their first destination followed by some other colleges and some ex professors home. As an effect of this long journey Shruti was very much tired and sick. Titoo takes Shruti to her home, while Ryan and Ishita were distributing the rest of the invitation cards.

After giving invitation card to St. Jordon's college their next destination was ex professor Dr. Ramanuj sir's house. Ryan and Ishita was in auto rikshaw towards Ramanuj sir's house.

Ryan: “are you tired ?”

Ishita: “no. I am fine. You ?”

Ryan: “ I am not tired. But very much Hungry.”

Ishita: “he he he ( giggles ).. okay we will eat something after this auto.”

Ryan: “ok. You veg or non-veg ?”

Ishita: “both.”

Ryan: “both ???”

Ishita: “both means i like both veg and non-veg food.”

Ryan: “then you will order two plates for you, one veg and one non-veg” (giggles)

Ishita: “ha ha . well I am not that much hungry to eat two plates. ”

Ryan: “I like veg, sometimes non-veg also. What about you ?”

Ishita: “I said it na. whatever you wanna order just make it two for us.”

Ryan: “yea of course. I will always order two for us.”

Ishita: “always !!! “

Ryan: “means in the restaurant.”

suddenly auto stops in Hazi ali road.( Dr. Ramanuj sir's House area.)

Ryan: “let's go for eat.”

Ishita: “noh, first give this invitation card to Ramanuj sir then we will go to restaurant”

Ryan: “as you wish.”

Then they gave the invitation card to Dr. Ramanuj sir.

And goes to Hazi's restaurant.

Ryan: “biryani would be good choice. What do you say ?”

Ishita: “yes, I like biriyani.”

Ryan: “chicken or mutton ?”

Ishita: “chicken.”

Ryan: “okay . you want kabab ? “

Ishita: “noh, biryani is enough for me.”

Ryan: “ you want Firni in desert ?”

Ishita: “noh.”

Ryan: “why ? you do like firni ?”

Ishita: “I like firni, but only my mom's home-made firni.”

Ryan: “ow. So when will you invite me for your mom's home-made firni ?”

Ishita: “any day you want.”

Ryan: “hmmm”

they enjoyed the food a lot and returned to college premises in the evening.

the day after tomorrow is Tech fest „Revolvation'.

Every-one is very busy with their work in Revolvation. So as

Ishita. After consulting with Rishav bhai, Ryan joined „Ultimate Coding' event with Ishita.

Ryan spends his maximum time with Ishita, they were very excited about their first tech fest.

Kush is decided as the winner of „Ultimate coding challenge.'

While „Roboton vs human brains' event win by a boy from other college. Vicky and Sahil's group wins the „Cyborgs T.T' champ. lastly and unexpectedly Ryan wins „T-Shirt painting' event and got 5th thousand rupees gift coupon from Shoppers stop. Ryan bought a Big Mickey mouse (soft toys) by using gift voucher and gift it to Ishita. Ishita feels very special after receiving this gift from Ryan.

The foodie day:

Sahil standing in front of Chacha's Tea stall, while Vicky and Ryan was sitting on a bench. Smocking cigarettes.

Sahil: “chacha one gold flake.”

Vicky: “it's very hot here. uff need some cold drinks.”

Ryan: “chacha two cokes.”

(Chacha gives two bottle of coke to Ryan.)

Vicky gulping coke.

Vicky: “Where's Kush ?

In the library ???”

Sahil: “no he didn't came to college today .”

Vicky: “why ?? what's happen ??”

Ryan: “I think he has some problem with foods. We should give him a treat.”

Sahil: “yea. But we don't know any good restaurants in this area.”

Vicky: “I think i know a place. wait i should check it first.”

Few moments later……

Vicky called Sweta.

Ring ring .. ring ring ( phone rings)

Sweta: “Hello”

Vicky: “hey.. How's u ??”

Sweta: “I am ok. u ?”

Vicky: “me 2. are you free in the evening ?”

Sweta: “ya .. why ?”

Vicky: “actually .. me and my friends are planning to go for dinner. So i was wondering will you join us.”

Sweta: “yea okk.. see you in the evening.”

Vicky: “yup.

After hang up the phone. Vicky told others that evening plan is on. Sahil replied “yuppieee”.

Vicky: “Ryan you ask Ishita for joining us.”

Ryan: “I don't have her number.”

Vicky: “then go to college and ask her.”

Ryan: “okay.. okay.. ”

Ryan stand up from the bench and move towards college.

In the Library :

after looking everywhere in the college campus he found Ishita at the library. He goes to Ishita's table and sat down in a chair. Other students were staring at them.

Ryan: “hey”( whispering) (as it's a silence zone)

Ishita: “hmm say ?”

Ryan: “I was looking for you everywhere.”

Ishita: “but why ??”

Ryan: “I am hoping u r free in the evening.”

Ishita: “free for what ?? hummm !!”

Ryan: “my friends were going to Northen place for dinner. Will you join us ?”

Ishita: “okk.. let me think.”

Ryan: “you must come na.. otherwise I will not go with them.”

Ishita: “ok ok .. i will go.. happy ?”

Ryan: “yea very happy.. catch you in the evening then.”

Ishita meets all others friends of Ryan. Sweta was also introduced to others. Kush was so enthusiastic about the food, as he eats dosa after a long time, They enjoyed the evening lot.

Few days later…

Tarun uncle informs over a phone that Ryan's father died last night. Doctor said it's a heart attack. Ryan was so sad. He locked himself in the room for around 4/5hours. Vicky , Kush, Sahil everybody was so tented about Ryan. Kush and others tells him it's a part of life and the semester exam was not so far.

So he should recover himself from the shock.

Vicky calls Ishita and tells her about Ryan's condition.

Ishita came to meet Ryan. But Ryan was so much broken from inside that he doesn't want to meet any one. After some irritating conversation they managed to take Ryan outside the hostel.

In the Lake Side :

Evening hours. Sun just sat in the west.

Four friends goes to the lake near the hostel.

Sahil throw's small stones into the lake in a sink. It was very silent place. Kush and Ryan just sat on the bank and watching the water. Vicky was far behind smocking cigarettes.

Few minutes later Ishita came (Vicky calls her earlier, and told that they will meet at lake side.)

Sahil: “hi ishita.”

Ishita: “hii Sahil.

Hello everyone.”

Kush: “hi Ishita.”

Vicky: “come sit here ishi.”(pointed on the bank, beside Ryan )

Ryan kept silence..

Sahil: “you are looking pretty.”

Ishita: “thank you Sahil.

Is it true someone lost his voice ?”

Sahil: “yess ishi . one of our friend. You wanna know ?”

Ishita: “I knew it. But he should talk with someone.”

Vicky: “my cigarette packet is empty. I need to go now.”

Kush: “wait I „ll go. Sahil ??”

Sahil: “yes yes .. coming.”

Vicky: “Bye Ishita ..”

Vicky, Kush, Sahil leaves the lake. Now Ishita and Ryan are alone in the lake side.

Ishita: “will you remain in silence?”

Ryan: “I am very upset.”

Ishita: “I am also upset after knowing the news.”

Ryan: “you know he is everything for me. When my mom died, he used to care every little things about me.

if i had any problem, he use to stand up and solve that problem. I really really miss him very much.”(Ryan hugs Ishita and started crying)

Ishita: “don't cry rey, I will take care of you. Everyone needs to die someday and it's a bad day.”

(Ishita gave a tight hug to Ryan)

after some silent second they Kissed each other. Ishita close her eyes and feel the moment.

It was very romantic evening .

Next morning Ryan left Calcutta, and goes to Dehradun for his father's last ride. Everyone says bye to him.

The Internal Exams:

Ryan gets a leave from college as his father died. But Vicky, Sahil and others faced a tentative examination environment. Kush was a very studious boy. So Sahil pulls his leg .

(in the hostel room)

Sahil: “you will top in exam, but what about me ?”

Kush: “One day left . keep reading the books dude.”

Sahil: “Books !! huuhhh… but which one ?????

all books are same for me !!!! ”

Kush smiles on him and starts reading after wearing his high power glasses.

while Vicky and Sweta takes group studies in Sweta's home.

Vicky and Sweta came very close due to this study season.

On the exam day :

(Inside the college campus..)

Ishita was very nervous.

she tells “ I will fail in the exam.”

Sahil: “same here ishi. We will fail together and only our Hero Kush will pass with distinction”

Vicky: ”don't be so nervous guys. It's just a internal, I heard from seniors that you can skip internal and you pass the semester exam, it has no effect on sem exam”

Sweta: ”if question are very tough ? then ?”

Vicky: “question will be easier beby.”

Sahil: ”hope for the best”

Ishita: “god please. Save me.”

Kush: ”All the best guys”

Sahil, Kush & Ishita is in same room, Vicky and Sweta is in other room. As far sitting arrangements Kush is in 1st bench from the right side. Sahil is in 2nd bench behind Kush. While Ishita sits in 4th bench far left side. She is behind Rahul.

Rahul looks like a studious boy, he use to cut small hair, he wears an old framed glass and student says he is bit psycho type. He doesn't have any friend, he use to stay in his world. In his introworld, he likes Ishita a lot but can't tell her.

(Inside Exam hall…)

Exam starts. Kush starts writing in a horse power speed. While Sahil tries to copy from Kush's paper. Far left side Ishita can't write anything. She was feeling very helpless. She watches here and there.

Few moments later teacher asked Ishita “are you writing or not ?”

Ishita replied “yes madam”. But she can't write a line in the paper. Suddenly Rahul turns back and tells her to copy from his paper. Then he open's the paper and keeps it in a place where she could see and copy this.

Ishita copied the paper and submit it.

After the exam Rahul was standing at the door.

Ishita goes towards Rahul and hug him and says “Thank you, thank you, thank you…………..…”.

“you are most welcome.” Rahul replied.

“if you need any help you can ask me anytime”

“that's so nice of you” says Ishita.

After this incident Rahul and Ishita became very good friends. Few days later Ryan came back to Calcutta. Ryan found something change about Ishita, but he can't understand the missing link about her. So one day Ryan asked Sahil about anything wrong happened in few days with Ishita or others ?.

Sahil tells Ryan about Rahul and Ishita's friendship. Ryan believes it's just friendship nothing else.

Ryan sends text msg to Ishita.

Ryan: “hey.”

Ishita: “say .. where r u ??”

Ryan: “guess! i m in Calcutta now and u seems busy ?? what are you doing ??”

Ishita: “I am studying right now.”

Ryan: “I wanna meet you.”

Ishita: “yea. Me too.”

Ryan: “then meet me at CCD(Café coffee day) 11am.”

Ishita: “okayyy.”

At Coffee Shop :

Taking a sip of cold coffee. Ryan was waiting for her around 2hours. After 2 long hours Ishita come.

Ishita: “hii dr..”

Ryan: “hmm.. why r u so late ?”

Ishita: “i am in home preparing a project so. Are you feeling well ??”

Ryan: “yea.. will u ordered something ?”

Ishita: “no i am fine. Tell me how's your trip.”

Ryan: “It's good enough. How's your exam? ”

Ishita: “it's good. But it may turn into my worse exam. By the help of Rahul i did the exam very well.”

Ryan: “oww.. who's Rahul ?”

Ishita: “he is the studious boy of ECE. Aare the small hair boy, u know ?”

Ryan: “ohh.. that psycho.”

Ishita: “he is not psycho.”

Ryan: “whole college knows he is a psycho.”

Ishita: “well he is not, he gave me tuitions, and helps me to get good marks.”

Ryan: “you never told me you are taking tuitions from Psycho.

Ishita: don't call him psycho. He is good in study, just over studied people sometimes don't care what world thinks.”

Ryan: “So you two are good friends now?”

Ishita: “well you can say.. he is my study guide.”

(they felt some misunderstanding creates between them because of the new friendship of Ishita and Rahul)

Then they go outside towards bus stand. Small rain drops failing on them. They remains silent for few minutes.

Bus comes at the stand and Ishita gets up in the bus.

Ryan stands still in the bus stop.

After sitting inside the bus Ishita looks out side from the window to see Ryan. Ryan also looks at Ishita. They don't talk to each other and bus starts off.

Ryan stands alone in the middle of the rain. Rain drops covers  his pessimist eyes. He understands these few days of interval creates a big gap between them.

They remained in silence for around Three weeks.

Vicky's Birthday…

In the morning Sweta calls Vicky and wishes him “Happy Birthday sweetu…… I am planning a birthday party for you.

You and others must come and i also invited Ishita”

“okk..beby ..” Vicky replied.

few minutes later Kush, Sahil & Ryan enters into the room with cup cake and candles.

“ HAPPY BIRTHDAY…. Vicky boy….”

“Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day”

“happy birthday.. have a wonderful year ahead” .. Everyone wishes him. Then Vicky cut the cup cake and puff the candles.

In the evening they all goes to Sweta's place for vicky's birthday party. Ryan gives Vicky a Zippo lighter as a birthday gift. While Sahil gives a packet of Moods condoms to Vicky.

“enjoy your day and night” Sahil said to Vicky. Ishita was also their and she wishes Vicky ” happy birthday and gave him birthday gift”.

Vicky cuts the Cake. Sweta, Vicky, Kush all are in the dance floor. Sweta and Vicky dance together very closely in a Slow song. Ryan was standing in one corner of the room, Viewing Ishita. She looks very sweet in a black sleeveless dress. She has a glass of cold drinks, and gaze in the direction of Ryan and others. Ryan goes towards Ishita and talks “how r u ?”.

“ i am fine ..” Ishita replies.

“you know i miss you so much?” Ryan says.

“i am also missing you these days.” Ishita replies.

“Can you meet me tomorrow at lake side?” Ryan asks.

“hmmmm.. ok”

they smile together, Ryan grab Ishita's hands and pulls her into the dance floor, then they dance together. All are very happy for them.

around 11pm Ryan, Ishita, Kush and Sahil leaves Sweta's place and goes to their home. Vicky stayed that night in Sweta's home for helping Sweta in cleaning the drawing room. They clean the room and goes to bed around 1am. Sweta goes to her room.

While Vicky is in guest room. Few minutes later Sweta comes to guest room and share same bed. They hug each other while laying after few moments Vicky kissed Sweta and they had sex together.

Love is in the air :

Ryan sends a text to Ishita “ Meet me at Lake side.. 5pm” around 5pm Ishita came to Lake side, she looks very very cute in light blue top and chocolaty yellow lehenga. Ryan was just stunt after seeing Ishita. It was a very romantic weather, cool humidity, small rain drops failing from the sky, sometimes cold air blowing in the lake side. Few minutes later Ryan says” you are looking sooooooo cute….. “

“you are also looking good”.. Ishita responds.

They sat on the river side bank.

after some conversations. Ryan gives a Red rose to Ishita. She felts very shy after receiving red rose from Ryan 1st time. Ishita hugs Ryan for very long time. Ryan says “Ishita , from the 1st day we met I want to say you something.

Ishita.. I .. I love you .. I feel so much special for you, you are my life, you are everything to me .“

Ishita was very happy that her both eyes were filled with tears of happiness.

“ I luv u too ryan…in these three weeks of silence you kept. In this time i feels that you are the one who completes me, you are my missing link and i can't live without you “ … Ishita replies and hug him very tightly.

then they Kissed each other..

Ryan & Ishita both are very happy. and his friends are also very happy expect Rahul. Rahul was so upset after hearing the news.

Next day in college Ryan and Ishita enters together. They looks very cute together. After reaching their respective class rooms .

Rahul called Ishita “why are you not taking tuitions ?”

“ I was busy in some works.”.. Ishita answered

“what work ???.. Busy with Ryan ??”… Rahul asks (in anger)

“what's wrong with you ?”.. Ishita replies

“What's wrong with me !!! … you are with all the wrong people and what's wrong with me ?????” .. Rahul says “hey Rahul , don't talk to me like these.. it's my life and you mind your own business”.. Ishita replies the situation very heated here. Ishita leaves the classroom.

Sahil told Ryan about what happen in the class.

Ryan was so angry after knowing this incident.

Next day Ryan, Vicky and Sahil standing outside the college campus. Rahul was passing in front of them. Sahil calls “Rahul, come here.” Rahul came near to them.

Vicky: “What is your problem man ?”

Rahul: “problem for what ?”

Ryan: You wanna know problem for what ?? (he is in heavily anger)

Rahul keeps silence..

Ryan: “psycho, I warn you, Ishita and me we love each other. if I notice any kind of misbehave from you in future then you will be finished.”

Rahul was so much scared by this incident. He was that much mental problem that he locked himself inside his room for the whole day. His brother Rohit asked what is the problem . But Rahul never told Rohit about the incident. So Rohit decided to go college and have some enquiry about the problem.

Next day Rohit came to college.

In college campus Rohit asked some people about the incident.

Prakash and Asif were sitting in the college campus. They found Rahul's elder brother Rohit is in college. So Prakash and Asif decided to create a fight between Rohit and Ryan.

Asif told Rohit that “Rahul and Ishita love each other and Ryan and his group threatened Rahul. Ryan is the main villain here.”

Next morning Rohit and his four friends came to college along with Rahul.

They were searching for Ryan and his friends. They found them at Tea stall. They called Ryan, Ryan goes towards them and in few seconds they started fight with Ryan. Vicky & Sahil also goes there to support Ryan. In this situation Ishita came and Rahul was also there. She sought and said to Rahul that she don't like him and she loves Ryan. Everyone stops fights.

Ishita goes towards Ryan and hug him. Rohit feels so ashamed and he was very angry on Asif, for his lies this misunderstanding creates between them. Rohit and his friends goes back.

It's the first time Ishita says “I love you” to Ryan in front of many people. Ryan was so happy that he forgets his hand injury during fighting.

Having a muscular body Vicky also got some scratches in this left hand. They all go to Doctor's chamber for first aid. Ryan got bandage in his right hand. Ishita gave a kiss in this injured hand. Sweta also came to the Doctors chamber to see the injured soldiers.

Vicky was so

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