Jason Abbott by Bassam Imam - HTML preview

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I was quite relieved to have been able to leave the crime scene. I continued onward for another hour uninterrupted. It was dawn. I stopped walking, did a slow but cautious study of the entire horizon. I knew that I was somewhere in Vermont, closer to Canada, but still not out of the woods.

I continued onward for another couple of hours before seeing a long cross street. Thankfully, there was traffic moving east and west. I hurried until I reached the cross street. A sign twenty feet overhead indicated Findley Street. I did not know which way to go, east or west. Therefore, I spun around about a dozen times and then dropped onto the ground. I was motionless for about a minute. Upon recovering, I stood up and then continued walking. My plan was to accept whatever direction I chose.

I decided to head in a westerly direction. Thank goodness, there was traffic, until one motorist who was driving a Blue Chevy pickup slowed down and insulted me, saying, “Hey kitty, take an ‘F’ shower, you’re stinking up our whole country!” I had completely forgotten about the rotten stench attached to my beautiful, athletic body. I could not do anything about it for the time being.

I continued for an additional fifteen minutes, then everything went blank. Then, I found myself on the shoulder of the street. I got up and continued to walk, almost immediately I spotted the boundary of a medium-sized town. However, that is not all. Although I felt the sun's rays on my entire body, traffic had suddenly vanished. I knew that I had not walked that far. How and why did traffic vanish?

Upon reaching the peripheral of the town, I shifted my gaze onto an overhead sign indicating Creepy Town Vermont: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK. Was this some kind of a joke? Well, I had no other options at hand. I was tired and lost. Entering a town was the best deal I had irrespective of its name.

I lowered my gaze and then pondered about my next move. In front of me was a well-paved walkway that was roughly a quarter of a mile long. On its left and right banks were manicured green grass and scatterings of beautiful trees. Beyond the walkway was an entrance into a large residential area.

Desperation forced me to continue walking. As soon as I reached the peripheral of the residential area, I paused for a moment, and then continued walking. Upon entering the residential area, I noticed the presence of giant gargoyles on what appeared to be centuries-old houses, aligned on the left and the right sides of the street. Aside from the gargoyles, there was something unusual about the houses. As I continued onward, I began to hear the faint sounds of mysterious creatures. Thank goodness, the sun had encapsulated the entire area with its bright rays. I would not have had the courage to enter CREEPYTOWN at nighttime.

With every step that I took into town, the sounds became louder, and that is not all; they appeared to be getting closer too. It was at that moment that I felt like I may have put myself in serious harm’s way. I looked back for a moment to see how far I would have to sprint to leave the area. It looked like I was too deep in quick sand to get out. More so, I began to scent unknown predators. Perhaps the game was over for me. Maybe, this was a one-way entry, without an exit.

I felt my heart pounding like crazy, I was certain my blood pressure had risen dramatically, and my muscles were twitching; I was on the verge of collapsing. Reflexively I pooped and peed, temporarily interrupting my walk.

I continued onward. Then, there were no more houses. What was going on here? I saw an object a short distance ahead. There were tee-pees congregated in a very large open area. I did not know what to make of it. Then, I saw a girl of perhaps eight years of age exit one of the tee-pees. She stared at me in awe for roughly a minute, wherein, I did not know how to react. Should I stay or leave?

Then, the little girl spoke. "Baby cougar stop right now! I have a bow and arrow in my tee-pee and I know how to use it. Why are you here, and how did you get here?"

"Little girl, please lower your guard. You look like you want to rip my body into pieces. I am here by accident listen up I really do not know what happened. I was walking on a long street, I think I was heading west, and then all of a sudden everything disappeared. There was no more traffic in sight. I've never blacked out before, nor have I ever been under the influence of any psychotropic drug, honestly."

"You mean, you're umm, lost? And you don't mean my people any harm?" I nodded yes. "Okay, I believe you. Are you a baby cougar?”

"Wait a minute! You mean to tell me that you've never ever seen a cat before?" The little girl nodded yes and then shrugged her shoulders. "I'm a cat.” I became very suspicious. Something unusual was going on here. After I got over my shock, I realized that something striking was right in front of my eyes. The little girl was dressed like a Native American.

"My name is Jason Abbott. I am originally from Nebraska. What's your name, little girl?"

"Umm, my name is Little Candy, and don't you dare laugh at me! My family is from the Penobscot Nation."

"Huh, you're from the Penobscot Nation? Wait a minute! The tee-pees and the houses that I see belong to Native Americans?"

"Yes, we have a total of 15,000 people here from various nations and tribes. We try to keep our population low. Our ancestors entered the 'Hidden Zone’ by accident. They were fleeing the horrendous oppression they were facing by the European conquerors. As you noticed, the houses are of a very old style, generations old. Our ancestors and ancestors built the facades and the sidewalls to give the impression that there were people living there. As for the gargoyles, they are a scare tactic. We do not want outsiders coming here. We remember what happened to our people in the past. This is our land forever. And we don't want any slaughters, expulsions, persecutions, or diseases from the outside world."

"Little Candy, what about the terrifying sounds I heard, and the predator scents?"

"We have many animals here, some are prey others are predators. My family is currently out on a hunt. It is to maintain our cultural identity and traditions, and as a good supplement to our food supply. These tee-pees are a reminder of our heritage. The homes you see far away on the horizon are our other places of residence. We have the best of both worlds here. In addition, we have never had a single war or civil war. We want to survive. We don't want outsiders coming here and stealing our land, slaughtering our people, and devastating our entire culture.”

“Wait a minute! Then why did your ancestors name this town CREEPYTOWN VERMONT?”

“Jason, it was used as a strong deterrent, to scare all intruders away from here. If you’re lost, the last town that you want to enter is one that has an ominous name.”

I wanted Little Candy to believe that my intentions were inherently good and peaceful. In order to make my point clearer I stood up on my hind legs. “Little Candy, please don’t think for a single second that I’m part of a colonizing conspiracy. I am alone. I got lost and I need your help. I have absolutely no intention of harming you or anyone else.”

My plan appeared to have backfired. Upon seeing me stand on my hind legs Little Candy freaked out. “I know what you really are, you’re a baby bear. You want to hurt me. I think you’re some kind of a Trojan horse, I’ll show you.” Little Candy rushed back into her tee-pee and then came out holding, and then pointing a fully cocked bow and arrow at me.

“You better not take another step towards me. More so, you better turn around and leave the Hidden Zone. I will shoot to kill if needed. Now, go away!”

“Okay, I’ll go away, but can you please tell me what kind of meat I so strongly smell? It’s emanating from many of the tee-pees.”

“Umm, Jason, you mean the bison jerky. Our family has a whole bunch of the stuff. In fact, we have megatons of it. Why do you ask?”

“Little Squirrel, can you toss me a bunch of that stuff. We do not have too many bison (buffalo) in the outside world. These remarkable animals were nearly exterminated.” Little Candy went back into the tee-pee and then came out carrying a batch of beautiful strips of bison jerky. She scanned the area in a manner indicating she was committing a taboo then she tossed the bison jerky at me. “Jason, those meat strips are pasted in salt. Perhaps I made a mistake. Please eat your food here, but do so as quickly as a ravaging beast.”

Danger was approaching quite fast. I ate the strips of meat as fast as I could and then waited for Little Candy to speak.

Little Candy then tossed a couple of large canteens at me, one full of water the other of milk. “Jason, please drink the milk first and then the water. I must go back into the tee-pee. Please be on the alert. Danger is approaching. I can’t say anymore.”

As soon as I took my last gulp of water, I heard the roaring and growling of unknown beasts. Little Candy had given me a heads-up. I was an outsider in this zone therefore; I had no clue as to what kinds of creatures lived herein. I cropped up my ears and used my incredible feline vision to study the area intently. Judging from my own calculations there were at least three very large predators fast approaching. Naturally, I turned then ran.

I kept running and running towards the exit of town. All the food and drink I so quickly devoured worked against me. I felt like I doubled my weight in a short period. Nevertheless, I continued onward; the voices of the creatures were getting ever so closer. More troublesome, I felt tremors in my large muscles, weakening them to the point of slowing me down considerably. I felt that it was all over. I collapsed as soon as I was within twenty feet of the peripheral of town. Thankfully, I had enough energy to see my tormentors. I could not believe my eyes. Roughly, one hundred feet away from me were three very large dinosaur-like predators. They had massive long heads, gargantuan razor-sharp teeth, forelegs with sharp curved claws used for prey and enemies, and legs that were incredibly very muscular with curved claws each a foot long. The creatures were light green in colour, with sprinkles of purple and blue. Their eyes were black and very menacing. Good for me they aborted the chase. I think it was because I was too close to the peripheral of town. The creatures eyed me briefly then turned around and left. They were drooling profusely; no doubt, I looked and smelled like a tasty meal. Tough luck for them, good luck for me.

Still, how dare they try to chase me down like a prey animal? I was insulted. No, I could not just let them get away with it. “Hey guys, look!” I stuck my tongue out and gave a funny face. “Huh, NAA NA nanny goat can’t catch a Billy goat.”

Suddenly without any warning, the alpha creature turned, the other two conformed. The three creatures raised their heads, roared in unison, and then charged. I was very shocked. I turned and then wobbled away. I could barely move my legs fear was overtaking me. Everything went blank thereafter. The next thing I knew, I was on the shoulder of the road wherein vehicular passersby slowed down to look at me. They must have thought that I was an intoxicated kitty.

I had passed out in a place that was aligned with streetlights. Otherwise, I am almost certain at least one vehicle would have inadvertently squashed me. My instinct for survival jolted me upright. A moment later, I remembered something that every cat and dog knows, some drivers enjoy running over animals, especially cute little cats like me.

A short while later, a man driving a yellow school bus pulled over next to me. After a short pause, he opened the door of the bus. This particular bus was full of children. What kind, I did not know. What I mean is, were they the kind of children who loved or hated cats? “Hey kitty, are you all right.” I nodded yes. “Are you heading north? If you are, we can take you to northern Vermont just twenty miles from the U.S. Canada border. How does that sound?”

“Sir, I’d appreciate a ride, I really have to go up north. I mean, you weren’t just kidding, I mean, like umm, you’re serious about the ride?” He nodded yes. “Okay then, I’ll hop in. However, the bus looks like it is chock-full. Where will I sit?” The driver waved me in with a motion of his hand. I took a couple of steps toward the bus and then leaped in.

The driver did not call me stinky, nor did he give off any indication that he felt uncomfortable smelling me. At that moment, I realized that something quite unusual had happened. Following a quick examination and scenting of my beautiful body, it was apparent that somehow the dried up blood and other gooey cadaver stuff had somehow disappeared from my body.

The driver pointed to an empty seat in the front row on the right. I was happy it was the best passenger seat. I got a bird's-eye view of what was in front of the bus. I leaped onto the seat and then looked to my right wherein I wanted to say hi to the child sitting next to me. However, there was a problem; it was not a real child. It was a mannequin. My instincts kicked in, impelling me to turn and look at all of the children. It was odd that none of them had said a single word, or made a sound. On closer examination, I noticed that none of them was moving, nor did they emanate any kind of a human scent. Gosh, they were mannequins, all of them!

"Kitty, don't worry about all of these mannequins. I am a real down-to-Earth school bus driver. I have these mannequins here because I like to imagine that I am on duty. These mannequins are friendly. I always talk to them. They never mouth off to me, and they keep secrets quite well. I made them promise to never tell anyone about our little secret; kitty, I hope you understand?"

I wanted to play it safe. Besides, I needed the ride really badly. “Yes, of course, sire oh, I sincerely understand what you’re saying. In addition, you know what I have my own secret mannequin friends too. Now, I want you to promise me that you won’t tell anyone in the whole world, I’ll do likewise for you.”

“Oh gosh, kitty, I love you so much. You know something, I am seventy years-old, and no one has ever understood me, not even my family. I guess I can open up to you these mannequins really do speak. Kitty, perhaps we’re the only ones in the whole world that believe this?”

“Umm, sir, no, I think there are other people out there just like us, but they’re afraid to open up about it. Society can be somewhat hostile towards these people.”

“Kitty, what did you say your name was?”

I could not use my real name. I had to think of an alias fast. The only name that I could think of was the one he called me. “Sir, my name is Kitty. How did you know?”

“Gosh, I guess I’ve got the smarts or something. Anyway, relax and enjoy the ride. It will take us roughly two hours to get to Little Town, Vermont. Thereafter, I cannot help you, sorry. I am not going up to Canada. Little Town is my only home. Perhaps one day I’ll visit you up in Canada?”

It took fifteen minutes into the ride for me to begin to relax. Then I started to feel groggy. Although the bus driver was a real mental case, I did not think he was dangerous. On the contrary, every time I looked at him he had a smile on his face. I guess he could not help being a mental case.

As soon as my eyelids felt like they weighed a ton apiece, it was time to close them for a short sleep. No sooner had I closed my eyes I felt a soft nudge on my right shoulder. Initially, I thought that I was falling asleep and that it was a twitch of sorts so I ignored it. Then it happened repeatedly seven times. Who could be nudging my shoulder? I knew it could not be the driver, and aside from us, there were no other living beings aboard.

Meow! I shot up into the air! Upon landing, I looked at the mannequin seated next to me. It was a horrifying occurrence; the mannequin was alive. "Kitty, why did you startle so easily. You are not afraid of me, are you? Fearing one of us is like fearing all of us; we take it personally, it is as if you are telling us that we are freaks or something of the sort. We stand by our master and each other at all times, through thick and thin, through adversity and good times. If you fear us you're not one of us, factually you’re our enemy."

I felt another rush of fear and terror, but this one was more logical. It did not result from being startled but following deduction and reasoning. I was in an extremely dangerous situation. The windows were bolted shut. Apparently, I had missed this point when looking at the bus from the outside. I did not blame myself because in all likelihood the average person would not have noticed it either.

The mannequin beside me stared at me with his heinous black eyes. He did not blink nor did he waver. I felt very uncomfortable. "Kitty, look over there, at the other mannequins." All of them stood up in unison. Worse yet, the driver took his foot off the gas pedal. We were slowing down I had no escape, and no offensive or defensive manoeuvres to speak of. However, as it goes, the saying 'cats have 9 lives' may have some truth and merit to it. Thank goodness, before we slowed down both of the tires on the right side of the bus struck a very sharp object on the road. This forced the school bus to swerve violently. Luckily, the driver did not know how to handle the situation.

The so-called fearless mannequins sat down. However, that was not enough. The bus then struck a stop sign and a sidewalk. We were at an intersection. Instantly, the bus rolled at several times. When it stopped, rolling the bus was upside down. The top of the bus was indented squashing many of the mannequins. Thankfully being a cat meant that I was short and small. I could slither and squeeze through tight openings. Vertigo was no problem for me. I simply righted myself and then crawled out of the school bus. However, in all the mayhem, I forgot to curl my tail. The mannequin that did not die grabbed hold of my tail then began to pull. In a reflex action, I hissed, then bared my teeth and extended my claws. Then, I attacked the hand that had taken hold of my tail, forcing the mannequin to release its grip. I turned and then looked at the mannequin. It took its last breath and then died. I felt no pity for it.

Although traffic was light, the incredible commotion received the attention of drivers and passengers alike in the area. After shaking my head, I focused on my surroundings. Initially seven vehicles had stopped to see what had ensued, and three more vehicles were approaching the scene. It was time to scram.

In front of me was the street that the bus was on, and to my right was a long two-way street that headed in opposing directions. I stayed low and then ran to the two-way street. Upon reaching the intersection, I noticed a sign that indicated U.S. Canada Border two miles. Gosh, I was so close, but still so far. I had two options, cross the border undetected, or cross the border the ‘legitimate way’.

I laid flat on the ground. The number of vehicles converging upon the area was increasing geometrically. It seemed like half of the passersby were stopping to look at the spectacle. Some of the onlookers decided to take photos or to film the scene of the accident. Worse yet, they started to shift their gaze towards me, a lone kitty. I was stunned. There was nowhere to go, and the last thing that I needed was to have my image flashed on social media.

As soon as I started galloping away, a car approached my position. I acted as if I did not see it. Then, the driver started honking the horn, so much so more passersby and onlookers alike shifted their gaze towards me. I felt like the whole world was staring at me. Cats do not like this feeling.

After several more honks, the driver rolled down the window on my side and then yelled out to me. “Honey, kitty, please get into the car. You have no other viable options. The police, highway patrol, state police, and the local media are on their way. I am sure you do not want to become Public Enemy Number One in the State of Vermont! You will not be able to run or hide. Come on, honey, just get into my car.”

Both of us stopped simultaneously. A young blond-haired, blue-eyed woman with freckles on her face and body driving a blue Hyundai New Generation i20 Hatchback was trying to convince me to get into her car. Just then, I heard the faint sound of sirens fast approaching. Truly, I lowered my guard. A young and very attractive female driving a very nice car could not possibly be a danger to me.

I leaped into the Hyundai landing beside the young woman. “Honey, buckle up. We have to get out of here fast. We don’t want the police to arrest us, now do we?” My perception of the young woman changed for a moment; I kind of thought it was odd that she would risk life and limb for a stranger, a stranger who was not even a human being, a cat for that matter. Anyway, my feeling of desperation brushed aside my momentary suspicions. I had to cross the border into Canada.

"Honey, my name is Amanda Darling. I am from Ottawa, Ontario. I am a student at Ottawa University I am studying cultural anthropology. If things go right, I will graduate in two semesters. Then, it will be another long road to my doctorate. I am so happy to have seen you. I just ended a two-week vacation in Boston. I have friends there. Otherwise, I would have gone somewhere else.

I think it will be nice when you and I officially become roommates and best friends in the whole world. I am going to bring you back with me to the dorms. It is going to be nice. I am going to show you off in front of all of my sorority sisters and the fraternity brothers too. Everyone will envy me because I have such an incredibly beautiful cat for a roommate. And you're a male too, right?" I nodded yes. Amanda was overwhelming me with her abnormal instant love routine. "Later on, I'll introduce you to my parents. I think that you and I are going to be together until death do us part."

I sat there, in awe, with my mouth agape, eyes wide open and expressionless. I did not know what to say. Suddenly, I saw Amanda's not so friendly side, I really do not know why. "Honey, why are you looking at me like that? Do not tell me that you do not love me. I've seen that look on the faces of the many men who were getting ready to leave me." Amanda glared at me. "Don't tell me that you're going to dump me."

I shifted my gaze onto the road ahead, noticing that the port of entry was only a hundred or so yards away. I had to put on an act; I did not want to be deceitful, but it had to happen. "Amanda, no, on the contrary I think that you're a fabulous person. Whatever gave you the idea that I was not in love with you. I was wearing an expressionless face because I was stunned that you felt the same way about me that I felt about you. I think its love at first sight. Don't you?"

"Yes, Honey, I really do. Please do not leave me, okay? Too many men have dumped me. I do not know what it is. I get top marks in school. I can't be a dummy or an airhead, Right?" I nodded yes. "Well, what is it?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Honey, what do you mean you don't know? I demand an answer!" I had to distract her fast.

"Amanda how absolutely incredible that is. The port of entry is right in front of us. Please tell them that you are my mother. I'll curl up into a ball and I'll shove my right paw in my mouth like a little kitty."

When it was our turn to be questioned by the port of entry officer Amanda stopped her vehicle in front of the barrier bar. "Madam, are you a Canadian Citizen?"

"Yes Officer, I was born in Ottawa. I am returning from a vacation in Boston. I am going back to the University of Ottawa. I'm studying cultural anthropology."

Pointing his index finger at me, the officer asked, "And who is he?"

"Officer, he's my little baby boy. I love him so much." The officer raised the barrier bar and then waved us through. I was so relieved, but at the same time, I needed an escape plan. One thing was for certain, I could not live in the same city that Amanda lived in. I was going to escape as soon as I was able to, and without a single delay. I was thankful that she was not going to Montreal.

Amanda continued driving and for the following twenty minutes without saying a word. I was not sure if she would run out of steam or if she was, mad at me. Perhaps she sensed that our feelings towards each other were not mutual. I made certain not to take my eyes off the road. We were reaching the peripheral of a small town when I finally got the break that I needed. A sign up ahead indicated Ottawa 210 km, Montreal 40 km. I knew that a kilometre is .6214 miles. Although I would normally consider 40 km a long distance, under the circumstances it was quite short. I would come a long way. One of the biggest obstacles of which I would already overcome; I entered Canada 'legally' and without incident.

As soon as Amanda stopped for a red traffic light. I pulled the door handle up and then pushed. I leaped out of the Hyundai, and then ran like a cheetah in a neutral direction. I did not want to alert Amanda about where I really wanted to go. Instantly, she turned off the engine and then exited the Hyundai.

"Honey, please don't leave me! I cannot endure another man leaving me. Please come back to me. You are breaking my heart no you are shattering my heart. I love you! How could you do this to me, damn it? I gave you a free ride into Canada you made me lie to the Port of Entry Officer, more so I offered to take you in as a roommate. I wanted to flash you in front of all of my friends. You are doing me so much harm. Please, just tell me what I did wrong, that is all I want to know. I better not catch you.” Now that was a very creepy thing for Amanda to say.

I knew better than to stop. Although I felt terrible about running away from Amanda, she was too mentally unstable to take as a good friend. I needed to get into the country at any cost. Freedom is what I needed. Only a hundred yards on, I stopped in my tracks. I had a partial change of heart. I was not going to go back though.

I turned and then faced Amanda. "Amanda, you're a very nice person. I hope that someday you find a very good man to marry, spend the rest of your life with, and raise your children together. Please do not be angry with me. I am an inherently good-natured cat. I need my freedom. Please forget me." Amanda was teary-eyed. However, she was also enraged. Yikes, I realized something quite terrifying. I was on a long street, and there were not too many hiding places. It did not take long for my worst fears to come true.

Amanda entered her Hyundai, turned on the ignition, and then drove in my direction. The closer she got the more it looked like she was trying to hit me. When she got to within twenty feet of me, I leaped out of the way. I zigzagged away from six attempts before she gave up. Thereafter I only had enough energy to walk to the nearest town and hide behind a large house.

Just when I thought, it was all over, it became apparent that Amanda was not one for giving up. I knew this from the sound of her Hyundai's engine. She spent the entire night driving around the area. In addition, it was not until some of the residents called the police that she finally left town. I was right after all Amanda was too mentally unstable to be my friend.

I felt a powerful wave of relief. I was now truly on my own. No one knew my big secret. Upon leaving my hideout, I retraced my steps and then started walking to Montreal, staying on the shoulder of the road. I kept my eyes and ears cropped up in case of danger. You can never tell when a cat-hating motorist will suddenly appear.

I continued onward for an hour before I felt like I needed a long rest. I could not rest on the shoulder of the road that would be suicide. I studied the area intently, noticing the edge of a forested area on both sides of the street just ahead. I dashed to it and then dove into a massive congregation of plants. Expectedly, I had a soft landing. Right before I closed my eyes a fast approaching vehicle caught my eye. There was something peculiar about this vehicle. As soon as it was within my field of vision, I felt a powerful jolt throughout my entire body rendering me motionless for a couple of minutes.

Amanda was driving back to the area wherein I scrammed. I righted myself and stayed low watching the Hyundai Hatchback intently. As soon as it was out of sight, I felt a sigh of relief, resulting in the closure of my eyes. I did not awaken from my sleep until dawn. I stood up and then stretched out and studied the area carefully. The traffic was slow. If Amanda saw me, again it would have led to a horrible scene. It is easy to run over a poor, innocent, unsuspecting cat. In addition, if it does happen, the authorities will not shed a single tear.

I stayed low, this way, I could see and hear Amanda’s Hyundai if she did return. Amanda drove past me fifteen minutes later. I stayed low and did not budge an inch, breathing through my nose.

As soon as the coast was clear, I got up and then continued my trek to Montreal. I was continuously ready to dive away. The forested area would act as a cushion in case of a powerful landing. The first ten minutes passed smoothly. Then, I noticed a pit stop just a hundred yards away. Better yet, a brown-haired obese man wearing a plaid shirt and very baggy jeans exited a dark van. He looked both ways, seeing there was an interruption in traffic he ran to the other side of the street and then urinated on some plants. Meanwhile, I took advantage of the situation by sprinting to the van and then leaping into the back seat. The obese man returned to his van, turned the ignition and then drove off.

I stayed low, hardly moving except to crane my neck keep a tab on exactly where we were. As soon as I saw a sign that read Montreal City Limits, I knew that an exit from the van was imminent. I had to wait for the right moment. We were heading South on Decarie Boulevard. The highway was to our left and below us. That was good. It ensured that the driver was not going to another town.

It was a beautiful cloudy morning making it suitable for a cat to take a long walk. I waited attentively until we stopped at a red light. What was I going to do? Well, I did not want to hurt the poor person he had inadvertently given me a free ride to my new home. However, I was in a predicament. If I made my presence known, there was no way of knowing how this fellow would react. Perhaps he had a knife or a firearm stashed in the glove compartment or worse yet, in his vest. Maybe, he was an officer of the law. I brainstormed for roughly a minute but by then the light had turned green. In reality, it was a good thing because I needed more time to think.