Jordan and the Little Magic Pencil by Anna Kondis - HTML preview

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He doesn’t have many friends because he feels ashamed of his difficulty in reading and writing properly. So, he prefers sitting alone, even during breaks. One day, while he was returning from school and being disappointed because he didn’t do well at spelling once again, he lost his way home.




After walking for a long time, he found himself in front of a colourful house.


It must be one of the reading rooms, he thought.


All of a sudden the windows opened and sucked Jordan inside. He was surprised to find, that there was only a single desk in the room. He sat down and got his books ready without hesitation.


Then something magical happened! The desk opened and a huge LITTLE PENCIL came out!




Hello Jordan! You are the luckiest kid of this neighbourhood! You have just sat on the magic desk which will make you love spelling and English.


But… I’m not good at this course at all… said Jordan sadly. Every day I study the spelling we have for homework, but when I go to school, I misspell all the difficult words.


Be patient, my little friend! I can make it all be easy! Are you ready?


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! he yelled happily.


Then, listen to the song!


All of a sudden huge notes appeared in front of Jordan and his desk, and there was a song:




Pay attention Jordan, said the little magic pencil. I’m going to reveal our first trick.


It’s called:


“I jump from the easy to the hard”


Colourful letters from a flying book appeared and created the word




The o and w lowered




There was the song again:




That is, my dear Jordan, we went from  the easy o to the hard w.


The same happens to other words  too? asked Jordan tensely.


Of course! Take a look at other words and see for yourself that it goes from  easy to hard.


The little pencil began to write words…




Jordan was relieved. He could memorise words with only a simple trick, just with a song. These words confused him all this time.


He went back home with indescribable joy.




Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! At last!


From now on I will study my homework for the next lesson easily!


What are you talking about, Jordan? Are you crazy?


Go quickly upstairs to do your homework! said his mother in a strict voice.




Disappointed for no one believed him and in a bad mood, he went to his room. He was looking forward to the next afternoon after school when he would go to that magic room again.




The next day came, the lesson was over and little Jordan took quickly his schoolbag and biked like crazy towards that colourful door of that room, he was enchanted with. He sat on his desk, prepared his books, and immediately the little magic pencil came out of the desk.


Welcome! Today I have something more amusing for you! Do you like pictures?


Yeeeeeeeeeeess! screamed Jordan thrilled.


Pay attention, then! Think of a rabbit. How many teeth has it got?




A rabbit appeared before his very eyes!


Hmmmm… Jordan thought.




Well doooooooone!


That is why the word rabbit is written with two “b”. This is our second trick. When you hear a word, you will think its picture. Small pictures were starting to appear in front of Jordan and the little pencil explained everything.






It is spelled with 2 b because bubbles are always many.






It is spelled with 2 r because cherries  always come as a pair.






It is spelled with u because its shape reminds us a big and open u.






It is spelled with 2 z because pizza comes with many pieces.






It is spelled with 2 s because scissors  have 2 parts.


How lucky Jordan was! In two days he had learnt how to write quite a few words correctly, with tricks impossible to forget! He returned home happy and went upstairs to his room.


He took all the books from the bookcase and started practising the tricks, that the little pencil had told him, on difficult words.


The next day after school he walked along the same road that led to the magic room.


He entered but his favourite desk was not there.


He waited for a long time.


Neither the little magic pencil appeared, nor melodies were heard.


He got up and walked home in tears.


It was there, in the gap under the door, where he found a letter.






Jordan smiled and felt confident for the first time.


From that day on he wrote dictation without a single mistake because he remembered the tricks that the little magic pencil had told him in that magic room.

