What is it about mental illness that makes people just act like it
doesn’t exist? Despite strides made today, it is not openly discussed
in many communities, especially in communities of color, like the one
I grew up in, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Whether in the U.S., the
Caribbean, Africa, our South America, there is still a lot of shame
associated with mental illness, so people choose often to suffer
silently while their lives are unraveling right in front of their eyes.
This memoir offers a look at mental illness from my perspective as
the child of a mother suffering from the effects of schizophrenia.
The pages ahead offer a snapshot of the early years of my life, the
beginning of my “Journey Untold,” and my journey to finding
myself. In it, you will hear an honest, first-person narrative of the
early years that shaped the woman I am today, and from time to time,
“Self,” the outspoken part of my personality may share a thought or
two. No, I don’t have split personalities, but it’s just my way of giving
you all of me, as authentically and openly as I know how.
A few years ago I embarked on a journey to develop a women’s
clothing line and that opened the door for some amazing
opportunities. One of them was to host my spring collection fashion
show every year in March to showcase the latest designs to potential
customers. During my 2014 “Spring into a New YOU” fashion
showcase, I made the decision to share a little about myself with the
Author: Yassin S. Hall | Co-Author: Loán C. Sewer
attendees and provide them with a look into the heart and soul of the
person creating and selling these fashions for them. It was life-
changing. By the time I finished sharing my story with them, there
was not a dry eye in the room, and after the show people were
coming up to me saying how my words had touched them. So here
we are today, with Journey Untold. It is a raw, unapologetic perspective
– from my point of view - of the period in my childhood when I lost
my mother to the sneaky, unsuspecting grip of mental illness and
what that experience did to and for me.
My hope is that this book will help to remove the shame associated
with this disease and that a discussion can take place in personal
circles about the harm that is done when we keep silent about
unpopular disorders for fear of shame, retribution, or bullying.
Mental illness is real; its consequences are soul shattering; and the
lives left to pick up the pieces can only be rebuilt with truth and
Ms. Yassy
Author: Yassin S. Hall | Co-Author: Loán C. Sewer