Kanelis Explores Athens by Dimitrios Kanellopoulos - HTML preview

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6. The fellowship of the philosophers at the Academy


Kanelis landed on the shoulder of a statue. Having realized that he can speak with anyone and anything, he asked immediately.


- Good evening sir, my name is Kanelis, the horse of Holargos. You seem very preoccupied. What are you doing?


- I am thinking, dear Kanelis, I am thinking. I am Socrates, the philosopher.


- Ohh, that sounds very important. Is it a profession?


- Ha, ha, Socrates laughed cheerfully, I would say that philosophy is mostly an attitude towards life. It comes from within your soul; it is the desire to learn in depth about the world and the human-beings. Especially the human-beings, I would dare say, as their actions affect nature very much.


- Looking at the building behind us, Kanelis said, I see that some people have written slogans on the walls; it’s so ugly. But why didn’t those people respect the place? Why did they cause all this damage?


- I disagree with you about that, my little Kanelis. I believe that nobody does harm voluntarily and I mean that someone who knows what is bad does not do it. On the contrary, when people do something, they believe that it is something good.


- All these sound strange, mister philosopher; I can see here the damage on a cultural treasure, this magnificent building! So tell me, please, how can someone stop doing harm? What does help us choose to do the right thing?


- What I claim is this: when someone knows what is really bad and what is really good, then someone can refrain from doing harm.


- Therefore, we could say that this knowledge is human virtue.


- Well done, Kanelis, I would really like to have you as my student, when I was teaching in Athens. Yes, like Plato, over here, who has been looking at us silently all  this time. Kanelis turned his eyes and saw the imposing figure who was watching their discussion keenly for some time.


- What a broad forehead you have, Kanelis said, spontaneously.


- You are observant, Kanelis, you know that when I was born, they named me Aristocles, but later, because I had a big chest and a broad forehead, they changed it to Plato!


- And you didn’t mind?


- But of course not, there are much more important things in life than names and titles. I was interested in teaching and that’s why I established a school of philosophy in Athens and it was named after me, Plato’s Academy, Plato said with emotion.


- It is true, Kanelis, Socrates said. I am really proud of my student. He stood by me till my last moment, as a student and a true friend. I am glad that today we are here side by side, in front of the Academy.


- Who could have told me that I, a little metal horse, would discuss today with two of the most eminent figures of the Greek and international culture! I could stay here for hours and talk, but you know my wish lasts only for a day and, while the sun is going down, I want to hurry and visit the Acropolis.


- Yes, of course, our little friend, and if you ever find time again, come and visit us, we will be here philosophizing. You are always welcome.