Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight by D. M. Fife - HTML preview

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Chapter 8 - Departing on the Wings of a Dragon


img8.pngoon after taking the test, Danny learned that Chris, Doug, Matt and Alonso had also passed it.  However, due to his overwhelming excitement, the rest of the school year passed slower than Danny would have thought possible.

But the school year did end.  Spring thaw transitioned into summer’s sunny days, marking the last day of school.

Jumping off the bus, Danny sprinted across the road, crossed his yard and entered his house.  He'd finished packing a week ago.  The pamphlet had advised prospective students to pack only the essentials, suggesting that everything else would be provided once they arrived at the Academy of Light.  Danny also packed a change of warm clothing at the suggestion of Sabrina's father.  Apparently, the journey would be a cold one.

Grabbing his loaded backpack, Danny slipped the dagger he'd received as a gift from Tyramear into a side pocket, and sat near the door, rhythmically tapping his foot, waiting for his mother to return from work so that his adventure could begin.

Thirty-one minutes later, the familiar jingle of keys announced her arrival.

Danny ran to the door and yanked it open before his mother could even put the key in the lock.

Startled, Patricia Firoth placed her hand on her chest, "Danny, you almost scared me to death."

"Sorry," said Danny, he added, "Can we go now?" even before the sincerity of his apology could register.

"Can I at least come in and put my things in the house first?"

It was then that Danny noticed his mother had a handful, a brightly-colored red bag, an orange lunch box and a large sack of groceries.  "Here, let me get the groceries," reaching for the sack, which his mother allowed him to take.  After taking the hefty assortment of foodstuff, Danny stepped back, giving his mother ample room to enter the house.

She placed her red bag on the floor and walked into the kitchen, with Danny following closely behind.  She placed her lunch box on the counter while Danny placed the bag of groceries next to it.

"Okay, can we go now?"

"My, you are in a hurry, aren't you?"

"Yes," he nodded dramatically for effect.

"Well, do you have everything packed?"

Danny held up his bag.

"Is that all you're taking?"

"You read the pamphlet, Mom.  Everything we need will be provided for us once we get there, including clothes."

"Okay, okay… you're growing up so fast but I still see you as my little baby," rubbing the top of his head affectionately.

"Mom," Danny said, embarrassed by her loving gesture.

"Before we leave, I have something for you," returning to the hall and reaching into the bag she had brought home from work.

Danny followed her every movement with his eyes; he watched her as she rummaged through the bag and pulled out a present wrapped in glittering blue paper.

"Here, open it."

Danny took the package and began stripping the paper away, revealing a yellow-colored box with a phone pictured on it.

"You got me a phone?" his eyes widening in surprise.

"So you can call me while you're gone."

Danny's excitement faded as he eyed his mother, "Mom, the pamphlet said no phones allowed."

"I know," admitted his mother with a smile.  "But you can at least call me when you get there."

Danny shrugged away her reasoning, "Okay, but can we go now?"

"Yes," she said with a laugh.

The ride to Sabrina's house was brief, Danny was sure that he would be the last one to arrive.  He had only been to her house once, but with directions from Sabrina, they found it without too much trouble.  Pulling into the gravel drive, Danny looked out in awe at the amount of land the two-story house was on, something he never noticed during his previous visit, it had been too dark.  Sweeping cornfields stretched out on both sides of the driveway, towering pine trees created a corridor all the way to the house.

"Wow," said Danny's mother, also taken aback by the beauty.

After driving on the winding road for less than a minute, they pulled up to the house.  The gravel driveway transitioned to cement, allowing for a smoother ride.

Tyramear stood on the porch, he walked toward the moving car in even steps as Danny's mother rolled the vehicle to a stop.

Getting out of the car, Danny got his first look at the backyard, more like a field than a yard.  Like the driveway, the grounds rested between two vast cornfields.  However, unlike the entrance, the backyard was devoid of trees, rocks or anything else, for that matter.  It was simply a long strip of unkempt land.

"My goodness," said Danny's mother, getting out of the car, seeing the same scene as her son.

"Good evening," said Tyramear, stopping in front of the car.

Closing the car door, Danny's mother said, "Hello, I am Danny's mother, Patricia."

"I am Sabrina's father, Tyramear Drake.  A pleasure to finally meet you," said Tyramear, extending his hand in greeting.

"You have a lovely home," said Patricia, shaking Tyramear's hand gently.

"Why, thank you."  Then, turning toward Danny, "And, it is, of course, nice to see you again, Danny."

"Yes, sir, I mean, Mr. Drake.  Is anyone else here yet?"

"I am afraid you are the second-to-last to show up, Danny.  Mr. Mickler, Mr. Martinez and Mr. Garrett are waiting inside.  Sabrina is in her room, packing.  Once Mr. Greene arrives, we can begin preparing for the journey ahead."

Putting his bag on his shoulder, Danny turned toward his mother.  "Well, Mom, I guess I'll see you in a few months."

"Not so fast, mister," bypassing her son.  Digging through her pockets, she pulled out a square piece of paper and handed it to Tyramear.

Tyramear took it without question.

"At the top is my home address, our home phone number is next, then my cell phone number and my email address is at the bottom.  I know the school already has this information, but I thought you should have it if you needed to get in touch with me in an emergency," instructed Patricia, as Tyramear looked it over.

"Of course, Ms. Firoth," said Tyramear with a sincere smile.

Turning back toward Danny, "Well, give me a hug, then."

Danny stepped into her arms and found her familiar scent comforting.  He was nervous about the coming months at the Academy but he was excited, as well.  However, this would be his first time away from home; he would be lying to himself if he denied the fact that he was a bit frightened.  He attempted to pull free from his mother's embrace, only to find her vice-like grip locked around him.  He wasn't the only one who was worried.

"Mom," he said, his tone rising.

"Just give me one second more," she said, chuckling.

Again, Danny attempted to break free, but to no avail.  "Mom," he said once more, this time with some conviction.

"Okay, okay."  She released him and pulled away.  "I love you." holding his head in both of her hands so that his eyes locked with hers.

"I love you, too, Mom."

With one last arm squeeze and kiss on the forehead, she freed him and made her way back to the car.

Danny took up a position next to Tyramear as his mother got back into the car, waving a final goodbye.

"So, Danny, are you ready to begin your training to become a Knight of the Light?" Tyramear asked, once Patricia Firoth's car became but a distant blur up the drive.

"I am," said Danny confidently.

"Good," said Tyramear with a smile.  "Then you better get some rest, we leave at dusk."

"Shouldn't we leave sooner?  It's a long drive."

Tyramear's smile widened and his eyes flashed with sudden delight.  "We will not be driving."

"We won't?"

"You packed a set of warm clothes like I asked, correct?"

"Yes," his face showing confusion.

"Good," patting Danny lightly on the back.  "Go inside and get some rest, you are going to need it for tonight."

Danny shrugged, picked up his bag and walked into the house.  Once inside, he found Matt, Alonso and Doug resting on the floor on makeshift beds of different colored blankets.

All three boys glanced up, their eyes alert; resting was the farthest thing from their minds.

"What's up, Danny!" Matt yelled, pushing the thick glasses up on his nose.

"Be quiet," whispered Doug, who was lying next to him, followed by a swift kick from Alonso.

"Ouch," said Matt, rubbing the spot where Alonso had struck him.  "What was that for?"

"We're supposed to be quiet, resting," informed Doug before Alonso could answer.

"Hey, guys," said Danny, laughing.

"Shouldn't you boys be resting?" Sabrina's mother said.  "…Oh, hello Danny."  Her features softened into a smile as she saw him.

"Hello, Mrs. Drake."

"You boys have a long trip ahead of you this evening.  You really should get some rest."  She swiveled back toward Danny.  "You, too, Danny, there are more blankets and pillows in the closet for you," pointing to a white door behind her.  "There should be enough for two more.  There is one more coming, right?"

Danny nodded, "Yes, Mrs. Drake."

"Call me, Moon," she said with a smile.

"Yes, Moon," said Danny, his voice unsteady.  "Where's Sabrina?" he asked before Moon could return to the kitchen.

"She's upstairs in her room doing the same thing that you should be."

"Yes, Mrs. Drake. . . I mean, Moon."

Moon disappeared beyond the swinging door of the kitchen.

Danny walked to the closet and grabbed a set of soft blue blankets and a pillow.  Picking a spot between Doug and Matt, he plopped down on the floor, took his shoes off and sprawled out.  After a few moments of silence, he whispered, "I don't know if I'm going to be able to fall asleep, I'm too excited."

"Are we driving there, or what?" Matt asked in the same hushed tone.

"We're definitely not driving."

"Then how are we going to get there by tomorrow if we aren't leaving until tonight?" Doug asked.

"Beats me," said Alonso.

Danny was about to say something when the front door squeaked open.  Chris walked through the threshold and closed the door behind him.  Danny waved in greeting.

"Hey, man," Chris said in an unrestrained tone.

Danny put his finger to his lips, signaling Chris's silence.  "We're supposed to be resting."

"Yeah, Mr. Drake mentioned that," said Chris, matching Danny's hushed voice.  "Something about a long trip tonight, right?"

"Yeah," said Matt, pushing his glasses up again.

"So . . . are we going to be driving?"

Chris's question caused a fit of nervous laughter to erupt from the four boys on the floor, unsure of the answer themselves.

"Did I say something funny?"

"No, man," said Danny, stifling his snickering, "we were just wondering the same thing."

"Oh," said Chris, unconvinced.

"There are more blankets and pillows in the closet," said Danny, pointing to the door.  "If Tyramear suggests we get some rest, it's probably a good idea."

That was explanation enough for Chris as he walked to the closet, pulled out a pillow and a set of matching red blankets, and found a spot on the floor next to Danny and Doug.

A couple of hours later, after a lot of nervous chatter, boredom and suggestion gave way to sleep.


"Wake up," Danny heard someone say, drifting through his dream, stirring him to consciousness.

"Wake up," the musical voice called again; Danny's eyes opened a crack.  Above him stood the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, her long black hair draping delicately around her head like a waterfall.

"Beautiful," Danny said to himself, with only one eye halfway open.

"Wake up, Danny," Sabrina called for the third time.  "It is time to leave."

Wide awake now, Danny's face flushed as he realized what he'd just said.

"Smooth," said Alonso, standing just to the left, laughing.

Looking around, Danny found Matt, Doug, and Chris with the same stupid smile on their faces, his romantic blunder having been witnessed by almost everyone, except Sabrina, he hoped.

"Come, Danny, we have many leagues to go and a limited time in which to travel across them," said Tyramear from somewhere behind Danny.

Even more embarrassed, Danny propped himself up on his elbows and turned to see Tyramear looking at him with a widening smile.

"Yes, sir," said Danny with a sigh.  Standing up, he noticed that everyone was dressed in warm clothes, long pants and sweatshirts.

"You remembered to pack some warm clothes right, Danny?"

Danny nodded.

"Good, go and change.  The bathroom is down the hall, first door on the right.  Meet us in the backyard when you are through."

Eager to get away from accusing eyes, Danny grabbed his bag and darted toward the bathroom.  He changed slowly, hoping that his friends would quickly forget his recent slip-up.  Once he was done, he exited the bathroom, made his way to the patio door and walked outside.

Near dusk, the sun lingered just over the horizon, shedding the last amber rays over the nap of the countryside.  Danny noticed a large red barn with white trim a short distance from the house.  Tyramear, along with his wife and the others, stood in front of the barn waiting for Danny.

Danny's eyes drifted from the imposing form of Tyramear to the elegant shape of Sabrina.

Sabrina turned and regarded Danny with a curious glare, accented with a simple smile.

"Good of you to join us, Danny," said Tyramear as Danny entered the circle of friends.  "I was just about to explain our means of transportation."

Danny's head perked up, this was something he wanted to hear.  He kept his silence, hoping that his lack of questions would urge Tyramear into a quicker explanation.

Tyramear turned, regarded the double doors of the barn before him and pushed them inward.  A huge contraption complete with two rows of eight cushioned seats and a carriage compartment in the rear sat in the middle of the barn.  Made from wood, polished to a sheen, the device contained etchings that seemed to resemble the scales of a dragon.

"What's that?" Alonso asked.

"This is my saddle carriage, it is a harness of the Dragonic, perfectly fitted to my back, so that I may ferry humanoids, like yourselves, through the heavens."

"So this long stretch of land behind the house is…"  Danny allowed his words to trail off to prompt a response.

"… My runway," said Tyramear with a straight face.  "You will be my passengers and I will be your transportation.  The winds in the upper atmosphere can get quite cold.  This is why I asked you all to dress warmly, as well as the reason for your needed rest.  We will be traveling most of the night."

"But won't we be seen?" Matt asked.

"The cover of the night shall hide our passage," said Tyramear, an unwavering confidence in his tone.

"That's not what I meant," said Matt, pushing his glasses back into place snuggly upon his nose.  "Most airports use radar to detect aircraft, not to mention the military, right?"

Tyramear produced a slight smile.  "In my Dragonic shape, my scales act like a natural form of stealth, deflecting and preventing any radio waves that might give away my position.  Trust me, we will be invisible to any type of modern tracking systems."

Matt looked impressed as well as convinced.  He kept any other questions to himself.

"Are there any other questions before we take off?"

"This is going to be epic," Chris said, looking at Danny.

Too excited to say anything, Danny nodded and smiled.

"Good."  Tyramear picked up a heavy tapered rope attached to the front of the harness and pulled it taut.  "Please, stand clear."

Danny followed Sabrina’s lead as she stepped to the side, far out of the way.  Matt, Chris, Doug and Alonso walked over to stand behind Danny.

Tyramear's muscles bulged beneath the fabric of his jacket as he grunted and pulled the saddle carriage free of the barn.

Amazed, Danny estimated that the harness must have weighed at least as much as a car; he couldn't fathom the amount of strength Tyramear must have used to accomplish such a feat.

After pulling the saddle a good twenty feet from the barn, Tyramear released the corded rope, causing the front of the harness to thud back to the ground.

Danny watched without blinking, still stunned by the act.

The sun dipped below the line of the world, sending a final ray of light to reflect off the cobalt-blue atmosphere.

"It is time," said Tyramear, marking the dimming of dusk, which would soon give way to the dark of the night.  Striking out in a prideful stride, he walked thirty paces from the harness.  His body began to glow with a comforting light, rivaling the last beacon of the setting sun.

Danny blinked once, when his vision returned, he swore he could see metallic scales forming across the exposed skin of Tyramear's hands, neck, and face.  Danny watched, mesmerized, as the rest of Tyramear's body transformed.  Seeing Sabrina's transformation was one thing, but seeing Tyramear, a full-blooded Dragonic, merge into his mighty form was something else altogether.

Tyramear loosed a furious cry as his neck stretched to impossible lengths.  The wail continued but it changed as it distorted into a guttural roar, louder than any Human could possibly yell.  His five fingers merged to become three wickedly long talons, and a thick-scaled tail sprouted from his back, whipping back and forth.  The clothes he had been wearing transformed into the sparkle of scales as his body grew and grew, larger than Danny could fathom.  His silver Bonded melded with the silvery scales of his back, affixed as if it had become a natural part of his body.  Tyramear swelled in size, growing larger and larger until he rivaled the sizable red barn or the two-story house behind him.  Vast, leathery wings sprouted from his shoulder blades, extending high into the air, then folding back behind him.  Thick barbs, long and serrated, jutted out from his back, while a pair of spiraled horns extended from his elongated head.

When the transformation was complete, Tyramear's body towered high into the air, while his head, on the end of a lengthy neck corded with muscle, extended far above.  His mighty wings fluttered outward, reaching beyond the tops of the trees and across the surrounding cornfields before coming to rest at his side.

"He's huge!" Danny said with his mouth agape, now staring at a fully-formed full-blooded dragon.  "And he's beautiful," he added, as the low light reflected off the shimmering silver scales that lined Tyramear's entire body.

"Epic," said Matt.  He removed his glasses, cleaned the lenses with his shirt, and then placed them back upon his head, as if the act would reveal the sight as false.

Tyramear angled his long head down to peer at the smaller humanoids, letting out a soft grunt and a snort of hot air.

"What now?" Danny asked.

Tyramear hummed, causing the ground to vibrate.  Opening his mouth, he revealed an array of sharp, silvery teeth as he leveled his head over the harness.  Like a crane, he closed his massive jaws over the saddle and hoisted it into the air.  The wood creaked from the clench as Tyramear maneuvered it over the back of his body, his neck twisting into angles only a dragon could accomplish.  Lowering the saddle into place, he slipped it into the middle of his massive shoulder blades, on top of a silver spike protruding from the spine of his back.  The harness slipped into place, the spine held it secure as it adhered to the curvature of his back.  A series of metal clasps and latches dangled over the slope of his body, clanging as they met beneath him.

"Come," said Sabrina's mother, addressing her order to Sabrina alone.

Sabrina, without question or comment, as if this was an everyday occurrence, followed her mother beneath Tyramear's behemoth body.

Eyeing their approach with his silver, saucer eyes, Tyramear hunkered down, lowering his belly to the ground, giving his wife and daughter the reach required to fasten the harness to his body.

Reaching upward, Sabrina and her mother worked with practiced precision as they attached and tightened the straps above them.

Tyramear watched their work with curiosity as his massive head hovered just above them.

Finished, Sabrina jumped up and grabbed a hanging piece of leather.  Pulling it down, she brought with it a rope ladder that unraveled before her.  Preparing to climb up, she placed her hands on wooden toggles and stepped up with her right foot.  Pausing for a moment, she turned, "You guys coming?"  The question seemed more of a challenge then a query.

Danny was the first one forward.  He watched Sabrina ascend with an experienced grace.  Stepping before the ladder, he looked up, more than conscious of Tyramear's head hovering just above him.  With an encouraging growl from the dragon, Danny ascended the wobbly ladder, one unsure step at a time.  Once at the top, he found Sabrina sitting contently in the first row of seats.

"You can stow your bag in the back storage compartment."

Slinging his pack from his back, Danny secured it in the rear compartment, it rivaled the trunk of the most spacious car.  He returned to the front and claimed the spot beside Sabrina.

He watched as Chris came up next, followed by Matt, Doug and Alonso, all four placed their belongings in the back.

Chris and Alonso sat in the second row while Doug and Matt settled for the third.

"Well, are we ready?" Sabrina asked, swiveling in her seat, looking at each one of them.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Doug asked, his voice trembling.

"I can assure you that Father is unmatched in his aerial ability."  As if her words not be convincing enough, Tyramear's horned head maneuvered into a supporting position just over her right shoulder and he growled his affirmation.

"I see," said Doug, not altogether convinced, but forced into agreement by Tyramear's intimidating stature and stare.

"For starters, I suggest we all strap ourselves in," said Sabrina.

Danny found two thick leather straps behind him and one beneath him with sterling silver clasps.  Pulling the two behind him over his shoulders and the one beneath him between his legs, Danny buckled himself in.  Leaning over him, Sabrina looked over his work and decided that it needed some improvement.  She pulled the straps tighter.  Danny grunted as the tightened slack forced him taut, pinning him to the back of the soft seat.

"We wouldn't want you to fall out, now would we?" Sabrina said with a slight smile.

"I suppose not," Danny wiggled against the confining belts.

Making her way to Chris, Alonso, Matt and Doug, Sabrina provided them with the same service, pulling the straps tight, causing a series of soft grunts.

"We are ready, Father," turning to face the large looming head of Tyramear.

The dragon dipped his head low and grunted, Danny could feel the grunt vibrating up from somewhere beneath him, it was accompanied by a soft puff of white smoke that steamed from both of Tyramear's nostrils.

"Have a safe trip," Moon called from below.

Danny watched with barely-stifled excitement as Sabrina leaned over him and waved goodbye.  He smelled the sweet aroma of her perfume, the subtle scent of roses.  Then it was over as quickly as it had begun.  Sabrina returned to her seat and strapped herself in.

Danny felt the large body beneath him lurch upward, causing his heart to skip a beat.  Tyramear's leathery wings expanded to impossible lengths as the dragon turned and angled his long neck down the makeshift runway.  Hunkering down, so that his long, silver talons dug deep into the soil, extending his neck straight as an arrow, Tyramear made ready for the launch.

"Hold on," said Sabrina, smiling.

Danny gripped the armrests on either side of him.  Beneath him, Tyramear shifted backward for a split-second, before bounding forward.  The acceleration was so quick that it forced Danny deep into the seat, causing him to touch the wooden paneling underneath the padding.  He heard a few incomprehensible words from behind him, suggesting that his friends were experiencing the same sensations.

The harness jostled as Tyramear powered forward on all fours, picking up speed.  Then he leapt into the sky.  Danny suddenly felt like he was floating on a cushion of air.  The wind whistled, whipping past his face as Tyramear traveled higher and higher into the night.

The sun had since given way to the rising moon, just a sliver short of full.  The sky was clear, allowing the moon to bathe Tyramear's sparkling scales in soft light as he traveled toward it.  However, just before Danny thought he might reach out and touch it, the dragon turned away from the heavenly light, dipped downward, picked up speed and turned south.

Tyramear leveled off and maintained heading as well as height with a few heavy flaps of his wings.

The motion dwindled to a soothing sway as Danny found his breath coming back into his chest.

"That was amazing!" yelled Chris.

"I think I'm going to throw up," added Alonso.