Mercy in America by Michael Fulkerson and Michael King - HTML preview

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Captain Matthew gave the order to haul another man from the sea water. It was dark now, and Lane could not see the Fabien any longer. But, he had been watching this rescue mission.

“Thank you, Lord.” Lane prayed and gave thanks. “This one is still alive.”

They would continue to follow the Fabien for several days, and the first man they had pulled from the depths had not been living. So, it had been impossible to question him about anything.

Two others were since saved from certain death, and they had given the Captain enough information to form a plan.

The crew of the Fabien had seen them on the horizon, but the motives of the Princess were in question.

These men were thrown over the railing to slow the Princess, or that had been the hope of the Fabien’s Captain.

So far, Lane had not learned anything definite about Nathan. It was not certain whether he was on board the ship. Maybe he was already dead.

It was also possible they had already thrown Nathan into the sea. With this much water on every side of the ship, it was extremely hard to believe they had seen every person thrown over the railings.

Lane listened to Captain Matthew, when the older man spoke.

“Men.” The Captain addressed every man on deck. “We’ve got to change our thinking here, or we risk causing the death of many more men.”

Lane believed their journey was over, that Captain Matthew was proposing they should quit, but the next words from the Captain put an end to that line of thinking.

“The Fabien’s going to keep dumping bodies into the sea, just as long as we stay behind her, or even if we remain visual and available.” Captain Matthew paused before he continued. “We are not going to do any such thing.”

Tiger seemed more in tune with the Captain, for he was the first to say anything in response. “We’re going to get ahead of her.”

“That’s right.” The Captain affirmed it.

Lane paid closer attention now. The last man they had pulled from the sea had confirmed that the Fabien was on her way to Tunis. He had heard about their intentions. And, it was certain.

Captain Matthew continued. “We’re going to run full sail and blind tonight. Try to get far enough ahead of the Fabien, so she can’t see us.”

Lane could see the danger, even though he had only been aboard the ship a short time. “Sir. We could hit something and damage the Princess.”

The Captain agreed. “We might. But, that’s why I’m going to ask the Lord to help us on this.”

Lane nodded. “That’s a good idea. The Lord sees everything.”

“Same thing I was thinking.” Captain Matthew wasn’t finished addressing the crew, so he went on. “I want every man on the deck to ask the Lord for deliverance tonight. We’re going to need his help.”

Voices were heard around the deck, as each man began to do as they had been told. Many languages were spoken, each man going to his own native tongue.

Lane looked once more at the men who had been rescued from the sea, and from a life of slavery. Some of them were gaining strength rapidly. And, he returned to the bow for some private time with the Lord.

“Lord. Please hear my prayer. You know what we’re doing, for there’s nothing you don’t see and understand. Please look over us and protect us, for there is danger under the surface of the water. You know it all.”

He looked into the night sky, but didn’t see any stars.

“We’re truly blind and need your eyes to guide the helm. Lord. This is a rescue mission, and we don’t have a chance without your support.” Lane felt emotions bubbling up inside.

“Lord. This might have happened to Father. You know where he is, and you know what happened to him. But, I don’t have your all seeing eyes.”

Tears came to his eyes, but he didn’t care whether somebody might see them. Lane couldn’t even be certain that other people were near him. It was a moment in time for him to share with the Lord.

The waves carried the Princess up one side and then down the other, and Lane could see the other men, those of the crew, making ready to sail.

“Lord. Please give us a favorable wind. We want to run ahead of the Fabien. These men are cast into the sea to slow us down. Some of them are dead, and we can’t count the number of me we have missed.”

Suddenly, echoes reached his ears from a thunderhead. It was off to the north. And, Lane felt the wind picking up. It began to stir.

“Let that be your answer, Lord!!!! I want to believe you are paying attention. We need your favor and your protection. And, I give you credit and my thanks.”

The wind was really beginning to pick up now, and Lane turned to see whether he could find some way to help in the activities going on. But, it wasn’t going to be.

A new man stood behind him, one of the men they had pulled from the turning sea, one of the former slaves.

“I heard somebody calling you Lane.” The man spoke up.

Lane was interested to see where this was going to take him, so he answered, “That’s right.”

“Nathan speaks of you.” The man informed him. He’s on the Fabien. Least, he was there yesterday.”

“Nathan’s still alive?” Lane couldn’t contain his excitement.

The other man extended his right hand in friendship. “He was alive yesterday, alive and healthy still. I’m Stephan.”

Lane couldn’t stop himself now from becoming concerned, and he spoke his mind. “Why is there a problem with health?”

Stephan explained it. “There’s too many people on that ship. And, some of them haven’t been topside for a long while. They get sick, and they are malnourished. Many of them will die.”

Lane shook his head. He was upset, but there wasn’t anything he could do tonight.

Lane also didn’t want to end the conversation, so he spoke. “Tell me what you know about the Fabien!!!! And, I want to hear more about Nathan, too!!!!”

Stephan began by talking about the ship. “The Fabien’s been running slaves and other cargo from one port to another. It’s nothing new. But, there’s something big going on.”

This last bit got Lane’s attention. “What do you mean exactly?”

Stephan shook his head. “I only got some of the minor details, but they’re getting ready to sail beyond the local ports.”

Lane was somewhat confused. “Beyond the local ports?”

Stephan didn’t know just how new Lane was to sailing, but he took the time and tried to explain the seas to his new friend. “This water we’re on now is connected to a larger body of water. There’s an opening between two countries, and it’s like a doorway from the sea to an ocean. That’s what they call it.”

Lane wanted to be sure on what he was being told here, So he asked a few questions. “You’re saying that there’s a larger body of water than this?”

Stephan nodded. “That’s right. It’s called an ocean.”

“And the Fabien’s going to enter this larger body of water, this ocean you’ve been talking about?” Lane wanted confirmation.

“That’s the way I understand things. But, she’s got to stop first in her home port.” Stephan gave this new information.

Lane was thinking out loud, and he said, “Captain Matthew says the Fabien sails out of Tunis.”

Again, Stephan was nodding agreement. “That’s her home port.”

Lane looked at Stephan this time. “Let’s go talk to the Captain. This is something he will want to know about.”

The two men were as one spirit, and they left the bow looking for the Captain.

Lane had some idea that he would find the Captain in his quarters, but he was surprised to find the older man at the helm.

David was also there. But, he wasn’t alone.

Captain Matthew gave Lane a good amount of his attention, for it was rather odd for the boys to approach him at a time like this. He knew there must be something important.

“What can I do for you?” The Captain began their conversation.

Lane didn’t hesitate. “There’s something you have got to know about, Sir.”

Captain Matthew invited more conversation. “Don’t stand there, Boy! Tell me what’s on your mind!”

Lane made a head gesture that took into account Stephan, the man who had walked with him. It was sort of a nod in the other man’s direction. But, Lane spoke first. “The Fabien is heading for Tunis, Sir. Just like you thought.”

The Captain was also nodding, but his nod meant simply that Lane should keep talking.

And, Lane didn’t slow down. ‘But, there’s something more. She’s going back to open water, Sir. Their plan is to enter something called the ocean.”

Captain Matthew didn’t say anything to indicate what he thought of Lane’s obvious lack of education, at least he was ignorant about the sea. The Captain encouraged Lane to speak more on the topic. “Speak up!!!!”

Stephan was eager to join in the conversation, and he did. “They’re going to make a run for America, Sir.”

The Captain turned to face Stephan. “You said America?”

Stephan was quick to continue with more details. “From what I’ve heard, the Fabien will take on supplies in Tunis. There are slaves to move, both from the Fabien and to it. But, she’ll sail for America soon after.”

Captain Matthew rubbed his beard.

But, Lane wanted to know more about this America. “Why would anybody want to go to this America?”

The Captain was smiling, as he said it. “It’s a land of new things, Lane. The Fabien is probably going there for the gold.”

The subject of gold got the attention of nearly everyone on deck. Lane could see heads turning to either pay attention or, in some cases, the men were turning away from the group standing near the helm. It was time to get back to work.

The Captain spoke to the entire crew. “We need to get ahead of the Fabien. I want to be at Tunis first. And, I need some willing men. Three ought to be about right.”

Lane paid very close attention to the Captain, as he said they would put somebody on the Fabien, or they would do everything they could to make that happen.

A few men from the crew came forward, and this was at the Captain’s suggestion. These men had the skin tone of some northern country, and the Captain thought it would help the mission.

The Fabien’s crew wouldn’t have the first clue as to where these men came from.

And, the Princess would put in at Tunis and then leave before the Fabien made port, but that was only the first part of their plan.

It would depend on the weather and some cooperation from the Fabien, too.

Most of all, it would be up to the Lord. If Heaven willed their success. Lane believed they would be able to make this rescue mission. He knew the Lord was on their side.