Mercy in America by Michael Fulkerson and Michael King - HTML preview

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For some reason that couldn’t be guessed at, it took several more days for the Fabien to show up in Tunis. She made port in the morning, and Lane watched her come in.

He had been reading the Benny’s book, a book that turned out to be several smaller ones.

This guy John had lived at the time of Christ. In fact, they had traveled together.

Part of the point of John’s story was that he had been a witness to the Lord’s life on Earth.

It didn’t take very long to read the book, and Lane knew a lot of it by heart, now. But, he was fascinated by John’s message.

The Lord spoke of love. He had plainly told those following him to take care of each other, and to be fair with anyone and everyone.

Now, he watched the Fabien. Lane knew her cargo included Jewish people. There wasn’t anything fair about selling human flesh into slavery.

Where was the love in such an ugly business?

There had been time to come up with a plan, for Lane and Tiger still had every intention to get close to the Fabien and board her.

It was Lane’s watch on the harbor but, now that he had seen the Fabien, he stood up.

Working for Benny meant that nobody in the harbor area would question why Lane was walking near the docks. He had become a local face, and those in the harbor security knew him as Benny’s servant.

So, he closed the distance now. His intent was to offer Benny’s merchandise.

Stephan had told Captain Matthew that the Fabien meant to resupply for her trip to America. That required exactly the sort of goods Benny sold.

There was, of course, the question of the slaves.

Lane knew Benny did not market in the flesh, at least he didn’t sell men and women. But, he knew people in those kinds of businesses.

Stephan’s account was that the Fabien would get rid of some of those salves that she carried, but she would also obtain some others for her journey to America.

All of these things were in Lane’s mind, as he came closer to the sea water.

“Lord!” He burst out in prayer. “This rescue is going to take your hand. We are mere humans, and those selfish men are making merchandise out of your children. Nathan for example, is also a child of your promise to Abraham.”

Lane stood at the water’s edge, his eyes still on the approaching vessel. “Those children of Abraham must be crying out to you for help, Lord”

A look into the sky revealed many large clouds. They stood over the harbor, too. And, Lane recalled that first day.

He had walked from his family home into Joppa. And, there had been a lot of clouds moving toward the sea. Lane had spoken to the Lord then about those clouds, and he had asked that they might represent the Lord’s army come to assist him.

“Lord. I remember those words and your clouds.” He kept on talking to God. “You sent me to Simon, and I found a place with him until I left Joppa.”

He looked back towards the Fabien. “Let it be, Lord, that these clouds represent the support you’ve sent for this mission to this harbor.”

A thought crossed his mind about the prophets. His parents taught him about Micah and MORESHETH. He had spoken for the Lord when Hezekiah was king.

“I know that you want me to love mercy, Lord.” Lane continued with his petition. “And, I’m not asking you to destroy anybody. It’s that I know you are God. These people are in your hands, just like I am. Use me as you need to, Lord. But, please free your children from that ship. Don’t let them spend their lives serving greedy humans.”

The Fabien found her place, and she dropped anchor.

Lane could now see the ship he had studied from the deck of the Princess. He had used the Captain’s lens, or the eye. Now, he could almost touch her hull.

“Hail the ship!” Lane hollered to the crew. He wasn’t surprised to hear somebody answer.

The conversation that followed included the fact that Lane worked for Benny. Those on the Fabien seemed to know Benny, and his services were required.

Lane was to contact Benny for those few things needed for the Fabien, and he was to return.

He had been listening close enough to know that some of the men from the Fabien were coming ashore on other business. The Fabien wasn’t going anywhere for quite some time. It was perfect.

“Thank you, Lord!” Lane made certain to give the credit for every aspect of the day to God. He knew that only the Lord could make things happen like this.