Mercy in America by Michael Fulkerson and Michael King - HTML preview

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It was two days later, and Lane found himself standing on the deck of the Princess again.

This was a little different, however.

“I knew your father.” Joseph was telling Lane.

Lane couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You’re saying that my father’s alive?”

Joseph nodded. “The last time I saw him. That was five years ago, on another island to the west of here.”

The news was too wonderful for Lane. “What’s the name of the island?”

Joseph’s next words were like water on a flame, for they took the strength from Lane’s legs. “I’m not saying he’s still there, Lane. His owner was talking about moving on to a place on the mainland.”

Tears came to Lane’s eyes. “Did you say my father has an owner?”

Joseph confirmed it. “I’m sorry to say it. Your father and I worked for the same man. We were sold by Pedro Taylor over twenty years ago. It wasn’t expected.”

That got Nathan’s attention, for he stood listening. “Did I hear you say Pedro Taylor sold you?”

Joseph turned from where he stood to face Nathan. “I remember your face, too. You are Nathan?”

Nathan is too upset to be kind. “You heard somebody using my name here on the Princess.”

Joseph nodded. “I heard many using your name here. Yes. But, I remember you working for Pedro Taylor. You were younger then.”

Everybody near to him laughed, because it was true. Nathan had a lot of grey hair now.

That seemed to sober Nathan up. “Same happened to me. With Pedro Taylor, that is.”

Joseph looked at Nathan. “You were sold?”

“Never mind about that!!!!” Nathan told him. “You said something about Lane’s father. You know where he is?”

Joseph began to explain. “That was five years ago. We were on an island called Cuba. Working in the sugarcane fields.”

“What happened, to you I mean?” Lane asked this question.

Joseph’s face took on a pitiful expression. “My age happened. I wasn’t useful to my master anymore.”

“The Lord saved you from something.” Lane said.

That got Joseph’s attention. “You sound like your father. Always talking about the Lord.”

Lane smiled. “I hope there’s more about me that reminds you of my father.”

Over the next couple of hours, and on into the night, the men spoke about Lane’s father and this place called, Cuba.

Joseph told them it wasn’t really far from the place everybody had been talking about for twenty years, a new country named America.

“What do you know about this America?” Nathan asked at some point in the conversation.

Joseph said his former owner had been talking about some place to the west. The Spanish owned and controlled just about everything to the south of that point.

He wasn’t really sure about all the details.

Lane finally told the rest of the crew what Captain Matthew said earlier, for the Captain had come aboard the Princess and said he had a surprise.

He told everybody, including Lane, that he would be coming back in the morning. He would be bringing a surprise visitor to see Lane and the crew.

They all spoke on the fact that Captain Matthew had not aged in twenty years. The man looked the same.

And, Lane decided to pray. “Lord. He began without any warning for the others. “Thank you for bringing Joseph into our company.”

Whether or not it was rude, Joseph spoke once. “He talks just like his father.”

That got a smile from Nathan and the others.

And, Lane continued. “Lord. Thank you for word about my father.” It’s been a long while really since there was anything like news about what happened to him. It now looks like we might know where he is.”

Thunder sounded in the distance, and every eye on the ship turned to the southeast.

“I’m going to trust you, Lord.” Lane continued. “We receive your rain with gladness, and we’ll hope on your promise to never leave the one you love. Thank you for your grace.”

Those men in need of sleep found a place to do it, but Nathan decided to take the first watch.

Lane made certain that Joseph was fed and gave the older man the bunk in what had been the Captain’s cabin. He then found his own place and went to sleep thinking about the Captain’s promise of a visitor.

The night passed with a few thunderclaps to wake Lane, but would always get right back to sleeping.

Dawn followed, and a voice sounded to signal the Captain’s approach.

Lane went to the rail and was surprised to see more than one visitor on the launch.

There was a younger man sitting next to the Captain. It was easy to see that the youth was Jewish, but he wasn’t the person most eye- catching.

Even after more than twenty years, Lane didn’t have any trouble recognizing the face of his cousin ZIBA. Emotions and tears swelled from inside.

ZIBA waved and spoke to Lane in their native language. “Lane! Is that you?”

The young man in the boat, the one sitting next to the Captain, looked expectantly toward Lane.

“ZIBA!!!!” Lane managed to speak. “How did you get to Bermuda?”

A few minutes later, the launch came alongside. The Captain stepped aboard his boat. He was followed by ZIBA and the new young man.

“I want you to meet someone.” The Captain spoke to Lane, but he was obviously speaking about the young man.

Lane turned to face the Captain, “Sir?”

The Captain smiled and said, “This is your cousin, Lane.” Lane didn’t understand. My cousin’s name is ZIBA.”

That brought a smile from ZIBA and the crew, but it was ZIBA speaking next. “No. Lane. This is also your cousin, Lane. He is named after you.”

The young man was smiling. “I am also Lane.”

Lane put the pieces together rather quickly, and he looked at ZIBA.

“This is Uncle MAHLI’s boy?”

ZIBA couldn’t control the urge to hug his cousin. He did so, and then he explained the story.

Simon had sent somebody to speak to ZIBA just after Lane left Joppa.

That was twenty years ago.

There wasn’t any wondering where Lane had gone; rather, Simon was returning Lane’s belongings, those left at his base camp.

Over the years, things had grown dangerous back home. The Turks were fighting the Romanists. People died every day, and there was sadness.

Uncle MAHLI and his wife Maria gave birth to Lane. He was given that name, probably, to ease the emotional stress of Lane’s mother.

It gave her something that sounded like home.

ZIBA had stayed on the old property through this whole time, but then Uncle MAHLI arrived with his entire family. That included Lane’s mother Tamar.

Conversations were maintained over the years with Simon and, by this method, the family knew that Captain Matthew was in Joppa.

Here’s where Captain Matthew joined in the story telling, but just long enough to say that he was going to a place on the coast of a place called, Mexico.

The plan was to give up his life on the sea and to live out his retirement years there.

The people on the land were friendly enough, and the Captain would sell the Fabien.

A few things were now on the Captain’s mind, however.

Firstly, he recognized Joseph from years ago in Joppa. It turned out that Joseph once worked on the docks there.

This confirmation as to Joseph’s story about Lane’s father being sold brought new life to Lane’s plan to find out where his father was.

Now, there were two members of Lane’s family standing with him on the deck of the Princess. They wanted to be a part of the rescue.

Captain Matthew had one more surprise for Lane. He told him, while those who had come over with him from the Fabien smiled, that Lane’s mother was on the Fabien.

Not only his mother, but his Uncle MAHLI and aunt Maria were there, too.

The entire family came to Joppa to leave their homes, for the land was war torn and dangerous.

Uncle MAHLI meant to go into farming very near to Captain Matthew. He He’d brought Lane’s mother to care for her, as he’d done since Lane left so many years ago.

Captain Matthew took over now, or he began to assert his authority on the deck of the Princess.

He sent Joseph back to the Fabien and told him to stay hidden. There would be danger from the local people, if they learned he was on the ship.

The Princess was too small to hide on.

It was decided that they would all stay in the local area, between here and Bermuda, until the storm season passed. Only a fool would travel between the islands and the mainland.

They knew that Lane’s father was either on Cuba, or somebody knowing where he was lived there. A rescue would be easy, or they might simply buy him from his owners.

More storm clouds moved into the bay area. Rain fell from the sky, and Lane was beside himself with happiness.

“Lord!” Lane spoke up, while he stood on the deck of the Princess. “You have reunited me with my family. Thank you!” He looked up into the Heavens.

Lane wasn’t alone either. Beside him were his cousins ZIBA and Lane. They also gave thanks to the Lord for bringing their family back together.