Mercy in America by Michael Fulkerson and Michael King - HTML preview

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The mouth of Matagorda Bay turned out to be just to the south of a peninsula bearing the same name as the bay.

The Fabien went in first, for Captain Matthew knew where he wanted to go.

Lane took the Princess in to follow, as the Fabien turned almost directly to the north.

There were many different types of vessels already in the bay, and the place really did look like home to Lane.

He knew that the Captain intended to get rid of the Fabien here. The deal was already done. But, Lane knew, too, that he would get the chance to speak to Captain Matthew about the Princess.

This bay was large, but they crossed the waters that were home to a village called, Palacios.

Lane knew Palacios to be a Spanish word, for he spoke the language now. He expected to find the family in charge of business in the area situated somewhere nearby.

Nathan, ZIBA, and his younger cousin Lane stood beside Lane. They were anxious to hear his order to drop anchor.

And, most of the crew wanted to see this new land and the place they’d be calling home.

It didn’t look that much different from the other ports and harbors Lane had seen. And, while it’s true that nearly every land he’d visited was run by the British, he’d seen something of Spain.

The dolphins were here, too.

Looking up into the sky, Lane saw white fluffy clouds. That meant, according to his estimations from youth, that the Lord’s armies were here to support him.

“Thank you, Lord.” Were the only words that came from Lane’s mouth.

His thanks giving were echoed by everyone within earshot, for the harbor was beautiful. More than that, each and every man saw something of his future here.

Lane had David pilot the Princess up alongside the Fabien, and he gave the command. “Let’s drop the anchor here!”

Looking across to the Fabien, Lane could see that Captain Matthew had issued the same orders.

He yelled across to the Fabien. “So, Captain. What’s the plane here?”

Captain Matthew showed his face on the railings of the other vessel, and he answered. “I’m going to take a launch into Palacios. I want you and Tiger with me, so come on over. We’ll start moving people ashore today.”

Very little time passed before these men sat side by side in the launch.

Lane decided not to waste the Captain’s time. “Sir.” He began talking. “I’d like a word with you concerning the Princess.”

The Captain changed positions with another to sit across from Lane. He had a smile on his face. “That’s funny, because that’s exactly what I wanted to speak with you and Tiger about.”

That got Tiger’s attention. “You wanted to talk to me about the Princess?”

The Captain’s nod went to Lane. Mostly, I want you to hear what I’m going to say to Lane.” The older man didn’t look his age, but tears came to his eyes while talking.

“Are you alright, Sir?” Lane responded to the tears, for he didn’t understand why the Captain would want to cry.

“I’m fine.” Captain Matthew announced. “It’s just that I think of you two as my family. That’s all. It’s good to be with family.”

Both Lane and Tiger nodded, but they didn’t say whatever was on their minds.

The Captain continued. “I’m giving the Princess to you both.”

“Giving us the Princess?” Tiger asked.

The Captain laughed. “Well, I’m not actually going to give her to you; rather, I’m going to let you use the boat.”

Lane could see this was leading in the direction he’d asked the Lord to help with.

Captain Matthew went on. “I’ve spoken with Lane’s parents about this. And, we’ve seen how the Lord’s been with him. You two have been together for over twenty years, and you’ve brought the Lord’s mercy to many.”

That brought more silence from the two listening.

So, the Captain went on. “We’d like to see that partnership continue.”

“Partnership?” Both Lane and Tiger said the same word. It was a question for them both.

Captain Matthew affirmed it. “You two will be working together for the good of those, people like Lane’s father, in need of the Lord’s assistance. The Princess will give the ability to move.”

Lane was still silent, and he lost track of things shared between the Captain and Tiger. He heard them, eventually, when they demanded his consent to their plans.

“Agree to what?” He asked them both.

The Captain answered the question. “I want you to take the next few weeks to help your father build a home for himself and your mother. She doesn’t speak the language, and your father’s not a young man anymore.”

That thought hadn’t occurred to Lane. But, it didn’t take him long to see the point. “Of course, Sir. That’s the first thing I’m going to do.”

He listened then, as the Captain and Tiger explained that, while the families were being settled in this new land, that Tiger would be living on the Princess. He’d take her out and get to know the landmarks.

They made the docks shortly after that agreement. And, Lane and Tiger went along with the Captain to his business meeting.

It was a Senor Lopez they finalized a deal with for the sale of the Fabien.

Into that bargain, it was urged that Tiger would take the Captain north to a place called Freeport. Freeport was a village up the coast some distance.

Senor Lopez had a lot of connections, and property was located for Lane’s father, too.

That property would be very near to Palacios. It had everything Lane’s father would need to make a home very much like the one Lane lived in years ago.

To build the home for Lane’s father, ZIBA came to assist, as did the youngest Lane. They were family.

Nathan also showed up.

It took less than a week on the new property, given the supplies provided for Senor Lopez, to put together a house that looked very much like Lane’s family home so far away.

The difference was that this house faced the east, which led to the water. It had been the other way around back home.

Lane’s father seemed to like the change. He said that this way he could look out the front door and see the Lord’s Holy Mountain at Jerusalem.

Lane tried to see it, but that wasn’t working for him. What he did see, however, were clouds. There were plenty of clouds in this new sky. That meant, the Lord’s army was here, too.

It was possible for Lane to relax and trust that the Lord was watching over his family. On the night that the house was finished, Lane’s mother was busy in the kitchen of her new home.

She was so happy and, not to everyone’s surprise, Tamar prepared an old soup, a vegetable soup they were all familiar with.

Lane’s father had requested the dish and, before they began to enjoy the meal, he said a prayer of thanks giving. The family was thankful to be together and gave acknowledgement to the Lord.

He was the provider for their family, and nobody doubted blessings.

Though, the kitchen was small, Lane’s Uncle MAHLI and his wife were at the table.

Uncle MAHLI’s house wasn’t yet completed, but Lane trusted that all the men at the table would be working on that home next.

MAHLI and Maria were going to stay within a short walking distance to Lane’s father and mother.

Lane asked his youngest cousin Lane what his plans were. Would he build a house, too?

The younger man told him that he’d found some sort of work in the city. He’d be working for Senor Lopez. And, he’d found some sort of living quarters.

ZIBA met a woman almost the day they came off the boat. She was from the Spanish people and very beautiful.

Presently, he spent a lot of time with her. There wasn’t any talk of marriage, but Lane could see such conversation as a future for his cousin. The Princess was due back from Freeport in a short while, and Lane intended to be on the dock to welcome his friends.

It was good to be at home with his mother and father. He gave thanks to the Lord for this blessing.

They hadn’t even finished eating when somebody from the village stopped at the gate. He was asking to speak to Lane.

To be honest, there were three men at the table able to answer to that name, but everybody knew to whom the voice was directed.

Lane’s father received respect from every person in Palacios. He was called Don Lane from day one.

The younger Lane was never asked for; rather, anyone from the village seeking to speak with him would simply wait until he went into to see Senor Lopez.

Lane was certain that the man at the gate sought to speak with him. “Excuse me!!!!” He said to his father. “There’s something in that man’s voice that demands I answer now.”

Lane’s father nodded. “I hear that, too. Somebody’s in trouble.”

All the men at the table got up to go outside and see the owner of the urgent voice.

This man was a stranger, or it seemed. He was Spanish and, after listening to what he had to say, Lane decided to accompany him into Palacios.

It turned out this man’s name was Pedro. He was employed by Senor Lopez, and he’d come to find Lane on behalf of Senor Lopez.

Being they knew nothing of the nature of Senor Lopez’s problem, ZIBA insisted on walking with Lane and Pedro. He said, and it couldn’t be disagreed with, that his help could be needed.

Lane also considered the fact that walking back, even though it wasn’t a long walk, would be more pleasant with ZIBA for company.

The three men set out for the village. It was still well before nightfall.

Lane didn’t need to ask Pedro for information, because it was obvious that the man knew nothing beyond the fact that Senor Lopez wanted to talk to Lane.

Any urgency in his voice was probably due to the fact that Senor Lopez sent him, and he wanted to keep his job.

Those assumptions were not always going to be true for Lane.