Mr Choy's Tome by Athena Reins - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

The Fernbank Mystery



Mr Choy was busily displaying his latest books, when he suddenly became aware that someone had entered his shop.  He said.  "Ah Master Gregory."  Then he turned around to finish off his sentence.  "I've been expecting a visit from you."  Mark Gregory looked startled, how did Mr. Choy know it was him who had entered the shop before he had actually turned around?  Does he have eyes in the back of his head?  Mark wondered though not daring to question Mr Choy, he finally plucked up the courage to speak.  "Hello Mr Choy, I've come to listen to one of your stories.  Am I the first?"

"Yes young Mark, you are.  Never mind sit down and make yourself comfortable."

It wasn't very long before the crowds gathered as usual.  It was only the second time that eleven-year-old Mark Gregory had been to Mr Choy's bookshop.  The first time being with his friend Steven Taylor, Steven had told Mark how wonderful Mr Choy was, so he decided to go a long and see for himself.  He didn't understand how Mr Choy had known his name, has he'd never spoken to him before.  He had kept a low profile, sitting right at the back of the audience.  That's the way he preferred it.  Mark never trusted anyone; he was always on guard, even suspicious of his friends.  His mother had always warned him, she'd say never trust anyone Mark, and you will only get hurt if you do.  Mark had in his own experience found that to be  true. Mark knew his timid nature wasn’t just down to his plain appearance and the fact that he had to wear those awful thick-rimmed glasses.  Mark didn't know why he was here at Mr Choy's shop today.  He thought what am I doing here?  Whatever possessed me to come?  Well I don't know, but still I am here, so I may as well sit at the back and listen.

Mr Choy seated himself in front of his gathered audience once again.  He performed some amazing tricks as usual, like a whistle that miraculously appeared behind a young boy's ear.  He also produced a long string of coloured handkerchiefs from the back of another boy's neck.  Everyone applauded, enjoying the entertainment.  Mark thought it was all fake, nothing special at all. Mr. Choy proceeded towards the glass case with his palms held up, high into the air.  The tome rose as usual, it landed gently in his out stretched palms.  The old man sat back down and opened the book, which had its bright lights emanating from it once again.  He said.  "Today I will read The Fernbank Mystery." 



Selena Parks and Lianne White are the best of friends, living only stones throw a part they had always been friends, from the very first day they started school.  Selena the prettier of the two was also the most timid.  This resulted in Lianne sticking up for her on their first day at school.  They had been staunch friends ever since.  Lianne is a confident girl she has blonde curly hair, quite slim with peaches and cream complexion.  Selena has very dark skin, olive eyes and a smile that lights up her entire face.  She much to her mother’s annoyance was struggling with her schoolwork.  Always Lianne would come to her rescue.  School was out; the girls had six glorious weeks to do what ever they wanted.  At least this is what Lianne kept telling Selena.  Neither of them was looking forward to the new term.  Both being eleven they would now have to move schools.  Selena was the most worried, perhaps she might not be in the same class as her friend. Still, she thought six long sunny weeks to have fun with her friend Lianne, so I won't dwell on the new school.

They were only midway into their holiday and yet the girls were struggling with how to fill in their time.  "I know," said Selena.  "Let's play on the computer." 

"We did that yesterday, besides I don't want to stay in today.  I want to do something different.  I know let's go to Fernbank woods, I haven't been there."  Lianne was quite pleased with herself coming up with a good solution.  "Oh no!  We couldn't, I've heard all sorts of stories about the woods, besides Lianne, my mother has forbidden me to go there.  She said that a lot of people have disappeared there, in the past."

h how exciting."  Replied Lianne. "We must go, please let's go, Selena don't worry I will look after you.  Haven't I always?"  Having finally persuaded Selena they said goodbye to Lianne's mum. “Oh bye girls.” said Lianne's mum Annette, she added. “Where are you going?

“Oh I don't know mum, just for a walk.” Lied Lianne.

“Well be back for 7pm please.”

Fernbank wood is a beautiful place with lots of pathways to investigate.  Lianne's mother wouldn't be pleased either if she knew they were there.  Lianne said.  "We mustn't tell our parents that we have been in the woods, they would go mad."   Once Lianne had gotten Selena to relax a little they began to have fun.  Continuing on through the twists and turns of the woodland path, they came to a fork "Which path do you fancy taking Selena?"

"Let's take the lower one, it's less of a climb and I do feel tired now Li."  Replied the weary looking Selena.

They carried on their journey following the lower path for about an hour or two. Glancing at the time Lianne noted it was 3.10pm. Selena, beginning to relax, she found herself listening to the sound of the birds twittering away. “Listen Li, the birds are singing, it's lovely isn't it.”

“Lovely.” Declared Lianne. “Told you it would be fun.”  The path was winding and at times difficult, especially when it narrowed and the nettles were so dense.  The path forked several times and sometimes the girls would take the high path and others times the lower.  Lianne was excited she kept saying maybe this one will lead us somewhere exciting.

As from nowhere a thick, dense, black cloud appeared and it was getting dark.  "Li, I'm getting tired and this wood is never ending. Shall we turn back?"  Just then they heard a rustling coming from the bushes and suddenly a squirrel scurried out directly in front of them.  Selena let out a loud scream and putting her hand over her heart said.  "That really made me jump."

"Me too."  Admitted Lianne.  They then both laughed, this did temporarily ease their tension, but even Lianne was getting frightened by now.  They carried on walking back in the opposite direction, hoping they could find their way home.  Selena was panicking by this stage. Lianne glancing at her watch and noted the time 4.30pm.

Then as if by magic, out of the mist, a large building seemed to just appear in front of them.  "Look Lianne, do you think we should  ring the doorbell?" Adding “Because I'm getting and we are lost, they may be able to help us.”

"I don't know Selena, we don't know who lives there."

"Yes, but we're lost, they may be able to help us.  I'm really tired Li, please."

"Okay you ring Selena I'm not going to."

They approached the large stone built detached house, which had smoke coming from its chimney.  Lianne shuddered it looked scary to her, but she didn't want to mention her thoughts to Selena as she looked scared enough already. After some arguments about whom would knock on the door. 

Eventually, Selena plucked up the courage, though once she had knocked on the heavy wooden door with the old metal lion head door knocker, she was very tempted to run and hide.

The door creaked open and an elderly gentleman stood before them.  He was a tall slim figure, wearing a dark coloured suit.  He had grey hair and looked around sixty years of age  Selena piped up. "We are lost, can you help us?"

The man replied.  "I thought you were a little young to have a reservation."  Pointing to the sign above the door, which read Fernbank Hotel.  A voice shouted from inside.  "Who is it Ernest?"

"Two young ladies, they are lost Charles."

"Bring them in out of the cold."  Ernest beckoned the girls; they stepped through the door rather sheepishly.  Selena shivered, it seemed to have suddenly gotten cold.  Meanwhile Lianne had spotted a spectacular looking grandfather’s clock standing proudly in the corner of the massive hall.  She ran over to it and said.  "Wow, this is so old fashioned, look Selena."  Pointing at the clock.

"Please don't touch it."  Shouted Ernest rather abruptly.  Charles Proctor approached pushing himself in an antiquated wheelchair, which had large pram like wheels.  He introduced himself to the children saying he was the proprietor of the hotel.  The children explained they were lost and ask him if they could use the telephone to phone their parents.  Charles informed the girls that the phone was out of order, because the line was down and he was waiting for it to be repaired.

Selena began to cry, yelling.  "What are we going to do?"

"Shush, don't worry."  Replied Charles.  "Come into the lounge and get warm.  You can stay here tonight and then we will sort it all out in the morning.  Ernest get the children something to eat please."  Lianne cleared her throat and said.  We can't stay, our parents will kill us."

"Now, now," Ernest replied.  "Do has Mr Proctor says.  You cannot go through the wood alone, it is dark."  Ernest then proceeded through a door leading towards the kitchen.  Whilst Charles led the children into the lounge.

The lounge was very large and contained antique furniture.  There was an old grand piano in the corner, an ancient looking sideboard with an even older looking radio standing on top.  The girls plonked themselves down on a sturdy horsehair sofa; they were enjoying the roaring open fire.  An elderly lady entered the lounge at that point; she was adorned with pearls.  A rather

obese lady in her fifties.  She greeted the girls by saying.  "Good evening children, I haven't seen you here before.  Have you and your guardians just arrived?"  Lianne thought the lady was rather posh, she reminded her of an old school ma'am.  "Me and Selena got lost in the woods."

"Selena and I."  Replied the lady who was quite stern looking, long faced with grey hair tied back in a bun.   "Selena and I have gotten lost in the woodland.  Children, they are not as educated as they were in my day."  She mumbled under her breath.

A maid entered the lounge dressed in a black and white uniform with a frilly white bonnet.  "Children there is a meal prepared for you in the dining room.  Please will you follow me."  They walked through the door of the dining room.  It was a magnificent room with a beautiful scene painted on the ceiling.  There were about twenty-four tables; most of them were set.  "This way please."  Said the maid, showing them to a table.  They were given soup and rolls followed by chocolate pudding.  They were both very hungry; hence they really enjoyed their meal.

Lianne looked at her watch it read 7.30 pm and she was extraordinarily surprised how dark it already was considering it was summer time.  Another maid arrived and said.  "I'll take you to your rooms.  Follow me please."  She led them back through the hall and up a large staircase which had a highly polished wooden banister.  They arrived on the first floor and then up another flight of stairs to the second floor.  They walked along narrow dimly lit corridor to room number 209.  "In here please."  Said the maid whilst opening the door.  "It's time children like you were in bed.  I'll come and check on you later, but for now just settle in and make yourselves at home.  There are some night gowns laid out on the beds for you."  She then promptly left the room leaving the door slightly ajar.  The girls looked at each other, then Selena remarked.  "Look at this night dress, there's no way I'm wearing that." 

"See what you mean, it's really old fashioned.  Bedtime at 7.50 pm .that a joke.”

Just at that moment the door opened wider and a young boy entered.  "Hello, I thought I heard voices."  He said.  "My names Tom, what's yours?"

"I'm Selena and this Lianne."  Selena observed the boy looked about seven of eight with a chubby, but jolly face, sparkling blue grey eyes and his front tooth missing.

  "Where are your folks?"  Asked Tom.  "Oh we got lost in the woods and now we have to stay here for the night.  Our parents aren't with us."  Replied Lianne.

"Ah, mine are downstairs having drinks."  The maid walked in and said "Thomas James go back to your own room now please."  Tom scurried away.  The maid then said.  "Come along children you should be ready for bed.  Then I'll escort you along the corridor to the bathroom."

"It's okay we'll find it."  Answered Lianne.

"Oh no I cannot have children wandering the corridors alone at night."  She made them undress, which they did with some reluctance and then escorted them to the bathroom and then promptly back to their room.  Once there the maid tucked them in and hurried away locking the door behind her.  Selena having heard the key turn in the lock shouted over to Lianne.  "She's locked us in, what are we going to do?"

"What can we do?  Just leave it until tomorrow, meanwhile let's get some sleep." 

Selena watched the room slowly become light, then she awoke Lianne from a deep sleep and both girls waited patiently for the maid to come and open the door.  The same maid arrived around 8 o'clock.  She took them down to the bathroom.  Lianne thought how strange like everything else the bathroom was also very old with its old basin and taps and no hot water.  After washing the girls were about to dress when the maid came in holding some items of clothing.  She said.  "I think these will fit nicely, Mrs. Perkins our cleaning lady kindly donated some of her daughters old clothes."  Selena looked in amazement, she said.  "You don't really expect us to wear them do you?  Besides what is wrong with our own clothes?"

"No, no, you cannot possibly wear them.  I do not know where you found such clothing or why your parents would ever allow you to wear them, but they are not acceptable here young ladies."  The girls realised they didn't have any choice in the matter as the maid had made this quite plain.  The dresses were long, frilly with an underskirt and it went right down to the ground.  Selena had laughed and told Lianne she looked like orphan Annie.  Lianne had replied.  "You don't look so wonderful yourself."

The girls were once again escorted down to dining room for breakfast.  They noticed the young couple sitting at the table opposite.  "Look Li, don't they look so very much in love."

"Don't stare Selena."  Replied Lianne kicking Selena under the table.  "Have you noticed something Selena?"

"No what?"

"That couple are wearing normal clothes they appear to be the only normal people around here."

"Yes you're right Lianne, this is a strange place and I can't wait to go home.  I don't like it here at all."

Lianne decided to strike up a conversation with the young couple, just to see what she could find out.  It had somehow become an adventure to her.  "Hello my names Lianne and my friends called Selena.  What's your names?"

"I'm Simon and this is Justine."

"Are you on holiday?" Lianne enquired.

"We are on our honeymoon."  Justine remarked.

Lianne noticed they were dressed casually.  Simon was wearing trainers they seemed so out of place.  "How come you decided to come here for your honeymoon?"

"Well, we are actually staying at the Hilton in the city.  We are staying in the honeymoon suite there.  We came for a nice woodland stroll and got lost and decided to stay here for a day or two." Just at that moment the maid came in and said.  "I hope these girls aren't bothering you Mr Wiseman?"

"No, no, not at all.  Their just being kids, no harm done."

      As soon as breakfast  was over the maid came and whisked the children off.

The maid snapped.  "Little girls cannot wander about a lonely woodland alone.  The telephone line has not been repaired yet.  Little girls should have more manners.  You shall work in the kitchen for your upkeep, until we can get in touch with your parents.  Now this is Bessie and she is our head cook. I will leave you in her capable hands."   She turned to the rather plump jolly looking lady wearing a white apron and hat and said.  "Bessie find these children something to do to keep them out of mischief."  With that the maid quickly disappeared through the kitchen door, leaving a bewildered Selena and Lianne behind.  "Now then you kids," said the cook, smiling.  "I'm Bessie.  “What's ya' names?"

"I'm Lianne and this is Selena."

"Lianne and Selena, well I'll be.  I don't think I've ever heard them names before."  She replied, whilst scratching her head.  Then she yelled at the top of her voice.  "Jack, Jack get ya' butt in ere lad."  In walked a tall gingerly figure.  "What ma?  Did ya' call me?"

"Yea, take these two kids outside to the garden and get em out from under me feet."

"But ma, their girls."

"Yea you numbskull, I can see that with me own eyes lad.  Just do as I say."

The girls followed Jack out into the garden at the back of the hotel.  "Wow it's just like the tardis."  Said Selena.

"What's a tardis?" Asked Jack.

"Haven't you ever heard of the tardis?"  Enquired Selena.

"I wouldn't have asked if I had."  Jack remarked shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh never mind, it's not important, but what is important is us getting out of here.  Can you help us Jack?"  Lianne asked.

"Yea I suppose, but wait 'till dark.  When did you get here?"

"Last night, we got lost in the woods, didn't we Li?"

"Ah," Jack mused.  "Well wait a minute, I gotta' ask ma something."  With that, Jack wandered off for sometime and when he came back he said "It isn't safe for you to be here, so when it's dark I'll come and get you from your room."

"How, the maid locks us in?"  Questioned Selena.

"Which room are you in?" Asked Jack.


"Don't worry, when everyone's in the bar about 9 pm. I'll get the master key and let you both out."

"Why wait until dark?  Why can't we go now?  We will never find our way out of the woods in the dark."  Interrupted Selena.

"I'll show you the way out, I know the woods like the back of me hands.  I go to the woods a lot at night when I'm bored. We can't go now we'd be seen and get in trouble, you know get stopped."

"Why?"  Asked Lianne

"I'm not grown up in their eyes.  I'm not allowed to go into the woods without a grown up." 

"See," remarked Selena.  "I told you my mum said it was dangerous, but you wouldn't listen."  The girls then excepted what Jack had told them; after all he was their only hope. .  On questioning Jack further he became angry and agitated saying that he didn't want to talk about anything to do with the hotel or escaping at nightfall.  He asked them to just trust him.  They walked through the gardens together, talking and getting to know each other.  Lianne was quite taken by Jack; she thought he was a handsome lad in a rugged sort of way.  He was a bit unkempt wearing filthy old-fashioned clothing and shoes with huge holes in their soles.  Somehow though she thought this only added to his appeal, yes she truly did fancy him.  He had a lovely smile and eyes that were dreamy, just like the deep blue sea.  He told her he was thirteen nearly fourteen.  Jack, Lianne thought was also very old fashioned in every way, but she knew she would dare not question him any more has he had already made it plain he would not tolerate any more enquiries. Jack

Manning told the girls he worked in the kitchens with his mother.  He had been more or less brought up at the hotel.  He had no father in his life. It seemed to Lianne to be more and more mysterious.  The whole hotel seemed to be stuck in some weird time warp to her and she really wanted to find out what it really is all about.

At lunch Lianne discussed the mystery to Selena saying to her.  "Haven't you noticed how weird this place is Selena?" 

"Oh Li, you and your imagination."

"There's something strange about this place and I'm going to try and find out what's going on."

"Oh Lianne, it's you doing that detective thing again. It isn't a game, I'm really scared and I just want to go home."

"I know it isn't a game, but I'm curious aren't you?"  Replied Lianne.

"No, I just want to go home, let's hope we can trust Jack to help us tonight."

"Yes I guess you're right Selena, we should just concentrate on getting out of here, but I can't help wandering what Jack meant when he said that we weren't safe."

"Don't Li your scaring me."

"Sorry Selena, but Jack said it not me." They both felt very uneasy and afraid after their conversation with Jack. After the girls had eaten their lunch, they returned to the kitchen where they spent most of the afternoon washing the dishes from lunch.

Just before it was time for their evening meal the girls were sent to freshen up.  Once they had done so, they were allowed to wait for their evening meal in the lounge.  They sat and watched some of the guests meandering about.  After a little while they caught sight of three young lads, they looked in their late teens.  "Look over there Selena, they look like normal lads." 

"What do you mean normal?" 

"You know, modern.  They're wearing sweat shirts and jeans."

"So?"  Questioned Selena.

“So maybe they have a mobile phone  We could borrow it to phone our parents."  Exclaimed Lianne.

"What a great idea Lianne, but whose going to ask them?"

"What to use their mobiles?  Oh don't worry I will, watch this."  Replied Lianne whilst getting up and strolling across the room towards the three young lads whom were busily chatting amongst themselves.  Lianne piped up.  "Excuse me, my names Lianne, what's yours?"

One of the boys laughed and said.  "Well what have we here?  We're being chatted up by a school girl lads!"  They all tittered and the then the boy continued.  "Go away little girl, we're trying to have an adult conversation here."

This didn't deter Lianne, she said.  "Look, I'll get to the point, my friend and I got ourselves lost in the woods.  Now we are stuck here, I wonder do you have a mobile phone?"

"Yes, what's it to you?"  He replied.

"Well, could I possibly borrow it to call my parents?  I'll pay for the call.  Oh please."  The boys laughed and by this time Lianne was getting extremely annoyed.  Then one of the lads said,  "Don't be mean, Carl." He then turned to Lianne and said. "I'll talk to you Lianne, the mobile doesn’t work.  For some reason it doesn't pick up a signal.  Maybe it's because of the trees.  If it had worked we wouldn't be here either."

"Oh what a shame.  What do you mean, when you said you wouldn't be here either?"  She enquired.

"None of your business."  Replied a rather skinny ugly looking lad.

"Sorry I just wondered."  Lianne muttered as she was walking away.

"What did they say Li?"  Asked Selena rather anxiously.

"Yes they have a mobile, but no it doesn't work."

"Oh no."  Mumbled Selena whilst plonking herself down on an old sofa adjacent to a roaring open fire.  They sat in silence just starring into space.  Both wondering if they would ever get home.  Then they heard a voice saying.  "Cheer up it might never happen."  It was an old gentleman whom

had just sat down next to them.  Lianne noticed he was wearing a black suit and round rimmed spectacles perched on the end of his nose.  He was certainly very old she thought, but had a kind face.  She said.  "Oh we're just missing home, that's all."

"Oh dear."  Said the man.  "It isn't that bad here is it?"

"I'm missing mum and dad.  We're lost."  Answered Selena.

"Oh you poor dears.  I am sure you'll get home soon.  My name is Harold Baker.  What are your names children?"

"Lianne White and this is Selena Parks, my friend from school."  They were interrupted by the dinner gong.  Everyone moved towards the dining room.  Soon they were seated and having their evening meal.

Looking across at Selena, Lianne said.  "Don't worry Jack's going to help us get out of here tonight."

"What if he doesn't come for us?"

"We have to hope he does."  Remarked Lianne, but deep in her heart she didn't doubt Jack would rescue them.  She really liked and trusted him.  The girls finished their meal more or less in silence and soon they were sent upstairs to their room to get ready for bed.  They followed the same old routine being escorted to the bathroom.  Lianne questioned the maid asking her if they could go home tomorrow.  The maid had Lianne felt fobbed her off.  She told the girls she really didn't know they would have to speak to Mr Proctor.  Once in bed the maid left locking the door behind her.

Then suddenly, what seemed like an age, there was a quiet rapping on the door and a voice from the other side whispered.  "It's me Jack, I've got the master key.  I'm coming in, are you decent?"

"Yes Jack, come in."  Selena whispered back.  A moment later Jack appeared through the door.  Lianne rushed over to him and gave him a peck on the cheek.  Jack said looking really embarrassed.  "No time for that sort of thing.  Listen very carefully, now I've managed to rescue the clothes you arrived in.  Here they are, hurry get dressed.  I'll be waiting outside for you in the corridor."

"Oh thanks Jack."  Lianne said giving him a big hug. 

Soon the girls were dressed and they met Jack as planned.  "Jack, can I ask you why you said we were in danger?"  Lianne gently asked

"Shush!  No time to explain now, stick close to me and be very, very quiet."  It was hard work sneaking out of the hotel without being seen, but eventually what seemed to take a lifetime they were free.  "Wow wasn't that close."  Remarked Selena.  "I thought we were going to get caught when I saw that maid coming up the stairs."

"Wasn't it exciting?"  Lianne said.  Their conversation was interrupted by Jack whom snapped.  "Hurry you two, no time to loose.  This way, this way."  Jack lit his old oil lantern to light their way. The girls were almost running to keep up to Jack.  "Oh Jack, slow down please.  We can't keep up to you."  Yelled Lianne.

"I will when we are out of sight of the hotel."  Replied Jack.

After they'd been in the woods for about ten minutes, Selena stopped; she was gasping for breath and extremely tired.  "Stop, I need to catch my breath.  I'm so tired.  Can we rest here a minute please?"

"Okay, just for a minute mind."  Muttered Jack.  Lianne decided to question Jack again.  She began.  "Jack how come you have an old lantern?  Haven't you got a torch?"

"I don't know what you're on about girl." Jack snapped back.

"Jack why did you say we were in danger?" Selena enquired.

"I didn't, I said it weren't all that safe.  That's all."

"That's the same thing Jack, why isn't it safe?"  Asked Lianne.

"I don't want to talk about it."  Yelled a very angry Jack.

"It's alright, Jack, never mind."  Replied Lianne trying to diffuse the situation She didn't like to see Jack angry, she really liked him.

"Let's go, hurry."  Prompted Jack.

They walked in silence all deep in their own thoughts.  Jack kept the girls moving fairly fast.  Lianne couldn't quite understand what the hurry was, but she guessed Jack was keen to get them out of this dark wood safely.  The silence was broken when Selena mentioned she could smell smoke.  However, at that point no one could see anything.  They could hear the owls screeching; this scared Selena who quickly grabbed hold of her friend.  On looking around Selena spotted, in the distance deep orange flames and dense black smoke almost like a fireball.  "Fire."  She shouted.  "Look." she said pointing towards the fire. 

"Oh my god.  It looks as if it is coming from the hotel."  Screamed Lianne.  "Jack what are we going to do?"

"Nothing, let's concentrate on getting you out of here."  Jack replied calmly.

"We've got to turn back." Yelled Selena with fear in her voice.

"Why?"  Asked Jack looking at Selena sternly.

"To help of course, we can't just stand back and watch."  She snapped back impatiently.

"No point, we can't do anything.  It's too late, let's just keep moving please."   Jack said rather sharply and the girls dare not refuse his request.  After all they needed him to show them the way out.  Selena was sobbing and sniffing as they moved on.  They travelled in silence and eventually after what seemed like an endless nightmare journey they finally reached the gates.  Jack said.  "I must leave you here.  Will you be alright to find your way home from here?" 

"Yes, thanks Jack."  Replied Lianne and just as she was about to speak again after briefly turning to look at the exit, she realised Jack wasn't there any more.  "Where's did he go?"  She asked Selena.

"I haven't got a clue.  He was here and then I turned away for a moment and when I looked back he was gone.  He just seemed to disappear into thin air Li."  Selena said with a rather shocked and puzzled expression on her face  "Jack, Jack."  Lianne shouted into the darkness, but there was no answer. 

"Come on Li, I want to go home.  I'm cold and I'm scared please!"  She pleaded with Lianne to leave.

"Alright, let's go home."  Replied Lianne.  The now very weary girls set off to walk the short distance back to Lianne's house.

On entering the street where Lianne lives they spotted a police car parked outside.  "What's going on?" Selena said whilst looking at Lianne.  Lianne shrugged her shoulders and they walked up to the front door and entered.  "Oh thank god Lianne."  Cried her mother on seeing the girls.  "You're safe.  Where have you been?"  She hugged the girls.  There were police officers everywhere and within minutes of their arrival back home, the girls were whisked off in police cars to the