I am Sophia Politou-Ververi. My kids call me
mummy douce, that means sweet mum.
You can call me as you wish, but first let me
Introduce myself.
Inside me there are :
Many notes as I am a piano teacher.
Many letters as I have been writing fictional
Since I was a child.
Many images as I read many books.
Many voices as I am talking to the fairytales’
Many colors like the voices and the emotions.
A few numbers as I was never good at
Although I can remember numbers easily.
Enough sugar as I am a sweets lover.
All the things in blue because I love the sea
And dolphins.
The sky’s voices because I talk to a
Bird named Xeriola (he knows everything)
Come and fly with Xeriola’s
Through the fairytales, we will travel
So as to find the truth!
e-mail: spolitou@yahoo.gr