Narcotic Games by E.Right - HTML preview

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Party At The Beach

The days went by pretty fast and it was soon Friday. Each member of the narcotics club lay fast asleep at the Plaza hotel feeling very reluctant to awaken to their last day of their vacation, together as a club.

A tear rolled down David’s left eye. He knew he would miss the seven people from different parts of the world, he had invited to Las Vegas. He always saw himself as better off than those who were less fortunate and not as well-off as he was. For the first time in David’s life, he was beginning to see other people differently. He suddenly realized the hardships that a lot of people out there might be going through. Perhaps he was ungrateful for having so much wealth. He hoped he would get to know his club members much better one day. So far they had all spent a swell time together.

It wasn’t till nightfall when the club members woke up and got ready to go clubbing in Vegas. Rochelle was dressed to kill and pulled out a bottle that looked like a bottle full of deadly pills. She took one small pill and placed it inside the brassiere she was wearing, under her rather revealing dress.

They all headed to the Burger joint again, to grab a full meal before heading for the Plaza night club. Within an hour, they arrived at the Plaza club after having a full meal at the Burger joint. The urban club music being played at the Plaza club sounded rather loud and vibrant. A lot of people were drinking and dancing. Rochelle winked at her fellow club members.

“I’m going to show you all how I party in Beirut. I brought a little pill to play suck-and-pass on. We are all going to suck a little bit of one pill,” Rochelle told her fellow club members. David shook his head in disagreement, clearly disappointed and disgusted. He wondered where Rochelle had gotten the bottle of ecstasy from. Rencis came to Rochelle’s rescue.

“Relax everyone. I was the one that introduced Rochelle to a dealer that could get us some stash for our last night out. I came across an old friend of mine when I went shopping in town earlier on this week. He gave me a number of a dealer that could liven up our last night in Vegas,” Rencis quickly muttered out towards some of the confused looking club members including David. David shook his head again and remembered the stupid rule he had suggested as to trying each others narcotic of choice or interest.

“Anyone thirsty. I’m going to get some mojitos. Is anyone else game?” David asked enthusiastically. All the club members raised their hands including Rochelle.

“This is our last night on vacation, David. Do not turn down my idea. I just want to show you all how I party in Beirut,” Rochelle insisted.

David looked at Rochelle doubtfully and reluctantly agreed to join in her ecstasy pill, clubbing game. To David, having to share one pill with another person was pure contamination. He would definitely be seeing a Doctor for a full body examination right after the vacation.

It wasn’t long when each club member had gulped down the mojitos and were cheerfully dancing at the Plaza club. The club they had entered was a sixteen plus club. David had managed to get Liselotte a fake identity card to pass as the age of sixteen way before they had gotten to the club.

Rochelle popped an ecstasy pill into her mouth and begun to suck a bit on it. She then moved towards David and placed the pill from her mouth into David’s mouth. David did not even try sucking on the pill, he quickly moved towards Anna and spat the pill from his mouth into Anna’s mouth. Anna then gladly passed the pill from her mouth into Danny’s mouth. Danny did not even attempt sucking on the pill. He spat the pill right into Liselotte’s mouth. Liselotte sucked a bit on the pill and passed it on to Rencis’s mouth. Rencis then moved towards Tanya and popped the small pill into Tanya’s mouth. Tanya then quickly spat the pill out from her mouth onto the club dance floor. Rochelle almost screamed out in anger.

“You idiot! The last person is supposed to finish it or pass it on to another person, until it gets finished. You idiot! We better get out of here before we are all suspected of taking a drug in the club. Tiny fragments are all over the floor,” Rochelle yelled out in alarm. David nodded his head in agreement and they all left the Plaza club in a hurry.

By the time David and his club members got back to the Plaza hotel, David insisted they all packed up and left the hotel straight away. It would be best, they all spent their last night at his penthouse. All the club members agreed to David’s suggestion. The last thing they needed was to be found and caught for suspicious behavior by cops or hotel security guards.

It wasn’t long when all club members had packed up all their luggage and contentedly gotten into a company vehicle that David had hired to drive them all off to his penthouse.

Finally at David’s penthouse, all the club members made themselves comfortable. David suddenly felt bored and asked his club members what they would like to do. Rochelle suggested they continued to play her suck-and-pass-on pill game. David laughed and looked quietly at Rencis for an answer.

“Actually, I have a better idea. We can carry on playing Rochelle’s game, only this time we pass on the hashish. Yeah? What do you guys think? We all smoke a small piece of joint,” Rencis let out ecstatically.

Rochelle burst out into fits of laughter and Tanya had an amused look on his face.

“You guys are out of this world. Where in the name did you get all this stash from?” Tanya asked seeming slightly perplexed all of a sudden.

“Rencis already mentioned that he came across an old friend. I want to play another game after, called pass the cocaine if you have any?” Anna suddenly insisted. David looked at them all with a sparkle in his eyes.

“I have an even better idea. We can play these games at the beach which isn’t far from where I live. I don’t think anyone will be out there at this time of the night. We can even hide behind some bushes at the beach and get stoned all night!”

David cried out excitedly. Liselotte seemed quite taken aback and moaned for a second.

“I think it would be best if we played my game first. Pass the glue,” Liselotte insisted. David let out a massive sigh.

“You know what? We can play a few games before going to party at the beach. Perhaps its best not to take any stash to the beach. I don’t want to run into the police and get caught. Let’s stay in and play a bit of strip poker and narcotic games before going to party a bit at the beach,” David finally suggested. All the club members agreed. David looked keenly at his club members and then grabbed an iced doughnut lying in a bowl at his penthouse lounge.

“You know what, when we play strip poker make sure to keep your underwear on in the end. Please ladies and gents, do not strip to be completely nude. Please have some self respect. I’m really a decent guy,” David insisted quietly.

Before the game of poker commenced, all eight club members stood in a circle trying to inhale glue. Tanya gave Liselotte a look of dismay.

“Are you serious? How the hell do you manage to sniff glue? I can’t even hold that up my nostril. I think I’m going to have to decline this one,” Tanya said defiantly, whiles the other members tried to inhale Liselotte’s glue.

After a few seconds all the other members had given up on trying to sniff the glue. It was Anna’s turn. Rencis brought out a small dish of cocaine for them to sniff. They all stood in a circle once again. Tanya looked doubtfully at the small dish of cocaine.

“I think I’m going to have to take a pass on that as well. I don’t think I want anything going up my nostril tonight. Sorry guys. I hate to be a kill joy,” Tanya said again defiantly.

All the other members quietly attempted to snort a tiny bit of the cocaine on the small dish. There were loud gasps in the room as the tiny bit of cocaine reached some of the club members nostrils. David shook his head continuously.

“Ugh! I don’t think I like that! Bring out the chips so we can start playing poker,” David instructed Rencis quietly.

Within seconds they were all seated around a table in a circle, sharing one joint of hashish and playing strip poker. They were listening to rap music and drug ballads at the same time playing strip poker. Anna didn’t seem to want to let go of the joint that Rochelle had passed to her.

“This is what I’m talking about! I’m in paradise already,” Anna said coolly. Tanya grabbed a hold of Anna’s right hand and snatched the joint from her.

“You have been smoking that for too long, we are all supposed to be sharing. You are a greedy person,” Tanya cried out whiles desperately trying to suck the contents of the joint she had managed to snatch from Anna. Danny looked at Tanya quietly. The scent of the joint was really getting to him.

“Hey, pass that on Tanya. We are all supposed to be sharing,” Danny cried out suddenly and before Tanya could finish taking in more contents of the joint Danny had grabbed it from her. He started to puff away desperately.

David laughed at some of his club members behavior and gladly waited for his turn to taste some of the joint they all had to share. By the time the joint had reached David, it was but a small bud remaining. David was the last member to smoke the joint of hashish. He felt as if he was being taken to paradise. David finished the remainder of the joint and grabbed some doughnuts and ice-cream for his club members. No one seemed famished. They were clearly already full from the meal they had devoured way before going clubbing.

“I’m fed up of this game. Who needs strip poker when we can go party at the beach. We’ll just light a few fireworks in my backyard first and then go party!” David yelled out arrogantly. Liselotte looked quietly at David, she didn’t seem very eager to party and neither Rochelle. David wondered if the two should stay behind to light the fireworks, whiles the rest of them went partying at the beach.

“Okay. You three seem a little out of it. I think it’s best if Rochelle and Liselotte stayed behind to light the fireworks. The beach isn’t far from my house. We will see the fireworks even when we get to the beach. Liselotte looks pretty stoned already. Rochelle, get her some organic milk to drink. I got some in my fridge in the kitchen. That might help a bit. Take care she doesn’t puke on you. Okay, let’s go party!” David yelled out whiles attempting to put his poker set away.

After the poker set had been put away, the other club members including David made their way to the beach with a bag of chips, some beer and a small stereo. Liselotte and Rochelle remained in the penthouse with David’s security men still on duty outside and around the penthouse.

Anna laughed out helplessly and danced about on the sandy beaches whiles Danny played some old British techno music and jumped about with Tanya. Rencis did a cart wheel and collapsed on the sandy beaches. Tanya then quickly rushed towards Rencis to make sure he was okay. It was clear Rencis was also a little  bit out of it and was not in the mood for partying. With Danny’s help, Tanya dragged Rencis back to David’s penthouse. They had to inform David’s security men that Rencis was very drunk.

After a few minutes Danny and Tanya returned to the beach, just in time to catch Anna making out with David in a rather shabby manner. Tanya hit David on the head in annoyance.

“That is against club rules. Have you forgotten your own rules about taking interest in club members,” Tanya practically cried out.

David stopped making out with Anna and peered at Tanya crossly.

“Give me a break. I don’t think I can even focus properly right now. I can’t seem to understand what you are saying…jeez,” David uttered out in a rather careless manner. Then without any hesitation, he continued making out with Anna on the sandy beaches. Tanya and Danny walked away in disgust. They suddenly heard some fireworks coming from David’s backyard.

Danny grabbed a few shells from the beach and begun to toss them angrily into the sea. Tanya decided to relax on the sandy beaches and quietly watched Danny’s temperamental behavior. After a few minutes it suddenly clicked to her that perhaps Danny was not suffering from agoraphobia or any sense of lack of self esteem. Perhaps there were situations that he had faced in the past that had caused him to become so temperamental. Tanya got up from the sandy beach and slowly made her way towards Danny.

“Danny, you don’t have to do this. You don’t have to throw a tantrum every damn minute. Gosh! I think I might know what can help you. Perhaps, you must try eating spinach regularly at night time which could help out with the insomnia and restore your sleep pattern back to normal. Also, try inhaling boiled peppermint leaves. The peppermint leaves might help diminish the agoraphobia,” Tanya cried out in a caring manner towards Danny.

Danny continued to throw the shells into the sea as if he had not heard what Tanya had said. After a while he stopped throwing the shells into the sea and turned to look at Tanya, icily.

“Are you normal? What are you…some kind of medical doctor? I’m not taking any advice from somebody that clearly doesn’t know the difference between green and yellow! You are talking rubbish! You are not smarter than myself or anyone else in the club. You are a damned narcotic!” Danny yelled out furiously towards Tanya.

Tanya suddenly realized that Danny was trembling uncontrollably. She rushed to David’s penthouse and called one of the security men to help her bring one of the club members in. Tanya stated clearly that the club member was having some kind of seizure.

Two of David’s security men quickly rushed to the beach with Tanya to grab Danny. Danny was then rushed inside the penthouse and a private emergency team was phoned to attend to the boy’s convulsions.

In the time being, Anna and David were busy getting well acquainted at the beach. The security men had not even noticed them when they had rushed to the beach to grab Danny.

Anna and David had watched quietly from the beach as a private emergency medical team had rushed into David’s penthouse. David cuddled Anna as a cool breeze blew fervently around them. Fireworks lit the skies and David knew he had finally found a girl he really liked.

The next morning, all the club members awoke rather late but still at morning time to have breakfast. David thought he would switch on the television to find out what was going on in the news.

It was a shocking sight that met his eyes. A young man by the name of Marvin had died from drug abuse. The image of the guy specified looked exactly like Lia’s fiancé. David was about to switch off the television in disappointment when a tearful Lia appeared on the television news sobbing uncontrollably.

The news reporter was questioning Lia as to the misuse of heroin and marijuana that had led to Marvin’s sudden death. Lia was shaking uncontrollably and kept gasping for breath before attempting to speak. She made it clear that it was fun to be on drugs but after a while, it became addictive. A person would be unable to rely on anything else but the drug that becomes a permanent addiction – it then slowly becomes detrimental to a person’s body which eventually results in a sudden death or an unfortunate collapse.

Rochelle suddenly rushed to the television and switched it off.

“Such rubbish! That guy took an overdose. We don’t need to listen to people preaching to us and as to how drugs are bad for you. Some of those drugs that people die from are at times manufactured by certain companies for medicinal purposes,” Rochelle yelled out. She was trying to sound as clever as possible.

Danny sat there relaxed in the lounge, slowly trying to devour an oat cereal. He looked at Rochelle for a while and then cleared his throat in attempt to speak.

“You know what Rochelle, you didn’t have to turn that television off. All you had to do was change the channel. I went through a really bad patch last night and I don’t think I ever want to go through that again. Sure, we all like to smoke every now and then because we are feeling depressed or perhaps just for the fun of it. I don’t know about the rest of you but I don’t think I ever want to get stoned like that ever again,” Danny admitted quietly.

Anna, Rencis, Tanya and Liselotte sadly nodded their heads in agreement. David looked on in amusement at his club members that were suddenly keen on backing away from narcotics.

“Just great! Does this mean you all want to leave the club?” David asked. His heart suddenly felt as if it was sinking. His club would be no fun without being on narcotics. There was a dead silence in the penthouse lounge. David took a deep breath in. He had really enjoyed hanging out with his club members. It would be quite disheartening for him if he never got to see them again.

“Wait! I have an idea. We don’t need to put an end to the club. We can keep the name narcotics club but add the word revolution to the club. We can start a revolution all over the world to put an end to drug abuse,” David suddenly proposed bravely.

All the club members looked at each other nervously. They never thought they would ever be opposing the usage of narcotics. Rochelle let out a heavy sigh.

“You win. One guy that cared for me, once told me to live life to its fullest. I never really considered what he said because I believed in a different motto which was live today, die tomorrow. Come to think of it perhaps it’s best if we all tried to live our lives to its fullest instead,” Rochelle said sadly. Tanya took a deep breath in and smiled ecstatically.

“Let’s do it. Let’s start a revolution, but first and foremost we need to get our own lives together. As long as we support each other and act together we should be able to fight drug addiction worldwide. After last night I don’t think I ever want to depend on narcotics to give me relief from depression or grant me a little liveliness. I want to try something new like meditating,” Tanya said intriguingly. All the other club members laughed and Danny gazed at Tanya in wonder.

“I also want to try something new like inhaling boiled peppermint leaves,” Danny cooed out to Tanya’s amusement. Tanya laughed out in surprise.

“You remembered what I suggested last night to help you out with your vertigo. Be careful with the peppermint leaves, it might cause nostalgia. Good luck with the spinach, though. I personally would rather inhale spinach if I suffered from agoraphobia, but never mind. Whatever suggestion works best for you, should do. Please don’t forget to notify me as to the result. We all have to get packing now we have flights to catch,” Tanya reminded the other club members.

David took a deep breath in. He knew he did not really want Anna to leave or any of his club members as a matter of fact. He had to fight to fix Anna’s life if he really wanted to see her again.

It was midday already and David Field knew he had to rush all the members of his club to the airport. Luckily for the club members, David’s chauffer was already awaiting them outside the penthouse since morning. All the club members would soon be returning to their countries that they had flown from for his club. David felt a pang of sadness. He had woken up a different person and now he was about to start a revolution.