Narcotic Games by E.Right - HTML preview

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David’s Tale

Hi. My name is David Field. I am the son of a wealthy business tycoon and a loser when it comes to love and keeping relationships. I have created this club as a way of emotional escape from the harshness of reality. About a year ago my parents decided to go their separate ways. I have managed quite well on my own, even though my father that I still remain with is hardly ever around.

I have not traveled to that many countries but have met various people from different parts of the world. I have so many friends but only keep a few close ones that I feel and know I can trust. Like I mentioned earlier, I am the son of a wealthy businessman and therefore lack nothing really in life but siblings, a mother and friends of a different caliber.

I have created this international cyber club in the hope of meeting like-minded people that are fed up of living the same boring lives. I do hope you all enjoy my site and feel free to open up about any problems or situations in life you might have faced or probably going through at this very moment. I hope we can all help each other through, whatever the situation.

David sighed quietly as he read through the information he had left on his profile page. He thought back as to the rejection he had faced at the age of fifteen which had discouraged him from finding a girlfriend on his own.

Lia was the only girl at the private school he attended that he had ever really felt succumbed to.

What did David Field not lack? He was a tall good looking boy with sandy hair and piercing eyes that dazzled so many girls at school. Even at the age of fifteen he was quite tall and very popular. He was good at soccer and tennis. He was the envy of many of the other boys at the private school he attended. David always made sure to stick to his closest friends at school and went out with random girls that fancied him.

One girl that he had gone out with once, turned out to be another boy’s partner. This caused a fight right after school. David had planned to spend time that day at the school’s library to go through the textbooks that were on display. He had been sure there was a book that his parents had forgotten to order for him for an art class. The girl that fancied him that he had agreed to go out with, had decided to accompany him to the library.

Emily shook her cropped mousy hair about and grinned in such a cheesy fashion at David as they walked together hand in hand. They were just about to enter the school’s library when the fight commenced. Victor was the name of the boy that had suddenly pounced on David. He was clearly, extremely upset as to seeing David with Emily.

“What the hell do you think you are doing? That is my girlfriend that you are walking hand in hand with. Seriously David what do you think you are doing?” Victor demanded angrily from the surprised David. Before David could even reply, a strong fist landed on his left jaw. The fight was on. Emily stood back and screamed out for help as Victor continuously jabbed David in the chest and threw him on the ground to start kicking him.

David felt hurt and helpless. The school librarian rushed out to persuade Victor to stop attacking David. Victor was not just a very big boy but a couple of years older than David. Tears streamed down David’s eyes as he gazed up at the aggressive looking boy that had accused him of stealing his girlfriend.

“I’m sorry! I had no idea Emily was your girlfriend. I’m sorry. I won’t go near her ever again,” David sincerely apologized as the librarian helped him get back up on his feet.

Emily sulked off in fear and the librarian made it clear to Victor that if he attempted a second attack she would make sure he was expelled. Victor also sulked off angrily in disappointment. The librarian then glared angrily at David to his further surprise.

“Don’t you have any manners? Why did you have to go near another boy’s girlfriend. You should be ashamed of yourself. Just because you come from a wealthy home, doesn’t mean you should be taking what is not rightfully yours!” The librarian scolded David and retreated back into the library to attend to other students that needed assistance.

David shook his head bitterly and knew he would be reporting the attack to his parents. Victor had no right to attack him. He was just about to make his way as further away as possible from the library when an unusual looking girl with stunning eyes and long black hair approached him. David knew he had seen her before but couldn’t quite place where he had seen her. It was quite bizarre because she smiled impishly at him.

“I’m part of the student council and a student representative. I think your attack must be reported and put in the school paper for everyone to know the bully Victor really is and the little bitch Emily is. I’m Lia by the way – I believe we may have met before,” Lia said warmly to David. David suddenly felt a little light headed for a second but struggled to stay alert. Lia grabbed a firm hold of David’s shoulder and attempted to help him walk.

“I saw everything that happened. I watched the fight from the library. I think I remember now. A friend of mine introduced me to you a while back. I believe Duffy is her name. She is in your art class,” Lia told David trying to help him recollect her and as to how they first met.

The pair slowly made their way to the school’s main parking area. Lia quickly made a call to David’s home for a chauffer to pick David up and rush him to the nearest hospital. He seemed badly hurt.

A week later Lia sent David a text to meet her on a Friday night at a local park to rehearse a school play. David had recovered quickly from the attack and gladly agreed to meet Lia at a local park. At the local park, Lia stood at a fence awaiting David with a group of notorious looking teenagers. She smiled dubiously at David as he approached the park.

“Hi David. I brought a few friends along if you don’t mind. This is Carla, Marvin, Tim and Jonathan. They are all from different schools,” Lia cooed out cheerfully. David reluctantly greeted Lia’s out of school friends and attempted to practice the lines for a school production he was taking part in with Lia.

After rehearsing the school play briefly, one of Lia’s friends, Jonathan, pulled out what looked like a bag of cigarettes. It wasn’t long when they were all smoking the stink bomb that Jonathan had brought along. David covered his nose, finding it hard to tolerate the scent sifting slowly to his nostrils. Lia looked at David in dismay.

“What is the matter with you David? Its only marijuana. Just chill. Try and relax. You can’t carry on being a popular loser with your super rich friends, Ollie, Duncan and Thomas,” Lia spoke out savagely.

David shook his head in disagreement and attempted to walk away from Lia and her air headed out of school friends.

“Don’t you dare walk away from me David! I saved you from that bully Victor and that rotten girl Emily that you stupidly walked hand in hand with. Try and lighten up and join us,” Lia yelled out irately.

A whiff of guilt suddenly overcame David and he reluctantly joined Lia and her friends in smoking marijuana at a hidden part of the large local park. There were so many bushes and trees at the area in which they were all standing at – it was impossible for even a tiny fly to spot them. Lia had a wild look in her eyes and gazed intently at her friend Marvin. Marvin had the same wild look in his eyes and smiled coyly at Lia.

“Let’s all go back to my place and play spin the bottle,” Marvin suggested.

Lia and her other friends nodded their heads in agreement and followed Marvin to his place which wasn’t very far from the local park. David had no other choice but to follow them, in a severely dazed state. Lia patted David on his back when they finally arrived at Marvin’s place.

“Relax David. Get a grip. We are just going to play spin the bottle. Relax!” Lia whispered delicately into David’s ears. David nodded his head in response as to what Lia had told him and tried to pull himself together. He had never smoked marijuana before in his life – it was his first time. Lia and her friends were clearly all older than him. Lia was a year above David in school and her friends made it clear that they were all in their late teens. Marvin moved closer to David and observed his dazed expression. He suddenly realized that perhaps David had never smoked marijuana before.

“Lia, how old is this boy? Why does he seem and look way younger than us. What the hell is the matter with you? Are you trying to kill him? I think he is about to pass out here. Get him something to drink. I got some organic milk stored in my refrigerator. That might help?” Marvin suggested to Lia.

Lia quickly rushed to Marvin’s kitchen and grabbed the organic milk out of the refrigerator and poured some into a drinking glass, then immediately rushed back to the chill-out room in Marvin’s house.

“Here David, drink this. Oh my gosh. What was I thinking? I’m so sorry David. Drink this please,” Lia begged David whiles slowly handing him the glass of milk to drink. David undeniably accepted the glass of milk and gulped it down in one go. His heart suddenly begun to beat rapidly and cold sweat run down his neck. He suddenly felt nauseous.

Before Lia could attempt patting him on the back again, David puked all over the couch he was sat on and his whole body begun to tremble uncontrollably. Within a few seconds David had blacked out completely in Marvin’s home. When he awoke the next morning – Lia was standing by the couch he was on, holding a bowl of bagels.

“I called your parents house last night. I told them you had gone to sleep over at Thomas’s house, after the play rehearsal. It’s okay. Thomas was cool with the idea. I told him about your first experience. He is right outside with Marvin throwing and smashing beer bottles in the garden,” Lia informed David.

David felt slightly perplexed as to what Lia had just told him. Throwing empty glassed beer bottles about, sounded pretty dangerous and a sadly delinquent thing to do. David would never have thought Thomas would give in to such hooliganism. Lia’s friend Marvin was clearly a hooligan.

“I can’t believe Thomas is outside waiting for me. I would never have thought he would come to a rut like this,” David suddenly complained. Lia quickly gave David a sharp knock on the head.

“Mind your language. Marvin isn’t some worthless piece of garbage. He is the son of an Italian Count. He left home because he got fed up of living a stuck up life. He will soon be going back to his wealthy parents once he finishes law school. You be careful who you look down on because you never know the family the person might come from. Lighten up a bit,” Lia moaned whiles telling David off for clearly seeing Marvin’s place as a ditch and making mean comments in disregard to the place.

The sound of Marvin and Thomas could be heard drawing closer towards the room in which they were in. Lia quickly gave David a slap on the head.

“Don’t be such a douche bag and try and be nice,” Lia muttered out to David. She suddenly raised the shirt she was wearing revealing her small but taut tits. David grinned impressively at Lia and the tits that she had just flashed out at him.

“I will try to be nice! What happened to your other friends that were here last night?” David questioned, suddenly remembering Lia’s other diabolic looking friends that had disappeared overnight. Lia grinned excitedly at David.

“Your vomit scared them away,” Lia replied jokingly. By now, Thomas and Marvin had reached the room in which Lia and David were in. Thomas insisted he left with David back to his place. For after all it was Thomas’s place that David’s parents were probably assuming David to be.

It wasn’t long when David had bid Marvin farewell and wished him luck with his law studies. Lia remained comfortable on Marvin’s couch, which had clearly been cleaned up overnight.

A few months went by quite fast and David had not seen Lia for a while but he clearly had a huge crush on her as he kept thinking of her and her down to earth out of school friends.

At last it was getting to spring break and a school party was going to be held. David wondered if Lia by any chance was really Marvin’s girlfriend but brushed the thought aside. Marvin seemed way too old and matured to be Lia’s boyfriend. Finally the night had come for the school party. David planned over and over again as to how he could ask Lia to be his girlfriend. First he would ask Lia to slow dance with him, then he would try to get her to walk with him around the school compound where they could be alone and then he would finally ask her to be his girlfriend.

It was finally time to party. David arrived at the school party in his most sophisticated but casual designer wear, he had pulled out from his massive closet. He was dressed to impress and it was clearly working. So many girls eyed him and a few of them whistled at him and called out his name to dance with him. However David knew there was only one special girl he wanted to be with and dance with that night – it was Lia.

Lia suddenly appeared in the most frumpiest clothes David had ever seen. It was kind of humiliating. She made it clear to David that it was a brand new French designer’s attire that she had purchased from an online store. She told him that she had thought it might be best to wear something different. David shook his head impressively, trying to hide his feeling of embarrassment.

“Lia you look beautiful. Will you take my hand and dance with me?” David asked Lia sounding a bit shy. Lia smiled at David awkwardly and raised her right eyebrow at him.

“Are you joking? No. I don’t feel like dancing!” Lia practically yelled out. David suddenly felt very disheartened. So many of the students at school were looking at them. He took a deep breath in and grabbed the courage to ask Lia the second question that had been piercing his heart for quite a while.

“Lia I think I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?” David quickly asked with his palms suddenly sweating profusely. Lia raised her right eyebrow at David again for the second time.

“No David, no! I don’t want to be your girlfriend. Go back to pesky Emily. I’m sure Victor doesn’t want her anymore. Just because your parents are billionaires, doesn’t mean you can have whatever you want. I’m in love with Marvin. We will soon be getting engaged. I can’t believe you didn’t figure that one out,” Lia said worriedly and rather upset that David had asked her such a question in front of so many students from their school.

David quickly rushed out of the school dance hall. He had never felt so humiliated in his life before. The only girl he had ever thought he really loved was in love with the son of an Italian Count. It was clear that he David being the son of a business tycoon, did not really matter to girls like Lia. They all followed what they thought was worth their heart. David knew he didn’t want to go back to Emily and strangely enough after Lia’s public outburst and humiliating rejection at the school party he became even more popular at the private school that he attended.

Not many people at school knew his parents were multibillionaires. He was usually seen by most kids at school as the good looking boy with fairly well-off parents but not as the son of a business tycoon.

A year later David and his closest friends took up smoking grass and saw it as a form of relaxation. David made an even bigger mark at his private school by writing reviews on various types of artworks. He even decided to adapt a nickname in addressing his best buddies, Ollie, Duncan and Thomas. The nickname, the free thinkers was the name David decided to use for his closest friends.

David Field gritted his teeth as his thoughts drifted away from his sullen past and back to his online international cyber club. He slowly but carefully read the six different names of the members that had just joined. They each had a fascinating story to tell on their profile pages and did not seem afraid to admit if they had a drug addiction. David noticed one girl’s profile page which was totally messed up and clearly spelled out a crack dependent.

What kind of girl would run away from a good home and pick up theft as an occupation, David thought sadly. The girl’s name was Anna.