Narcotic Games by E.Right - HTML preview

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Danny’s Tale

Hi. My name is Danny Wright, I’m seventeen years old and I am from London, England. My father is a wealthy film producer and my mother is a fashion designer. I recently moved out of home to live with my girlfriend whom also lives in London.

The reason I decided to join the online escape cyber club was to try to make other friends that might be of benefit to my current status. Two years ago I was addicted to smoking grass but my parents found out and made sure I was sent to rehab. A year later, I lost control and begun cutting myself on my arms and my legs because I felt like I was an absolute loser in school.

I didn’t feel that I was good looking enough to get any girl to like me. My parents found out about my self harming and ensured I saw a shrink in regards to my low self esteem. I was put on antidepressants and anti-psychotics and had to attend a group therapy session. It was at the group therapy session that I met my girlfriend. She was the therapist’s assistant working there at the time. She seemed very reserved at first sight but after a while when I started to get to know her, she seemed more like my age group.

I don’t really care for the age gap because Magdalene is a sweet caring person and I hope to marry her one day. My parents are glad that I’m dating someone that knows a bit about therapy – it can help me get through my low self esteem. I will soon be eighteen and I know I will soon be free from my lack of self esteem. I never really had that much confidence to make a lot of friends, so I do hope I learn one or two things from other members that have joined this online escape cyber club.

Danny took a deep breath in, as he read through the information he had typed in over and over again. He was a bit nervous as to what the other members that had just joined the online club would think of him. He had not poured out his whole life story but just a brief overview on his current status and all the essential factors that led to his current status. He suddenly begun to recollect all the horrific things that had occurred in his life that had led him to finding the woman of his dreams.

It was a wet autumn’s day. The rains were endless in London. At first it started of with light showers and then it suddenly begun to pour continuously. Anyone would think a flood was about to engulf the whole of London. It was a rainy weekend but Danny managed to get past it without any disappointments. He had a few friends but no where really to go.

To most people at the boarding school he attended, he was just the son of a big time producer. This made Danny feel very insecure. It didn’t make him feel like a person. It was as if he was only known as being the son of a producer and nothing more. There was always a fear that people just wanted to take advantage of him or perhaps get to know him just to meet his father.

The very few friends that Danny kept were all sons and daughters of other producers and film directors. It was what Danny’s father always referred to as, the boy that likes to remain in his own circle.

It was a pity that Danny never ever tried to venture to make other friends. The few friends that he had were all awfully good looking and most of the girls were quite made up. They had nose jobs, lip enlargements and breast augmentations. They were like living, walking London dolls.

Danny never really had the courage to ask any of them out. He always felt like a dweeb. He was like a young boy lacking morals that looked quite unkempt with his heavy lidded eyes, big nose and mop of blonde shaggy-like hair. Most of his few friends that were girls happened to be dreadfully tall – taller than his well defined average stature.

It was Sunday again and Danny was visiting one of his closest friends amongst his few friends, Mark. Mark was a grass smoker, he had advised Danny to take it up as a hobby to calm down his nerves. Mark had assumed, it might help Danny grab the confidence to ask a girl out.

Danny gazed at Mark enviously as they sat outside Mark’s house smoking grass in the secured but hidden garden. Mark’s girlfriend was there which he referred to as his French kitten.

“You need to stop hiding yourself, Dan. You need to get out there and ask a bird out. You can’t be single forever,” Mark cried out trying to sound as concerned as possible for his friend.

The French kitten shook her head in agreement as she danced around Mark in an idiotic manner. Her name was Jacqueline.

“Yes Danny, you need to get a bird. If you’re lucky you will find a French kitten like me,” Jacqueline purled out in her annoying French accent. Mark grinned in a cheesy fashion in agreement.

“Or even better Dan, a Swedish cat. It’s not that easy to get an English bird these days. You need to travel. Go to Sweden and get a cat or go to Russia. There are plenty of foxes in Russia. Oui Jacqueline?” Mark muttered out, meaning yes Jacqueline in a questioning manner.

“Yes Mark. Danny must travel. He must not waste time trying to find an English bird?” Jacqueline replied, this time trying to make her French accent sound as attractive as possible. Danny shook his head sadly. He was annoyed as to the remarks Mark and Jacqueline were making.

“How is an English female a bird, a Swedish a cat, a Russian a fox and your girlfriend a kitten? This is absurd. All females are equal. There shouldn’t be any defining tone to describe any female from any part of the world,” Danny said in an aggravating voice whiles smoking a joint at the same time trying to remain cool.

Mark and Jacqueline let out a horrendous laugh. Jacqueline decisively drew closer to Danny and started dancing in circles around him. At that very moment Danny lost his temper and grabbed hold of Jacqueline’s arm in anger. Mark got up that instance and pushed Danny away from his girlfriend.

“Don’t you dare touch my French kitty like that! You are out of here! Get out of my garden and don’t you ever come round here again or I will have the police on you. I’m warning you Dan. You need to find a bird!” Mark yelled out irately.

Danny dropped the joint he had been smoking on the grass in Mark’s garden and looked at the closest friend he ever had.

“Tell you what mate – there is a blue bird sitting right up there, perched up on that tree. I think I already found my bird,” Danny yelled back sarcastically. Mark was not impressed and pushed Danny with force again.

“You are getting out of here! I don’t want to hear your stupid jokes or comments ever again. You need help. Get out of here! My French kitten is upset!” Mark yelled again, this time with force. Danny shook his head with grief.

“I will never forget this day. I’m leaving mate, I am leaving. You will never see me here again,” Danny said sadly.

That was the most draining experience Danny ever faced, with the closest friend he thought he had amongst the few friends he kept.

After that incident Danny couldn’t concentrate. He started suffering from side effects from the joint that he casually smoked every now and then with the few friends he had. He felt as if his whole world was crumbling away. He couldn’t focus anymore. Deep down he was crying inside. What was a bird to Mark anyway, Danny thought. Mark had no actual respect for females for calling them by names unlike their own.

When the summer vacation arrived Danny went home and slit his wrists, in hope that the pain he felt inside would diminish. It didn’t help him, it just made him feel worse. Danny’s parents eventually discovered his self harming resolution to his inner pain. It wasn’t long when Danny was admitted to hospital and administered with medication to help him with his sudden break down.

Danny’s parents were devastated. They were pleased when they were told that Danny would have to attend a group session therapy where he would not be alone but meet others that might also be going through the same situation. Danny was also pleased and agreed to attend the group session therapy.

It was Friday evening at last and Danny’s mother ensured that Danny was taken to his therapy session. It was strange for Danny having to walk into a room full of strangers and teens that were not children of film producers or directors. For the first time he would have to associate himself with what he always saw as minors.

There was a warm welcome from one young woman that looked as if she was in her mid twenties. She was quite plain looking and not as attractive as the therapist or most of the girls sitting at the therapy session. She was not very noticeable to look at, at all. However, Danny noticed her. He noticed her warm smile and her graceful movements. The other boys at the session seemed more keen and eager to get to know a few of the girls there.

By the time the session had ended it was practically nightfall. Danny had not bothered to engage with the other boys and girls there. He was however able to open up a bit as to his situation and so did most of the other people there that were needing therapy.

After the session had ended, Danny waited patiently for his mother’s arrival. He thought it strange she had not come in time to pick him up. He decided to converse with the therapist’s assistant that had insisted in staying behind. Everyone that had attended the session, had already left and so had the therapist at the session.

The assistant smiled warmly again at Danny, which made him feel relaxed. A sudden sense of confidence suddenly overcame him and he actually grabbed the courage to speak to the simple looking assistant.

“I’m Danny,” Danny said, feeling a bit nervous all of a sudden. The assistant continued to smile warmly at him.

“I know. I’m Magdalene Broom. I just started working here. I am actually a social worker but I thought I’d help out with some of the sessions. How did you feel sitting there with the rest of them. Did you feel comfortable? Do you feel you can open up in front of your own age group that might be going through what you’re going through?” Magdalene questioned in the most calmest voice that made Danny’s heart melt for her.

“I’m sixteen. I will be seventeen this coming August. I’ve never had a girlfriend. You have got to be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Danny suddenly let out, to Magdalene’s surprise. Magdalene let out a loud gasp.

“Danny! That is irrelevant to the questions I just asked you.

You must be careful as to how you respond to others. Try and stay focused and level headed. Do not drift off to a topic different from the one that is being discussed or else people will not acknowledge you as a sane person. Get a grip. Thanks anyway. No one has ever called me beautiful,” Magdalene replied with a slight chuckle following after. Danny shook his head in disagreement.

“Really? I can’t believe it. Next thing I will be hearing is that you have never had a boyfriend before,” Danny said cheekily. Magdalene laughed and laughed.

“You are nosey Danny! Wait here, I think my phone’s ringing,” Magdalene said as she quickly attempted to rush towards a coffee table with her phone set on it.

Danny stood at a corridor awaiting Magdalene’s return. This wasn’t until a couple of minutes and when Magdalene did return it wasn’t a heavenly sight. She had watery eyes with a devastated expression.

“Danny, your mother has had an accident. Your father is at the hospital with her. I’ve been asked to take you home and keep an eye on you,” Magdalene said sympathetically. Danny looked deeply into Magdalene’s wide saddened eyes. He didn’t feel any grief, only a rush of excitement. Just the thought of spending a little more time with Magdalene got his heart pacing. He hoped his mother would be fine. He smiled coolly at Magdalene as a sign that he was alright. Magdalene was quite taken aback as to Danny’s response and smiled back hesitantly.

“Are you alright? Perhaps we should go out for a coffee before getting to yours,” Magdalene suggested. Danny nodded his head in agreement.

The café rouge was to die for. It was a French café situated in the east of London. Danny devoured all the muffins Magdalene had ordered for him. By the time they had left the café, Danny was feeling even more relaxed than ever before.

“Magdalene! I just got a message from a few of my friends. They want me to meet them at an old tunnel, not far from here. Will you come with me please,” Danny suddenly said ecstatically. Magdalene seemed a bit distant but offered to escort Danny to meet his friends.

A few minutes went by and Magdalene and Danny arrived at the tunnel. Danny’s friends were spraying nonsensical graffiti on the tunnel walls and drinking beer. Mark was amongst the few boys there, clearly drunk but his French kitten wasn’t anywhere around.

“Hello Dan. We meet again. Who’s this then? You found a bird at last. An old bird?” Mark remarked icily but clearly very drunk. Danny was about to respond angrily but Magdalene stopped him before a fight escalated.

“You shouldn’t be here. None of you should be here spraying graffiti and drinking booze like there’s no tomorrow!” Magdalene yelled out sternly towards the few boys there. Mark burst out into fits of laughter.

“You didn’t bring an old bird, did you Dan? You brought a parrot to disturb us after all. You are a traitor and a disgrace to London, Dan. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, walking around with a parrot. Is that all you can afford?” Mark yelled out loud, bursting into further fits of laughter.

Danny suddenly lost his cool and pounced on Mark. He punched Mark in the face with all his might.

“She’s not an old bird or any bird of any kind and she’s not a parrot! She is a human being and I like her! I don’t really know her but I like her already. It’s a shame I cannot say the same for you and I’ve known you for over five years,” Danny yelled out furiously. Magdalene rushed towards Danny to pull him away from Mark.

“It’s alright Danny. Calm down! Your friend is drunk. Look at the state of him. Let’s just leave,” Magdalene insisted suddenly fearing the outcome of remaining amongst a group of drunken boys. Danny shoved Mark away from himself and turned towards Magdalene.

“You’re right Magdalene. Best we get out of here –  before the situation gets worse,” Danny replied feeling slighted withdrawn for attacking Mark.

Magdalene made her way quietly out of the tunnel with Danny. She was rather silent for a while. When she finally opened her mouth in attempt to speak she seemed dreadfully upset.

“You have a really bad temper, Danny. You must learn to control it. I hope you have been taking your meds,” Magdalene finally said quietly. Danny pretended as if he had not heard what Magdalene had said. He picked up a pebble from the ground and threw it into a lake not far from the point they had gotten to. They were quite far from the tunnel by now and Danny was in no mood to answer Magdalene’s question in relation to his meds.

“How old are you?” Danny suddenly asked. Magdalene sighed heavily.

“Twenty-three. You have gone off topic again. I told you not to do that Danny! Have you been taking your meds?” Magdalene demanded to know. She was afraid Danny’s tantrums was in relation to a bad trait or a medical disorder. Danny continued to pick up pebbles to throw them into the lake.

“I will answer your question, if you agree to be my girlfriend!” Danny yelled out without looking at Magdalene but focusing on the still shimmering lake. Magdalene was silent for a second and watched as Danny’s temper increased and he threw more pebbles into the lake with so much rage. Magdalene moved closer to Danny and clasped hold of his shoulders with her hands that were trembling slightly.

“Okay Danny. I will be your girlfriend. Calm down now,” Magdalene said in a reassuring manner.

Danny froze for a second and then suddenly burst into tears.

“I’m sorry. I’ve never met anyone as nice or as softly spoken as you are. I hope my mother’s alright. Take me to the hospital please. I want to see my mother,” Danny said despairingly.

The vivid memoirs of the past, slowly drifted away from Danny’s thoughts. He would soon be eighteen and he didn’t need to recall such a devastating time. His mother had luckily survived her accident and had recovered fully, over a year ago.

Danny decided to browse through the list of members on the online escape club page. He suddenly came across a rather humorous but dreadful story that one of the members had put down on her profile page. Her name was Rochelle.