Regina by Mary Ann Moody - HTML preview

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Chapter Four


Tonight was the first night in my vacation room, as I came to see it. I tried to make myself as comfortable as possible after our snack. The window was still open and I could hear mom, daddy, and grandpa talking on the patio. I had my laptop up and a movie on. This time I had on the Slumber Party Massacre, one of my all-time faves!

I hated to leave my clothes in the suitcase, but they were safer there than in the armoire. It was nice to take my time and put some of my favorite stuff out like Mr. Cuddles, my pink bear given to me when I was a child, my jewelry, some knick-knacks, and pictures.

I stood beside the bed, holding the picture frames and trying to decide which one was best when I turned my head to the desk. Someone was there, sitting in the desk chair and looking at me. My eyes scanned over it quickly so I did not realize what it was the first time. Chills ran down my spine. Did I really see that?

I quickly looked at the chair again and saw nothing.

Someone was there! I know I saw someone sitting in the chair sideways. The top half of their torso was turned with their hands holding the back of the chair. Everything happened so quickly, but I think it was smiling at me. I moved closer to the chair, trying to make sense out of the images in my mind.

Then, someone knocked hard on the wall beside the armoire.

I think I jumped a foot in the air and screamed a little. No one came running to my aid, so I must not have been too loud. Then again, I had a scary movie playing. Everyone probably thought my scream was part of the movie. My hands trembled terribly. I may question myself about seeing something, but I know I heard the knocks.

Knock, knock, knock.

There it was again! They were hard and sturdy knocks, one right after the other.

Of course, my first instinct was to run but I am a city girl. I don’t scare that easily. I marched over to the armoire confidently.

At first, everything was silent. I stood in that little corner for almost two minutes and nothing happened. Wait! Could the knocks of come from the bathroom door?

Knock, Knock, Knock.

I jumped again and screamed my head off. The knocks did come from the bathroom.

But, everyone was downstairs!

I felt scared out of my wits and lunged for the bedroom door. I had to get out of the room! Unfortunately, the carpet in front of the door was old and worn. My foot caught and I managed to trip. My feet flew out from under me and I landed on my left side.

I got up, sort of, and rubbed my side. I stayed on the floor until the bathroom door clicked and inched open slowly. The hinges squeaked as the door opened all the way.

“Annnnnaaaa,” something whispered from the open doorway.

I bolted from the room and didn’t look back. My feet took me downstairs and through the house. I had to find daddy. He would help me! They drank coffee on the patio when I came through the door like a lunatic. I shouted and pointed to the window of my room.

“Something’s in my room! Someone is up there!” I screamed. Mom and daddy looked alarmed, at first.

“Snake?” grandpa asked with his eyes raised.

“No, grandpa! It was…well, I’m not sure. It, it was big enough to open my bathroom door!” I stuttered as I tried to explain what happened, but I left out the person sitting in my chair.

“Let’s go check it out,” daddy said after looking at mom. She gave him a look asking him not to carry on with this.

“I’ll grab my pistol, just in case,” he said as he got up slowly. We walked in the house and hid behind grandpa as we went up the stairs. We heard him mumble, “Hope I don’t have to do this every night for a spider. Damn city yankees.”

I saw mom and dad hide their laughter. Mom was right, grandpa was old school southern.

My room was empty. The bathroom door was open, but nothing inside. Grandpa searched my room for me. He was so sweet, he even checked under the bed. They all swore to me it was most likely a little animal.

“No one has lived in this room since your mother left. Probably some critter who lived in there. You probably disturbed his home when you moved in tonight,” he said. I knew that was not what happened, but for the sake of my sanity, I accepted it. “You in the country now, doll. I carry a pistol at all times and I suggest you wear my rubber boots when you go outside.”


“Snakes. Lots of snakes in the summertime, ‘specially ‘round the tank. You best keep your eyes open ‘round here.”

I shook my head to let him know I understood. I thanked them for coming to my rescue. Grandpa told me to come get him anytime I needed something. After I closed the door, I went to bed and tried to sleep. Even though they tried to convince me it was an animal, I know what I saw. The quicker I got this trip over with, the better.

After a lot of reluctance, I emptied my body of fear, and allowed myself to close my eyes. I kept my laptop plugged in and on the whole night.