Tale in Orange by Costas Stoforos - HTML preview

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But what is happening now? Her painting is alive!

…The straw from the drawing grew. Marianna felt like it was sucking her in and all of a sudden she found herself flowing inside it like a waterslide…she was scared but most of all she was having fun. She was flowing madly. The smell of tangerine became clearer as she got further down. Like when she would open with her fingers a jar of her favorite tangerines from Chio and the smell swam in her nostrils. Little drops splash you and you shiver with delight…


She was flowing like Alice in Wonderland! She expected to see a white rabbit run in front of her at any moment. But she was living her own fairytale-and without realizing it-she was in a sky full of tangerines. She was flying on the tops of some strange orange trees and open books that were flying too for the distant horizon…

She caught sight of some of the titles: “Tangerine Jelly”, “Clockwork orange”, “Bitter orange”, “Ma other half of orange”, “5/4 orange”, “Tangerine Days”1

She swoops down next to a tower in the shape of a glass which overlooks the cliffs of a foamed orange juice that runs down like the sea and hits on the sandy beach.


She fell in too making a giant Splash! Her mouth was full of sweet and sour juice…with quick strokes she reached the shore. In front of her a road leads straight to the Orange Tower…

An orange carpet rolled out in front of her feet. She hesitated.

Come now, do not be afraid. We ‘ve been waiting for you!

An orange tiger, dressed in a green velvet suit, yellow boots with blue dots and a huge red bow tie stood before her.

The tiger gently bowed down and showed her the way…

Marianna started walking on the carpet…

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