The Camel King by Sir Maximus Basco - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine

The Talking Camel 


As the caravan moved again through the desert that afternoon, a dusty “sandstorm” was coming their way and winds grew stronger blowing sand and whistling over their heads. The thieves, the children, covered their heads while the camels knelt to the ground. The camels made a circle around everybody to protect them from the sands storm and the wind. The camels stayed with their bellies to the ground; their eyes protected by  thick  eyelashes  and protected by their rough, thick furry coats. The animals protected all from the storm. Mountains of sand flew over them like a sea typhoon of sand going over their heads while wind whined and hissed through the desert for some time. 

Peter and Sarah cuddled together and next to them a large camel knelt on the sand. A camel’s pelt covered their heads and after a while, the sandstorm passed, and the hot sun came out again hotter than ever. The camels were pulled up by the reins and stood ready to go. Peter forgot all about the camel story for some time and Sarah smiled again without fear.

Sometime after, the caravan traveled without stopping to rest and a few hours later they entered a village just when the sun was hiding behind the roofs of the village’s houses. It looked like a yellow egg yolk floating in the air.

Peter looked around and saw a fowl of sheep and goats roaming freely. Close to the animals, a boy wrapped in white linens herded them around all by himself. He waved to the children and all waved back their goodbyes. Once in the village, a man let the camels stop at his water hole marked by a ring of stones and few palm trees. The camels were given water again and the trees offered them shade and a place to rest. When all the camels quenched their thirst, water pouches were filled and water was given to children. 

When darkness fell over them and sprinkling stars covered the sky, it was time to seek a place to sleep and pass the night. Peter and Sarah sat among the other children who had gathered by the fire.  The men and children sat facing each other while the camels knelt a few feet behind. 

Two of the oldest children were ordered to pick the camels' dung to keep the fire for the night. Peter and Sarah sat to play and to count the tiny ashes rising up like fireflies into the sky with every breeze of air. Soon, the other children in their caravan imitated their game and they moved closer to talk. They asked their names and how old they were. They asked each other about their brothers and sisters and said they could always be friends. 

They promised to do that then and play their games together. So, they counted the sparks going up the air also. They laughed and giggled having fun being friends. They forgot for some time about bad times making new friends. Then, they told each other tales and stories. 

Some were spooky and some not too scary, but some about the bogeyman. Sarah told them about Santa Clause on Christmas day. How he went up the roof and down the chimney. The children laughed hearing he was big and round but climbed the roof of houses in every town. She told them how he carried a sac with free toys for all children in the world. The children wondered how he went around visiting so many towns in so many countries with toys for all children in town. 

Then, Sarah told them about the Red Nose Reindeer named Rudolph and its team of flying deer that took Santa flying everywhere.

The children asked Sarah when he was coming to their land and give them toys. She told them of days children played to be ghosts in Halloween. She told them about trick or treat candies children were given and they wondered why.  She told them about the Queen of England! She told them about the Crown and its many ships on the oceans while the children listened in silence. They had never heard of India or China, nor they had ever heard of Honk Kong and America for they didn’t have books. All countries were so far from the deserts, they said wide eye opened. 

And Peter and Sarah listened too for the children knew many stories and shared with them. The children told stories in their own language, but Sarah and Peter understood well for The Talking Camel sitting near them talking quietly translated for them; he helped them understand each other and be happy as new friends. So, the children told Sarah about Tut the boy and king, the youngest Pharaoh of Egypt. 

They told her about the animals in Africa and many then never had heard of before. They talked about the white rhinoceros of many trunks on its snout. They told her of hippos as large as the Castle One ship. They told her about giraffes as tall as coconut trees. And of course, about the old mines of gold, rubies, and diamonds of king’s Solomon down in the heart of Africa. Then, about the stories of the black Queen of Sheba from the African jungles and much, much more to remember forever and ever. 

When the game came to its end, Peter and Sarah went to lay next to each other. The men sat around the fire and the children went down to sleep again. All camels rested on their bellies not too far from Peter and Sarah. The camels sleeping cuddled next to each other and Peter turned his head to look at the animals. A few feet from him a camel snorted aloud, and Peter noticed. He looked at the camel, and the camel looked straight at him with its brown walnut size, honey brown eyes on his snout. His coat looked brighter than all others, Peter thought. Its fur smooth and soft, with a white blinking glow. 

His eyes of large and thick eyes lashes seemed to stare at him, he thought again. Suddenly, as he gazed again at the camel, the camel flared its nostrils and wiggled its nose winking an eye at Peter. Peter already half-sleep but surprised winked an eye at the camel too. Amazed Peter look again just as the camel showed his white teeth in a large grin winking at him one more time. Peter sat wanting to wake up Sarah but the camel stared t him and winked an eye one more time and he heard in his mind, “Hello Peter, is me, the Talking Camel, don’t be afraid.” To Peter’s surprise, the camel winked back and smiled a grin of white teeth. 

Peter winked twice rapidly in a game of eye winking winks and giggled. The camel imitated him with two rapid winks. Peter giggled and the camel showed his white teeth as if pleased with their game of winks. Then Peter winked three times slowly. The camel did exactly the same winking his eyes slowly too. Then, Peter winked fast four times counting. The camel winked four times too as fast a Peter Then, suddenly Mr. Bernard’s words came to Peter’s mind. He remembered them exactly like this. 

“He may even wink at you if he wants to talk to you”. Peter remembered and of course, he knew it! It was the White Talking Camel!! He turned to his sister, but Sarah sleeping already but startled he stayed still on the pelt next to his sister. Then he closed his sleepy eyes and put his head to the sand. It’s my imagination, he thought but before he could close his eyes, a puff of air ruffled his hair! The camel only a few feet before him spoke again. He was tall and strong. 

His body seemed covered with a gleaming coat almost snow white. Peter freaked out. His heartbeat faster in his chest. Then, he saw the camel's lips moving; talking just in the way humans talked, he noticed. Then, the camel moved closer to Peter, and his words got into Peter's head. 

“Wow!! Peter said aloud. 

"Listen up Peter, it’s only me the camel," said the voice friendly. Remember me, the White Talking Camel Mr. Bernard told you about? I’m real, indeed, the camel said and snorted on him a puff of air. Peter could not believe it. He called out his name so clearly; he felt frozen for a second. But then, the White Talking camel called his name clearly one more time. 

The camel sounded just like Mr. Bernard the mail clerk, he told himself. The sound went straight into his head as the camel called his name three more times. Peter’s eyes felt heavy as never before and just wanted to sleep but before he did just that closing his eyes, Peter heard the camel again. His soft voice words wishing him good night.  “Good night Tal-Mishem, Peter said not knowing why before closing his eyes while falling already into a dream.

The next morning, as soon as Peter opened his eyes, he stood up, and he looked to where the camel was the night before. 

"Sarah!! He said filled with happiness, “that’s the camel; that winked and talked to me last night! It winked an eye and he spoke to me Sarah, believe me, he did!!  

“Go talk to him, Peter! Sarah looked at him and said as happy Peter but before that Peter looked in the direction of the camel; it stood to chew something. His snout was long and his eyes walnut brown. 

“He’s tall and looks strong, but his coat is just like that of any other,

Peter thought. “That one there, it’s the camel I'm sure," Peter yelled winking an eye at the camel. 

The camel brown eyes looked at him for a second but never winked at him or never grinned like the night before.

“It may not be the same, or maybe it was just a dream,“ Peter said disappointed.

"Do you think that he would talk to me, Peter? Sarah asked, without doubt, he was indeed the camel from Mr. Bernards’ fairytale.

"Don’t know……it doesn’t even want to wink at me now Sarah. Don’t know why! Peter said.

"Wink at him harder now, like this, do like this, hard, for some time," she asked Peter for Sarah never doubted her brother’s words. But Peter just sat on the sand sad this time for the camel never winked at him that morning. Peter tried a couple times more before giving up and turning to Sarah also sad.

"Maybe he only winks at night," said Sarah.

“Maybe, you right Sarah,” Peter said and looked away.

"I'll show you tonight if you stay awake, he may come again," Peter promised. It was time to keep traveling and a man came to put them on a camel. “I cross my heart, I try to stay awake too,” Sarah promised as she sat up to watch the camel’s eyes and see if he would blink at her too.