The Camel King by Sir Maximus Basco - HTML preview

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Chapter Fourteen

The Escape to Cairo


Peter and Sarah and Tal-Mishem and the other children gathered around the fire and played many children's games. Thousands of glittering stars covered the sky and many constellations showed clearly for all to see. Peter and Sarah with the help of Tal-Mishem took their time to tell the children about each of them. They pointed to Aries and Aquarius, then to Cancer the crab and Capricornio the ram, then to Gemini the twins and Leo the lion of the sky. Then Sarah pointed to Scorpio, then to Taurus the bull and Virgo next to Pisces the little fish in the sky. Indeed, they are too many to count them all, but I hope someday camels can have their own Camel constellation. 

“All camels have served well all men, “ he said proudly. Peter and Sarah told the children that and they shouted for a camel constellation, yeah, yeah! Peter asked about the river Nile again and Tal-Mishem explained to them about the longest river ever.

"Oh...Peter none more beautiful anywhere in the world. The Great Designer himself shaped it. 

“Our great Designer came from the infinity of His kingdom and built all. He built the earth and oceans as well as rivers and mountains.  Even the sun and the moon so far away is His design.  He spoke to all creations. One by one they all came to be alive. He created animals and plants. The air and the rain they all have a purpose as well. 

Day and night were made for men and animals to rest. All perfectly designed for the happiness of all man,“ Tal-Mishem said to Peter cuddled next to him and others.

"Did the Designer create other rivers as long as the Nile anywhere Tal-Mishem?

“Oh, yes but none runs through so many nations. None gives so much life to so many people,” Tal-Mishem said.

Peter listened as his eyes fell on Tal-Mishem knelt down a few yards from him. Peter's fair skin contrasted against the copper hue of his hair. The dancing flames of the fire like pieces of his golden hair. Tal-Mishem laughed.  He remembered children had nicknamed his sister Head-on-fire for the reddish color of his hair.

"What Peter asked as Tal-Mishem stared at his hair?

"Do you know the children call you Golden-nugget-head because of the golden color of your hair Peter, "Tal-Mishem said sending the message to Peter's head. Peter giggled as he heard his nickname amongst the children.

"In a day or two Peter, when we enter in Giza we’re going across the Nile and then up to Cairo, "Tal-Mishem said.

So, that evening when Peter finished feeding the camels, he quickly returned and sat around the circle with the children. With the help of the magic marbles, Peter spoke to other children.  Everyone was told they would go home soon. The children listened in awe as Peter spoke to them from the distance. They all understood each word-thought Peter sent to their heads. Each word sent out via the force of the magic spheres. The children gathered around the fire and played. Then they Peter and Sarah told them the White Talking Camel was there with them. The children's eyes grew larger as they heard that. Many thought the White Talking Camel was a fairy tale only. The moon seemed brighter. Its light shone like never before. Then, TalMishem walked to the center of the fire. 

His coat looked glossy and white. It looked like glowing with light from the moon above.  He spoke to the children around and they all looked at Tal-Mishem without saying a word. He stood tall, but then he lowered the front legs and rested his belly on the sand. His head above everybody like a king. He looked around. His walnut brown eyes on his long snout fixed for a moment on all the children. Then, he sort of smiled with a grin in his face to all of them; one by one. He cleared his throat and talked. The children’s eyes grew even larger when they heard Tal-Mishem's voice in their heads.

“Please do not be afraid; there is nothing to be scare about.  I’m TalMishem the White Talking Camel. Yes, I’m the camel from the stories all of you’ve heard many times. I’ve come to help you escape and send you home. 

“Yes, each of you is going home tonight, “ Tal-Mishem said. The children looked at each other asking how they would all go on his back. Peter and Sarah asked too how they would be going home tonight, but Tal-Mishem had a plan of his own. Then, he explained to the children how and the children did exactly as the White Talking Camel asked them to do.  

Then, Tal-Mishem bent his knees and went on his belly first, then he lowered his rump and last his body touched the sand with his belly to the ground, Tal-Mishem called the children to him. One by one, each child got closer and mounted on his back for a moment and wished three wishes. They said goodbye to their friends and closed their eyes saying aloud:

 “Tal-Mishem, my wish is to go home where I belong. Tal-Mishem, my wish is to be with my parents again. Tal-Mishem, my wish is to go there where I belong right now! 

And as soon as each child finished saying the magic words, each child simply vanished with a soft puff and columns of white smoke rose in the air. Each child went traveled home in a puff of air. 

The children watched in wonder as each child disappeared and each went home with a goodbye for everybody. Unbeknown to Peter and Sarah, 

Tal-Mishem had granted each child three wishes for each had ridden on his back too. Each child had been his master for a moment. When repeating his name three times, each got his wish to go home. 

When all were gone, Tal-Mishem said to Peter and Sarah you’re going next. Peter's thoughts went to the children sent out to their homes. They also wanted to be home with their parents but said they wanted to stay and help Tal-Mishem. 

“We want to travel with you and help you find that door. I and

Sarah will help you find it,” Peter said and Sarah nodded. 

They mounted on Tal-Mishem’s back again and as soon as they sat,

Tal-Mishem said, “hold to your reins for here I come and we’re flying home through the air! And Tal-Mishem took to the air; very softly and low and then a bit a higher, then much higher than any time he had flown before. And he flew and flew over the desert as never before at the speed of light and all over the world.

By midnight the silvery waters of the Nile became their first sight and then they went over by the three pyramids; each looking small from the air. Below in the city people slept under the shadows of the night. Only a few street dogs seemed awake and barked at the flying camel flying under the light of the round face of the moon. 

The next morning, Peter and Sarah on Tal-Mishem’s back landed again and entered into the city. They wanted the night to fall again and fly on and on one more time. Tal-Mishem knew that in a week or two the thieves would come from the desert. They would come looking for their camels and the children. 

Peter and Sarah would not be too easy to find. Sarah’s red hair and Peter’s golden one would give them away. People would remember them well. 

When they went through the market outside of the city, Tal-Mishem looked for a place to hide. He found an old barn outside the village. 

It looked abandoned. It didn’t have a door or any of its windows; it looked perfect to hide inside and Peter and Sarah on Tal-Mishem's back went inside and hid. Once in there Tal-Mishem gave them instructions again for the next day.

"We’re going all to rest for the rest of the day. We’ve traveled most of the night. We need to sleep a few hours before another trip. We also need to take with us food and water. We're all going to sleep here for tonight,“ TM said to children. 

Sometime later Tal-Mishem and the children went to sleep. Peter and Sarah cuddled next to each other and on the warm and cozy belly of Tal-Mishem to fill warmer in the cold of the night.

"Are we going back home soon, Peter?

"Very soon Sarah, very soon I’m sure. Close your eyes and go to sleep, “Peter said.

"Are mom and dad looking for us? Sarah asked worriedly.

"Yes Sarah, of course, they are looking for us,“ Peter said.     

"Do you think TM knows if they’re coming? Can we talk to him?  Can we ask him now! Peter let’s talk to TM and ask him, “Sarah said aloud trying to keep Peter awake.

"Camels get tired too. Maybe he doesn't want to talk to us now

Sarah, “Peter said.

"Camels don't get tired. Camels can walk long distances without food or water and never get tired, “Sarah said.

“We're going to talk to Tal-Mishem tomorrow Sarah. Look at him! His eyes are already closed. He’s sleeping now. Let’s leave him alone, “Peter asked Sarah.

Sarah stared at the camel for a few seconds. A loud purr sound left Tal-Mishem lips. He was sleeping and snoring aloud like a large cat. "He’s sleeping. I'll talk to him tomorrow,“ Sarah said aloud.