The Camel King by Sir Maximus Basco - HTML preview

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A New King –


“Very well then, a new king I will be from this day on. I'll begin with honoring my oath to you. You guessed right the camel's riddle. Your daughter's freedom you will have today and now, "the king said.

The old mathematician's heart filled with happiness again. He was sad thinking the king could break his promise. That he could keep his daughter against her  will  in  his  palace.  The  old mathematicians now had only one worry. He needed to ask the king now that he wanted to be a just ruler. And he did ask again.

"Are the children we’re holding our prisoners just king?  "the mathematician asked.

"Of course not, no, they’re free to go. I will ask you to look after them. Also, call the English ambassador and return them to their parents, "the king said to his now court mathematician.

"Oh, mighty king, it pleases me and I accept. I'll look upon the children's welfare while in the palace. Perhaps my daughter Jaz-Min may help me. She could look after them when my duties are too many," said the mathematician.

"It pleases me too that you have thought of Jaz-Min to attend these children. She's free to do as she is pleased from this day on. Be it known to all in my kingdom. I've kept my oath to you. But I have a request to ask from you wise man," the king said.

"Please tell me, my king, what that request might be," the wise man asked.

"Uhmm....your daughter is free to go. But it would please me very much if she remains in my kingdom with you," the king said.

"And why is that mighty King? How could she serve you more than I can?  

“She is only a young maid with limited instruction. It’s not her fault though. She’s intelligent and loves numbers like your humble servant, me, "the old mathematician asked.

‘Uhmmm..." the king cleared his voice and said, "I find her most sincere. Her beauty pleases me very much. I would like to ask you for her hand. Marry her to be my only wife and queen of my kingdom," the king said as he looked at his father-in-law to be. 

The old mathematician smiled at the king and granted his daughter's hand to the king of Egypt.

“It would be my honor, my king for she is the love of my heart, “the new mathematician to the Egyptian court said with pride.

In the meantime, Peter heard voices filling his head. He held the giggling marbles in his hand. He heard them again. 

"Peteeeerrrr!  He heard his name called out. It was his mother’s voice. Her voice sounded very distant at first. It was too far to be heard well. Then, he heard his father’s voice too shouting their names. The voices louder and louder, he thought perhaps getting closer with the wind coming their way.

“Here! mom…here dad..! Both children shouted happily. The children cried out for help. Their mental message flew to their parents too. Minutes later a cloud of dust coming their way showed at the distance.

"Peteeeerrrr and Saraaaaaaaaah! Their parents’ voices heard clearly in their minds. 

“Your parents are coming. I have to go now. But I'll see you soon," Tal-Mishem said in a soft whisper fading away.

The English soldiers stopped. They greeted the king. At the head of the royal troops were the children's parents. They were announced to the king. A handful of English soldiers from the royal crown stood behind them. 

The captain of the king introduced the English envoy. An official from royal English crown and he said, “Mr. Maxwell Carnerhill ambassador for England in Egypt and Mrs. Carnerhill his wife are parents of these children. Then, both parents dismounted from their horses. 

They ran to their children. They hugged them and kissed them. Tears falling from their eyes for their hearts had filled with happiness again. They have missed them very much. They’ve gone everywhere looking for them. 

Days and weeks had passed from the day of their kidnap. Sarah embraced her mom saying, “I missed you so very much mom. I’m not afraid of camels anymore. You know the white talking camel is brave and kind too. He even talks, mom, “Sarah said. Her mother smiled at her. She understood.  she ran to her dad to tell him that too and tell him she loved him

very much. “We’ve also missed you very much, “her mom said to her in a whisper.

Dad, mom! Peter said, “believe me, we have something to tell you.

It’s about this camel. He roams the desert. He’s a white talking camel and he came to help us. He’s gone now!  Believe me dad, and mom. He roams the desert from here to there and then everywhere! Nobody can see him! Some people say he even flies sometimes. His coat turns white and it glows at night. It turns yellow or any color if he wants to hide. He’s also a king for his own kind and in his own constellation, Dad and mom. 

“Believe it, he’s tall and strong. He’s smart and talks in many languages. If you came across him and you could see him. He’s fantastic!! 

“He would talk to you in English and French, or Portuguese and Spanish. Even mentally and you would understand him. He’s very smart too. He knows of numbers and faraway stars, believe me. If he were human, he would be a prince or king for sure. He’s kind and brave! Peter said from his heart.

Their parents were glad the camel had helped them to escape. They winked an eye to each other. Peter hugged her mom and his dad one more time. Then, together they all hugged again. Peter and Sarah followed their parents. Horses waited for them to travel back to Cairo. 

“Common children. We’re going home!! Their mother called out.

“You're going home, Peter and Sarah! 

We're all going where we belong!! Tal-Mishem said as he traveled home to millions of miles away. His mental goodbye got to the children. Both Peter and Sarah heard him and smiled. Peter closed his fingers over the magic marble in his pocket and asked. 

“Sarah, did you hear that? Sarah closed her finger over the giggler marble in her hand too and said, “Goodbye Tal-Mishem.  I’ll miss you too. See you soon PAUL-MISHEM!! She said and giggled. What did you call him..?? 

“I like Paul better than Tal. It’s a secret between him and me,” Sarah said and giggled again.

The king raised his hand along with his mathematician saying goodbye too. The king then said, “the White Talking Camel they’ve seen for they’ve indeed believed! For they are brave of heart and kind children indeed!




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