The Camel King by Sir Maximus Basco - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

A Camel King Too 


“The King of Camels He is! He is also a prince in his own world.

His fur as white as snow might be when you see him at night and of any color of the sands when seeing him at daylight. Its fur may even softly glow blueish hues with the moon’s light. His honey-brown eyes are large and round, but even when you think he’s sleeping he’s awake looking at everything around you.

His big eyes look like walnuts on his long snout and he might even wink an eye with thick long eyelashes if he wants to talk to you and say hello! Mr. Bernard said and went on to say more.

“When does come to the desert, Mr. Bernard,” Sarah ask curiously again.

“Well, he walks and runs in the desert anytime! He goes from here to there and then to anywhere at the speed of light. He’s a true free camel! Oh yes, listen to this. The story says there’re children who swear that this camel even walks on air and its hooves never touch the sands,” Mr. Bernard said in a whisper. 

“Can he fly indeed, like birds, Mr. Bernard,” Sarah asked surprised.

“Shssssssssssssss, says nothing about that.” He smiled and kept saying. “Ah, yes, but pay attention again. Nobody can see him or hear this camel. The story says that this is a unique camel indeed knowing many languages. A camel that talks like you and me, but nobody can hear. Only children can see and hear him, they say! Yes. Only those who are brave and kind of heart like you are children! 

“Only those, of course, will get to see the White Talking Camel says this fairytale. The camel of Ali Baba in the old, old days this camel learned many languages from many men and now talks like you and me! 

 “Is he for real Mr. Bernard?  Peter asked once more.

"But of course, my dear! Again, pay attention to this tale. For they say that this camel one day escaped from Ali-Baba's herd of a thousand camels. Yes! He did escape to the desert; he went to be free again for he valued his freedom more than anything. More than jewels and gold, more than food and water he values his freedom, “Mr. Bernard whispered the words like a secret between them.

Peter and Sarah stood without moving, not wanting to go anywhere, but only wanting to listen to Mr. Bernard’s story. "Aaahh, for sure it’s going to come to you, children. The White Talking Camel crosses the desert anytime from here to there, day or night, they say. I'm sure you’re going to meet him when he wants to come to you," the postal clerk said.

“Where does come, Mr. Bernard? 

“Ahh, children, children, the White Talking Camel is of the finest family.  He is also a camel king from afar, from a faraway nation and from a million miles and many Constellations he flew one day. “Are you of a brave heart and kind? Of course, you are; then you’re going to see him and I have no doubt he’ll come to you, and to you, Sarah,“ Mr. Bernard said looking at the Carnerhill kids.

“I can't wait to go looking for this camel. We should leave today, look for him and ride on his back," Peter said enthused. Then, as if remembering something else, Mr. Bernard said again.  

"But listen to me well children for many desert bandits are going to say to you, “Hey little kid and your sister! Come here, and you also come to me here! They could say it in a soft whisper. 

“Here come and see my camel. Shhsssssss be quiet. This is the real White Talking Camel! Yes!

“Ride on it for three wishes but pay me now one coin of gold. Ohh…Children, children! Do not believe them! It's all a trick and be aware of liars! 

“We won’t listen to them, Mr. Bernard, right Sarah? Peter said asking his sister, and she nodded her head,

“There is only one camel like this, yes only one indeed. The one with the most shining white coat he is! He is tall and strong. If he were human, a prince or king he would be here! He is also smart and knows much about numbers and stars. 

He knows of constellations and the history of many nations for he has traveled the Universe. Be aware in many languages he may also talk to you two! 

“You might hear him talking in English and Portuguese saying good morning or bom dia! Then, he also may talk to you in  French or

Spanish. He might say to you “Bon jour talking in French or Buenos Dias talking to you in Spanish,“ Mr. Bernard said smiling at them.

“What’s his name, Mr. Bernard? Sarah asked curiously in all her innocence.

“Oh, my dear children you are going to know when he comes to you the first time. He will lower his front legs for you to jump on his back.

He’s going to wink an eye and say “hello I’m the talking camel and this is my name you know but it’s a secret now between you and me!

And you’re going to ride on its back like a Sultan prince, Peter! You’re going to say the White Talking Camel has come to me!

“And you Sarah my dear, you are going to ride in this beautiful animal like an African queen! Mr. Bernard said with a smile, then winked an eye to the children's mom and both merrily laughed.

“Have you ever seen the White Camel, Mr. Bernard?  Peter asked his voice filled with curiosity.

"Oh, no, for I’ve never traveled like you going to Egypt. And if I were to travel now, I would have to be a child like you. I would have to be kind and brave to ride on a camel. 

“So, be brave and kind and go and find the White Talking Camel indeed, "the postal clerk said with a grin looking at Mrs. Carnerhill.

"C'mon children….we must go now for...Mr. Bernard our dear friend has letters to send. Perhaps places to dream about I’m sure. He'll tell us about the White Talking Camel the next time around.

Your father will send us another letter. We’re going to come again. Mrs. Carnerhill said.  She smiled at Mr. Bernard the mail clerk and friend. 

Then, pulling her kids to the door they went saying their goodbyes. The children wanted to ask many questions about the White Talking

Camel, but by then, their mother’s hands pulled them to the door. 

Outside Big Ben called London's time. Its musical chimes the children heard in wonder gazing at its tall tower. The old Ben’s clock rose over the river Thames. Boats of fishermen went under old London's Bridge waters. The bells played the Westminster Quarters notes at exactly a quarter-hour before five o'clock. 

Children, children! We need to go immediately. Their mother said with her children in tow. They all hurried to seek the street walking down quickly to call a horse carriage. When got in the carriage it was getting late for evening supper all over London.

Soon bedtime tales and stories would be read to the children before going to bed. Mrs. Carnerhill raised a waving hand and called a carriage; it stopped only a few feet from them and quickly she haggled a good traveling fair to pay and home they went away. 

Its sky covered with many soft shades of blues and pale pinkish mauves. The sun seemed to hide and going away as if wanting to sleep too. The dome of the sky looked like dragging yellows and soft grayish clouds like a veil of air covering all.

All carriages had lit their beacons for drivers to see, their wicks fluttered lighting the streets. London's Bridge stood over the river and its yellow walls glowed on the water as horse-drawn carriages went from one end to the other of the bridge over the Thames river. The carriage crossed the bridge, then it went through a few narrow streets. Sometime later, the carriage stopped in front of a large mansion house. 

The Carnerhill children jumped from the carriage and ran inside laughing. After supper, they wanted to get in bed soon. They wanted to fall asleep quickly to dream and dream of faraway places, they said. They wanted to dream of deserts and camels! Yes! They wanted to dream they played with many children around them. In their dream, they all could ride flying on camel’s back and above over the desert!

In their dreams, they wanted to ride on the back of the White Talking Camel! The king of camels they were sure would come and be in their dreams. They hopped into bed quickly saying good night to their mom. They gave her a hug and they got a kiss from her going to sleep.