The Embellisher by E.C. Garcia - HTML preview

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Bang, Bang

I close my eyes and cup my hands over my ears when I hear multiple gun shots being fired. When the noise stops I’m terrified to see what has happened to Bree.

I slowly open my eyes and my jaw drops open as I see her still standing. The demons and the Taker also stare at her in disbelief.

Her arm is stretched out in front of her and the palm of her hand is lifted towards the Taker. As my eyes adjust I see that six bullets are now floating in mid-air and have stopped right in front of her hand. She moves her fingers over each bullet and with one grasp she traps them all into her fist. Then she slowly draws her arm backwards, and from her closed hand the steel from the bullets start to transform into a long blade. In merely seconds Bree is holding a sword large enough to take out a dragon.

I watch in amazement as Bree charges the demons and the Taker. One of the demons runs towards her to attack, but he is quickly destroyed when Bree spins around and swipes the sword across the middle of his body. His upper torso detaches from his lower half and black goop that is his insides gushes everywhere. His remains fall to the ground and turn to ashes, then completely disappear into the earth’s soil.

The next demon manages to strike Bree in the face and knocks her to the floor. He lunges at her while she’s down. Bree turns the sword upwards from where she lays and it dives straight into his chest. He practically explodes right above her and she quickly rolls to the side to avoid the massive amount of black sludge that falls to the floor.

The two demons left have teamed up. One stands to her right and the other to her left. They attack at the same time. One reaches to grab her while the other kicks his leg towards her chest. Bree is too quick for them.

In one sudden move she swings her sword from left to right in a zigzag motion. The demon to the left gets struck first and loses his hand by a slice of the blade. When it falls to the floor his fingernails shrivel up and turn to maggots.

Then the demon on the right gets clipped by the tip of the sword and loses his foot. Each time she swings her weapon from side to side they each lose a body part. The last thing to go is their heads. I gag when I see them plop to the ground and turn to ash.

The only one left is the Taker who slowly steps away from Bree. He holds his hands up to surrender.

“Surely you will not kill the innocent flesh I have possessed,” he says.

“This human you have taken, he went willingly,” says Lukas. “Eventually the ones who wish to die for their master will be obliged. All evil will soon perish.”

“Well then,” says the Taker, “until we meet again.” He turns away from us and runs into the woods. I can hear him laughing manically as he moves into the distance.

“Lukas, we cannot let him escape,” says Forrest.

“There is still time for the human to let go. We cannot give up on him that easily,” says Lukas. Everyone stays silent.

I look ahead of us to see the four human bodies that were possessed still lying on the floor unconscious. Their appearance is now normal and no longer grotesque.

“What will happen to them?” I ask.

“When they awaken they will not remember any of this,” says Lukas, “and we will pray for them in hopes that they will be grateful for another tomorrow. They shall see it as a chance to start over.”

 Bree walks over to us and catches her breath.

“Whew!” she smiles. “Call me little one more time Lukas,” she laughs and everyone joins in.


After an hour of tearful farewells and long hugs from Lukas we prepare to let him go. I didn’t realize the Goldens all seem to be as close to him as I was. I try to imagine what it will be like without him, but I don’t want to think about this too much because of the sadness it brings.

Before he departs Lukas pulls me, Bree, and Ainsley to the side to speak with us.

“All of you have come to terms with His decision to let your loved ones pass and you may be wondering where they have ended up,” he says. “Each of them sacrificed their life in the name of love, a strong component in the eyes of God. In the last days you will be reunited with them, but they will look different since the light from within them has faded from their time spent waiting in darkness. Knowing their hearts were once strong there may still be a chance for you to redeem their souls.”

All of us perk up when we hear this.

“You can choose to confront them but know that they may be very dangerous. They will likely see evil and embrace it before they see the light. If you find it possible to remind them of the unconditional love they once held for each of you and help them see the truth, then God will give them another chance and take them away from the wicked. They will have a chance to be judged and join the rest. However, be sure to always focus on your mission. Do not get distracted by your desire to save them because there is no guarantee,” says Lukas.

I’m now hopeful of the chance to save my brother. I’ll never forget how he tried to protect me, but I remind myself that the battle is far from over.

“I will see you all again soon,” Lukas smiles at all of us. “I know you will all do well and make Him proud. When the time comes find me on the battlefield and we will fight side by side. Goodbye my friends.”  

Then Lukas begins to fade into the golden dust and is swept away by a strong breeze. I want to run after him, but I don’t want my new family members to think I’m weak. We all stand quietly for a moment until Ainsley looks at me and breaks the silence.

“So Zenny,” she speaks, “how well do you handle a sword?”


Dear God,

Before all this happened I thought I was damaged beyond repair. I thought there was no hope for me. I regrettably had forgotten about you and it was a scary time.

I have no excuse for my behavior, because there is none that will justify my trying to hide from you. Even the weakness that overwhelmed me could have been conquered if I would have just let myself be found.

You still reached out to me when I was broken, and I mean really falling into pieces. Thank you for fixing me. This feeling that consumes me now is one I can’t explain but it has been the strongest since the moment I asked for your forgiveness and let you in. Even on days when I struggle in this world that peaceful warmth still lingers within me. I will pray to you every day so that it never disappears. Even as the world tries to disprove Your existence they cannot take away this indescribable feeling that assures me You are near.

Please give me the strength I need to endure what is to come and to help save your people that are still lost. I’m scared for the ones who do not see the bigger picture and choose to live each day by only viewing a single frame. Use me in any way you can to help them see. Forgive them for forgetting who they are and what they’re capable of. I was like them and you saved me. Surely if they seek you they will find you.

I may be young but I graciously accept your mission and I will share Your story with the world. I know great danger lies ahead. I no longer welcome death, but I also do not fear it.

In the end I will never forget what I'm fighting for.


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