The Forest of Evergreen: Lost in the Wilderness by Teresa May B. Bandiola - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


The waiting became almost unbearable when Sophia finally opened her eyes and gawked at her family. They were all there to offer her a grand breakfast, along with their shimmering and hopeful smiles.

Childlike, Sophia squeezed her eyes shut and tried to understand things in the midst of oblivion. Then, she rolled her eyes at everyone, and finally came to realize that maybe, they were her family indeed.

“Are you my family?” she asked, in a very small voice.

Up close, they glowed and nodded, agreeing silently. 

In her highest spirits, Grandma Lucy rushed to hug her, and there was no way that Sophia could ever make a move, for she was entirely buried.

Is she? Sophia thought and lingered looking at the rest, with more questions in her mind that needed immediate answers.

Elizabeth feasted her eyes on her daughter, and couldn’t wait for Grandma Lucy to finally release her, so she could embrace her, too. 

The Vabuerettis came to her, one by one, and introduced themselves, in the easiest way they could.

“Your name is Sophia,” Elizabeth told her daughter, with a smile that hovered between delight and sympathy. “You are a kind and lovable daughter, and also an adorable sister to Alex and Nadine,” she added as she pointed her finger at Alex and Nadine, respectively.

“Welcome back, Sophie!” Nadine cheered, at the top of her voice. “I miss you tickling me because of my nasty jokes about you,” she said, simpering.

They all laughed at what Nadine said, perhaps swayed by their combined gladness and excitement, for Sophia. 

Sophia’s face crumpled, and she looked at Nadine deeply, trying her best to recognize her.

“You are such a clown, Nad,” Alex praised Nadine and muddled her hair gently. “How blessed we are to have you! You’re such an angel!”

Nadine laughed, and everyone was enchanted by such good rapport arising from all of them. To keep it going, Bea offered them some muffins. 

Bea’s scene-steal captivated Sophia’s attention. Sophia looked at her for so long, and wondered who she was in her life. 

Bea just flashed her a smile but behind it were her sympathy… and hidden hopes.

* * *

IN FOREST GREEN, Jericho instantaneously got up and found himself sleeping at the lake house, in the front porch. He was surprised at where he just got himself into. Fortunately for him, there were no people who visited the lake house. He looked around and saw an empty bottle of whisky beside him. 

Oh, man! What have I done? He scratched his head.

He immediately stood up, took the empty bottle, and started his car. Then, he was back to the reality that Sophia didn’t remember him anymore. His heart was breaking, but he had to go back to the town proper, to his responsibility as one of the town’s doctors. But how could he ever do the same things again when he couldn’t even be responsible for his own self? Now, there were no more bridges to Sophia’s life! Memories were the only ones that linked them, and her amnesia was just the dead-end, for them both, now…

He was blank while driving when his car went slower and slower, not knowing, that he was now running out of gas.

“Nice!” He banged the steering wheel in irony. Walking, now, was a choice he must pursue. He got out of the car and called Sophia’s name again and again. He neared the cliff and called her name even louder. 

Amidst those screams were nothing but echoes. 

“Sophia, I miss you!” he cried. He was too lost so that he didn’t notice that the sun finally settled in the west. He just stayed there until a vehicle’s light kindled, before his very eyes. It was Reuben, searching the whole town for him.

“There you are!” Reuben’s exhausted voice resonated concern. “I’ve been looking all over for you. I knew you would be in the lake house,” he sighed, shaking his head, with its fine, aging lines.

Still in pain, Jericho joined him in his truck and begged him for another shot of tequila.

* * *

AFTER MANY SESSIONS of therapy and various tests, Sophia was finally allowed to leave the hospital.

Alex and Nadine, to compensate for things, had prepared a superb welcome-back party for their sister. They invited Zarah and almost everyone who knew Sophia.

When they arrived home, Sophia was surprised to see people of her age coming to hug her. Tired and confused, she did not bother walking out of the party and she, somehow, enjoyed everyone’s company. 

Zarah and some of their classmates sang for her, hoping to flash back into her mind the same scenarios of yesterdays. 

That entire night, Sophia appeared like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, too soon to open its wings and fly away, and as the event progressed, her parents watched her from time to time, sneakily, hoping for her return to her old self!