The Greenhouse (The Greenhouse Duology Series, Book #1) by Steven Bowman and Katie Christy - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine

Then Alexandria drove them to the palace. “Why do you want to come here, daddy?” questioned Quantavius.

“Because I wanted you all to meet George VI, King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Common- wealth,” Mr. Pryce answered.

Then they headed through the gates, only to come to a halt. “And who are you guys?” asked the guard. “To who are you here to see?” “We’re here to see England’s George VI, please,” answered Alexandria.

“What for?” asked the other guard. “Well, he’s not here right now,” the guard continued, “but I order you to leave the palace grounds at once!”

So, they left the palace grounds and went to another place that Mr. Pryce wanted to visit. “Take me to see my great-uncle, please.” Mr. Pryce asked.

“What for?” questioned Alexandria. “Because I want to tell him I’m dying soon,” Mr. Pryce answered, “and I want him to come to my beloved funeral.”

Mr. Pryce gave them directions to his great-uncle’s house, and they helped him out of the car after they got there, and they went into the house.

“Good afternoon,” said Mr. Pryce’s great-uncle, “and what are you doing here, Keithan?” “Mason Pryce, I have terrible news,” Mr. Pryce answered.

“So, how come there’s always bad news?” Mason said, astonishing. “I’m dying in two weeks,” said Mr. Pryce. “Mason, could you please come to my funeral?”

Then the room was completely silent, and nothing was making a noise, not even the slightest sounds if a squeaking mouse.

“Sure, Keithan,” Mason responded, “I would love to come, but don’t you forget me.” “I’m sure I won’t, Mason,” Mr. Pryce says, “I’m just gonna have to miss you all.”

Then they left Mason’s house and went back to Mr. Pryce’s house to help Mr. Pryce water his garden one last time. And Mr. Pryce said his goodbyes to the animals that burrowed under his garden, including Fluffleton.

“Bloody hell!” screamed Quantavius. “Why God? Why did he have to end up like this?” As this day passed, they all headed to sleep. And Alexandria kept a close eye on Mr. Pryce to make sure that he wouldn’t die in his sleep.

And then the next morning came, and the sun was shining so brightly that the sounds of birds chirping were buzzing throughout the air.

Mr. Pryce and Alexandria drank tea together and had fun. “Would you like some more tea?” asked Alexandria. Mr. Pryce responded with a “yes” and thanked his wife.

“Thank you, kindly, dear.” Mr. Pryce says to Alexandria. Then Quantavius woke up from his slumber, tired and wanting some breakfast as well.

Alexandria served them breakfast, and they ate it until they were stuffed from eating so much. “What shall we do today, daddy?” asked Quantavius.

“Let’s go out to the park, please,” answered Mr. Pryce, “then we can get some ice cream from a place that I know on Kensington Avenue.”

Afterwards, they walked to the park together; as Alexandria and Quantavius helped Mr. Pryce get there.

“Let’s go to Sumton Park, please,” Mr. Pryce insisted, “it is right next to the avenue that has the ice cream place, okay?” So, they walked to the park that Mr. Pryce insisted they go to.

And there they watched as the children played on the playing grounds. They watched and watched until they got bored and left. They left at ten o’clock sharp in the morning.

Then they walked to the ice cream place that Mr. Pryce suggested, and they got the ice cream that they wanted. “Ooh, what kind do I want?” asked Quantavius.

“Please get what you want, Sonny,” Mr. Pryce answered, “as long as I’m paying, get whatever you want.” Then Quantavius got at least three flavors that he didn’t know about.

“What kind is this one, ma’am?” Quantavius asked the amiable lady. “It is strawberry, sir,” answered the amiable lady, “is that what you want, sir?”

Quantavius just picked the flavor and two more, “What kind is this one?” “It’s cookies-n-cream, sir,” she answered, “do you want this flavor?”

Then Quantavius chose the flavor, and that left him with one flavor. “Let me guess, this one. Is it chocolate?” “Yes,” answered the lady, “do you want it?”

So, Quantavius chose the flavor, and that was it for him. Then it was Alexandria’s turn for her flavors. She picked the flavors and sat down to eat them.

Then Mr. Pryce chose his own and then sat with his wife and then came along Quantavius. And they all sat together, eating their ice cream flavors and enjoying their ice cream while it lasted.

“Where do you wanna go next, daddy?” asked Quantavius. “Let’s just go home for the rest of the day,” Mr. Pryce answered. So, they went back to Mr. Pryce’s house after their ice cream.

After they returned to Mr. Pryce’s house, it became the afternoon, and they rested until nightfall, which became the end of the day.

Then they did nothing for five days, and that turned from five days to a week. And then it was the month of August, still in the year of 1950.

Then it came to Mr. Pryce’s funeral, and they all gathered to attend his funeral. Then they got a pastor named Pastor Randy Schultz.

And then they sang “Amazing Grace” as they carried Mr. Pryce’s body to the front of the service.  Pastor Randy said a soft prayer as they carried the body to the front.

Then Forrester said the Lord’s Prayer aloud: “Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.

Then they sang “Holly, Holy, Holy” and other hymns too. Then they all gave a quick speech about Mr. Pryce. Alexandria and Quantavius started it off, and then Forrester. And then the rest of them said their speeches and said their last goodbyes.

Then Pastor Randy sang more hymns as they were done, carrying Mr. Pryce’s body to the front. Then they all prayed for Mr. Pryce. And that was Mr. Pryce’s funeral.