The JC Team by Sr.Mary Joe CSN - HTML preview

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The Team Gets Bigger

That afternoon, the market was packed with shoppers.

Andrew had been assigned to buy food for the team's journey to Galilee the next day. As he was buying bread, a familiar voice called out, “Andrew!” Andrew turned around and caught sight of his friend Philip, from their town, Bethsaida.

Andrew beamed and embraced him “It’s been so long since I last saw you, Philip!”

“I have been to your home. I heard that you and Simon have become disciples of a new prophet?” Philip enquired.

Andrew nodded. “His name is Jesus of Nazareth. Would you like to meet him?”

“Yes, I would,” Philip expressed interest.

“We are going to Galilee tomorrow morning. How about meeting at the synagogue there?” Andrew proposed. Philip agreed.

So when Jesus and his disciples reached Galilee the next day, Philip met them there. He took an instant liking to Jesus.

The power of his words, the simplicity of his nature, and the kindness in his gestures drew him to Jesus’ amazing personality.

Jesus invited him into the team. “Would you like to join us, Philip? Come with me.”

Philip was all for it.

That evening, as he returned home to make arrangements for his new venture, Philip came across his friend Nathanael sitting beneath a fig tree and reading the holy book , the Torah.


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The JC Team

“Nathanael, I just met an amazing person! A great prophet who preaches with such power and authority! He will definitely inspire you. Such charisma and power flow from him! He has invited me to become his disciple, and I have agreed to it,” Philip spoke with enthusiasm.

Nathanael looked up. “Who are you talking about, Philip?”

“Jesus of Nazareth!” announced Philip.

“Nazareth? Will anything good ever come from that place?” wondered Nathanael.

“Well, I just saw one good from there,” Philip persisted.

“You are reading the Book of the Law, aren’t you? Well, I believe that ‘The One’ Moses and the prophets have written about in the Law, is Jesus, son of Joseph, from Nazareth.

Would you like to meet him?”

Nathanael sighed, “No, Philip. I still doubt if Nazareth could give us worthy prophets. Besides, I’m quite disturbed now. I just got into a tussle with the temple officials today.”

“What happened?” Philip asked.


The JC Team

“I spoke against them for being so stringent about the Sabbath rules. The Sabbath was meant to be a day of prayer and rest, but it has now become a day of ‘fear’ and ‘unrest’ –

‘fear’ of breaking the Sabbath rules and ‘unrest’ if unavoidable work has been done on that day, for it is labeled as ‘sin’.”

“What did they say?”

Nathanael replied sadly, “They told me I was not a true Jew, as I did not respect the Sabbath that Yahweh pronounced. Then they quoted the Scriptures related to the Sabbath and condemned me.” Nathanael briefly paused and shook his head in dismay. “I do not know if what I believe is true or what they claim is right in Yahweh’s sight. I wish someone could tell me.”

“Let us go to Jesus. Let us hear what he has to say about this,” Philip proposed.

“I don’t want to meet any prophet. I’m not sure if I can trust any of them. I’m praying here for an angel to come and speak to me. The angels are closer to God. They know better.” Nathanael said jokingly, but deep down, he really hoped for something like that to happen.

Philip laughed, “You are sitting beneath this fig tree waiting for an angel to come and tell you what you should and should not do on the Sabbath? You’ll be waiting till your beard grows grey!” Placing his hand affectionately on Nathanael’s shoulder, Philip spoke, “My friend, Jesus is not like the other prophets you have met before. I assure you, he has the answers to the questions that are disturbing you right now. Come and see.”

Nathanael finally relented, and the next evening, the two friends went to see Jesus.

Jesus sat on the soft grass of the green meadow, encircled by his disciples, teaching them about the significance of 34

The JC Team

cultivating a bond of trust and love with the Heavenly Father.

“God sees your heart...deep inside of you. It isn’t the external pious practices you do or the customs and rituals you meticulously follow. It’s your heart that matters, what is inside that counts.”

The instant Jesus’ eyes fell on Philip and Nathanael walking towards them, Jesus stopped speaking and a gentle smile appeared on his face. He greeted them warmly,

“Welcome Philip! I see you have brought along a companion.”

“This is my friend Nathanael. He is….”

Jesus cut in, “He is a real Israelite, a true Jew! He needn’t worry about what others say for his heart is true.”

Philip glanced at Nathanael and smiled.

Nathanael asked curiously, “We are meeting for the first time. How can you be so sure of me?”

Jesus said, “This is not our first meeting. We met a while ago beneath the fig tree as you were rueing over the Sabbath rules…just before Philip called you!”

Nathanael grew suspicious. “I don’t remember seeing you there. And I was not rueing over the Sabbath rules. God made the Sabbath!”

Jesus nodded. “There was a purpose for it. The Sabbath was supposed to be the day when man, after a week of hard work, could spend some peaceful time with God in prayer and companionship. The reason God said to put off all other work on that day was because He wanted man to rest that day and spend quality time with Him. It was not to burden him with 'dos' and 'don'ts' that would spoil his peace and set him at unease. Your mind has lost its peace and your face reflects unease.” Jesus smiled, “Peace be with you, Nathanael!'”


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Nathanael’s mouth fell open! How perfectly Jesus had read his thoughts!

Nathanael exclaimed, “Truly, you are the Son of God! The King of Israel whom Moses and the prophets wrote about.”

Jesus responded, “You say this because I told you I saw you beneath the fig tree? You will see even greater things than this, Nathanael…when you are with me. As you desired, you will see Heaven open and angels come down. You will witness a new communion between angels and humans, a friendship between Heaven and Earth that will be established through the Son of Man who is seated at the right hand of God the Father…even closer than the angels are.”


The JC Team